英语翻译中国封建社会的人际关系被概括在两个“五伦”的公式中:Ⅰ天、地、君、亲、师 Ⅱ君臣、父子、夫妻、兄弟、朋友 在封建时代,中国有两个最高的价值准则,一个叫忠,一个叫孝,忠

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:47:55
英语翻译中国封建社会的人际关系被概括在两个“五伦”的公式中:Ⅰ天、地、君、亲、师 Ⅱ君臣、父子、夫妻、兄弟、朋友 在封建时代,中国有两个最高的价值准则,一个叫忠,一个叫孝,忠
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英语翻译中国封建社会的人际关系被概括在两个“五伦”的公式中:Ⅰ天、地、君、亲、师 Ⅱ君臣、父子、夫妻、兄弟、朋友 在封建时代,中国有两个最高的价值准则,一个叫忠,一个叫孝,忠
葬玉,是专门为保存尸体而制造的.它在古玉中占有很大的比例,主要有、九窍塞、玉和握玉4种.满城汉墓发现玉衣 2件.每件玉衣由头罩、上身、袖子、手套、裤筒和鞋 6个部分组成.每部分又各有多个部件.各部件都是由许多小玉片用纤细的金线缕编缀成的.所以称为“金缕玉衣”.这种“金缕”的只有皇帝死后可以使用,但有时皇帝特赐给他的亲王或大臣.级别较低的只能使用银、铜线缕或鎏金的铜缕来编缀.一件玉衣所需要的小玉片总数常达2000多片.这种玉衣从1968~1978年的10年间,陆续发现22件.其时代均不晚于东汉,可能是由于魏文帝黄初三年 (222)下诏禁用玉衣的缘故.九窍塞是填塞或遮盖死者的耳、目、口、鼻、肛门和生殖器等9个窍孔之用的,目的是防止体内的“精气”由九窍逸出.同时也企图使“死者为之不朽”.一般的死者,口含玉蝉,这在汉代,比较普遍.至于它取形于蝉的原因,可能是由于蝉的生活史的循环可以象征着变形和复活.汉代的握玉,最初为璜形,如满城汉墓所出,但到了东汉初年,握玉便换为豚形的.这种玉豚在东汉和魏晋南北朝墓中出土不少.这些作为葬玉的玉蝉和玉豚,都是造型粗糙,主要是为了起巫术的作用.

英语翻译中国封建社会的人际关系被概括在两个“五伦”的公式中:Ⅰ天、地、君、亲、师 Ⅱ君臣、父子、夫妻、兄弟、朋友 在封建时代,中国有两个最高的价值准则,一个叫忠,一个叫孝,忠
China's feudal society,relationships are summarized in two "five relationships" of the formula:
Ⅰ heaven,earth,monarch,parents,teachers
Ⅱ monarch and officials,father and son,husband and wife,brothers,friends
In feudal times,China has the highest values of the two,a man named Zhong,called filial piety,loyalty is a political concept,called a voluntary obedience and loyalty to follow.Xiao Xiao is also called,is modeled on,the children follow their parents called filial obedience.Chunghsiao concept remains today,but some changes in form.For example,we often use "naughty" word,a good evaluation of subordinates,a good boy.Obey what it meant,when it as a political value,nothing more than "loyalty" when it used to evaluate the child,the definition is "Filial Piety."
Jade at the moment in the cultural life of the rights of representation for the ritual:
Jade ritual use."Zhou Li" in the so-called "six Swiss" (six Ruiyu) fall within this category,"Six Swiss" includes bi,cong,Guyana,Zhang,Hu,Huang.This is actually the Warring States to Han Dynasty of the ceremony later years scientists idealized ritual systems in the world.Where bi and Kyu Han dynasty may continue to use for the ritual.Cong and Zhang seems to have not produced in the Han Dynasty.Even if occasionally unearthed,is an old jade at the old re-use,not as a "Ruiyu" use.Han Bi inherited the tradition of the Warring States Period.In addition to the factors usually bi no pattern and engraved with a simple pattern of the Po valley bi bi and beyond,but also flourishing in the Po valley pattern or patterns on the outside plus a week cut in the Niaowen or wild animal,some outside in the margin plus a group of animals or groups of openwork patterns.
Jade burial,is specifically manufactured to preserve the body.It occupies a large proportion of jade,mainly,Jiuqiao plug,jade and jade grip 4.The city is found in Han Yu Yi 2.Each jade clothing from the hood,upper body,sleeves,gloves,and shoes Kutong 6 parts.Each part has its own multiple parts.All parts are used by many Xiaoyu thin film of gold thread compiled into a suffix of.So called "jade dress." This "Gold Thread" can be used only after the death of the emperor,but sometimes the emperor gave his special prince or minister.Lower-level can only use silver,copper gilt copper thread or thread to code suffix.A jade suit the needs of the total number of regular Xiaoyu film more than 2000 pieces.This jade clothing from 1968 to 1978 of 10 years,22 cases have been discovered.The time not later than the Han,Wei Wendi Huang may be due to the early years (222) issued an edict to disable the sake jade clothes.Jiuqiao plug is filling or covering the dead ears,head,mouth,nose,anus and genitals and other orifices 9 holes of the use,to prevent the body's "fine air" by Jiuqiao escape.Also attempt to make "the dead whom immortality." General dead,mouth with Cicadas,which in the Han Dynasty,more generally.As it take shape in the cicada reason may be due to the cycle of the cicada's life cycle can be a symbol of deformation and resurrection.Han Dynasty jade grip,initially Juan shape,such as the city is by the Han,but the Eastern Han dynasty,jade grip will change as the dolphin-shaped.This jade dolphins in the Eastern Han Dynasty and Wei tombs unearthed a lot.Cicadas such as jade and jade burial dolphins are rough shape,Etched simple,mainly to play the role of witchcraft.