
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:16:27
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太巧了 我才主持完我们学校2009CCTV选拔赛 这个是自己写的稿子 可以直接修改下用~
:Good evening,
~ladies and gentlemen,
L: Welcome to the 2 English Speaking Contest.
L:In order to improve the students’ English speaking abilities and present the English teaching accomplishments, we hold this competition tonight.
N:As we know, English is very important for the medical students, so
English speaking contest is also warmly welcomed by us. More than hundred students took part in the preliminary contest. top 10 of them finally stand out.
L Let’s look forward to their wonderful performance today.
L:Now, let’s introduce our honorable guests and distinguished judges tonight.
The guests coming to the competition today are:
N: Our judges for today’s competition are:
N Let’s warmly welcome their attendance.
N: The whole contest is divided into two parts.
The first part is the prepared speech. The titles are given before the contest, each speaker will give a speech lasting about three minutes. today our topic is “Smile and the world smiles with you
the second part is the impromptu speech. Each contestant will choose randomly out of a bunch of topics 5 minutes before going onto the stage. After giving the prepared speech, the contestant should present the chosen topic to us and we will show it to you. The time limit for this part is 2 minutes.
The one is the prepared speech,” and the other is the impromptu speech. Each contestant has 3 minutes to give the prepared speech and two minutes’ impromptu speech. contestant will choose one number and it will determine his impromptu topic.Please pay attention that if you speak over the time, you will be stopped.
李: All of the speeches will be judged according to their content, linguistic competence and stage performance. The total score is 100 points. The speech Content accounts for 30 percent, linguistic competence 40 percent, and stage performance 30 percent.
N:In the competition among all the contestants, 1 person will get the first prize, 2 second prize, 3 the third prize and 4 for the excellence award. Wish you all good luck!
Dear audience, if you are quick-mined, you may know the results already. But let us first announce the winners for single item prizes. The winner of THE MOST CREATIVE is…; Now let us welcome her/him to come to the stage. Then THE BEST CONTENT goes to…, please come to the stage; then winner of THE BEST MANNER….; then winner of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PRONUNCIATION….;
L: Today our topic is. All of the contestants get ready.
Now it’s your show time -------------welcome contestant NO.1 ——— from company1 .
…… ……
: We have appreciated their wonderful performance; let’s look forward to the final results.
L:Please welcome pro. yangmin to announce the final results
N:well,how exciting the contest is! I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 10 contestants. . That’s all for today’s contest Thank you very much
L:Thanks for our guests and judges, all the contestants and audience, thanks for all of you!
N:See you next year
A: Have a good night

Good morning/afternoon/evening,our guest of honour,Mr Zhang,President Mr Wang,and friends,
Today we gather at this joyous occasion to celebrate the 50th ann...


Good morning/afternoon/evening,our guest of honour,Mr Zhang,President Mr Wang,and friends,
Today we gather at this joyous occasion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foundation of our company.As all of you must know very well,our company was founded in 1969 by Mr Wang Hu who had devoted his whole life to building up this company.After him,his successors have inherited his spirit of adventure and honesty which are the qualities that we,as members of the company,are most proud of.-------(continue talking about history of the company)
Without further ado,let us invite our distinguished guest of honour,Mr Zhang,the mayor,to speak to us.Let us welcome Mr Zhang!
Thank you Mr Zhang.That was a most inspiring speech.Now is the time for fun and celebration.We have a series of programmes coming up and I know you are all impatient to see them.First,let us welcome Xiao Zhang and his dance group who will bring you the most powerful and intriguing breakdance you have ever seen.Welcome.
Let us give another warm round of applause to Xiang Zhang and his fellow dancers.That was a very mesmerising dance.Followed by that,we have----
All good times come to an end.It is mid-evening now and our joyous celebration has come to the end.Thank you all for your time and attention.This is certainly a most memorable occasion.Remember that,although the celebration has ended,the spirit of our company lives on.


英语讲演主持词!麻烦有经验的朋友帮忙写点类似的主持词,演讲的主题自拟,重点是“实”尽量贴近工作中,公司中,息息相关的事件即可.没有英语主持经验.只是领导为了弄个英语演绎会,主题 谁知道怎么用英语主持英语角吗?最好能留下详细的句子 第一次当主持 有经验的前辈麻烦帮帮忙! 怎样才能坚持学英语,有没有自学英语成功的朋友,帮忙介绍下经验 我想自学英语,有经验的朋友请帮忙介绍一些书,基础不是很好. 教大学英语 试讲怎么准备?第一次有点害怕,请有经验的朋友多多帮忙, 帮忙总结下主持英语活动时的串词就是主持英语晚会时用的,比方说发动观众鼓掌啦,鼓励观众上台啦,等等 总之可能用到的都麻烦帮忙总结下,可以写个大概启发我一下, 想给宝宝英语早教,有经验的朋友能给点意见吗? 麻烦是朋友的英语怎么写 写一组像“演讲——讲演”这样的词 麻烦懂英语的朋友帮忙翻译下面一句话Mr li的手机忘记带了,遗留在办公室,如果有事情请写邮件. 文笔好的朋友请帮忙写一篇作文,话题是“评价一个主持人的主持风格”,1500字, 请问如何学好生物,求有经验的学霸传授经验.麻烦写的具体点,不要太抽象如:认真听课, 请问如何学好化学,求有经验的学霸传授经验.麻烦写的具体点,不要太抽象如:认真听课, 英语主持演讲稿我们班每周都演讲 有一个主持人和一个演讲者,请大家帮忙写一份主持人的演讲稿主要流程:介绍演讲者 欢迎上台 找同学评论 结束 英语 主持词英语节中英文结合的主持词. "主持的"英语怎么写? 急急,请帮我翻译下面的主持词成英语,万分感谢以下是小弟我的紧急任务……唉,很多“中国特色”的词不太会翻译啊,请有相关经验的同志们帮忙啊... 自动翻译生成的就算了,谢谢!“各位领导 求初一英语的教学方法,麻烦有教学经验的英语老师朋友给予赐教,