
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 07:50:17
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mope (dawdle,gloomy) 闲荡,闷闷不乐 ● When I have no date on Saturday,I just stay home and mope about in the house.星期六晚上,如果我没有约会,我只好呆在屋子里闷闷不乐.● After I moped around for a few weeks,my friends gave me a surprise party for my B-day.闷闷不乐地过了几个星期后,我的朋友 出奇不意地为我举行了一个生日晚会.mortify (humiliate,embarrass) 羞辱,(羞,吓,怕……)死了 ● He is so gross,I was totally mortified when I realize he was my blind.他这么粗鲁无理,当我知道他是我盲目约会的对象时,我真是吓死了.● I was mortified when my mother paged me on the store intercom.我妈妈在商店的扩音器叫我的时候,我真是难为情死了.mosh (dance,going crazy to music) 跳舞 ● When a fast song came on,everybody started moshing.当开始放快节奏音乐的时候,大家开始跳舞.● People get hurt in mosh floor a lot.有人在跳舞场所受伤(跳得太剧烈狂野了).

above-over above表示"在……上方":We flew above the clouds. over也可表示这种意思,有时两者可以换用:We saw a plane above(over)the house. A lamp was hanging over(above)the table. 但over可表示"在……上面":Spread a cloth over the table. S...


above-over above表示"在……上方":We flew above the clouds. over也可表示这种意思,有时两者可以换用:We saw a plane above(over)the house. A lamp was hanging over(above)the table. 但over可表示"在……上面":Spread a cloth over the table. She wore a shawl over her shoulders. 这时不能用above. 两者都可用於引申意义,表示"超过","……多":Above 200 people were there. It weighs above(over)ten tons. Its population is over two million. 但表示温度,高度时多用above:The temperature is ten degrees above zero. The summit of that mount is above 8000
