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赢得那些社会所赞赏的成就,其代价是人格的枯萎——荣格(本书p179页,第5行) 很久以前,我就下定决心做一个不合时宜的人,现在人们努力顺应时宜,所以大部分人不够性感.——英国时尚设计师亚历山大61麦昆 你要按你所想的去生活,否则,你迟早会按你生活的去想.——连岳 一、 荣格作为分析心理学的鼻祖,他的书绝对是值得读的.心理学的教材就像是营养餐,虽然营养全面,但没有滋味;而心理学家原著就像粤菜,能够保持原汁原味.不过作为业余读者,这本书读起来稍微有点费劲.但这不是因为荣格的文字或思想难懂,而是他每段话的中心不够简明,段落间跳跃性有点大,连续读上几段容易让人不知所云.这本书里荣格阐述了分析心理学的一些思想,比如集体无意识、内向与外向、释梦、荣格与弗洛伊德的区别、分析心理学的基本假设等等.虽然书名叫《未发现的自我》,但这不是现学现用的通俗读物,如果抱着马上了解自己的心态去读这本书,就会觉得它是枯燥无味的.书的前半部分是批判20世纪的思潮,如科学主义、共产主义(实际上是斯大林主义)、宗教信仰丧失;后半部分主要是从心理分析的基本假设、基本概念出发,探讨了一些比较重要的问题.二、 这本书给我印象最深的一篇是《人生的阶段》(p170).文中说,人在青年时期面对环境的压力,比如生存的压力、社会认可的压力,会不自觉的把自己的精神世界束缚在一个狭小的范围内,努力去取得成就,以期待得到社会的肯定.但是,“这就意味着放弃其他的一切潜力”,“每个人都可以想起一些朋友或者同学,他们曾经是有前途有理想的年轻人,可是几年以后再遇到的时候,他们似乎变得索然无味了,被限制在一个狭窄的模子里”,“我们完全忽视了一个基本的事实,就是赢得那些社会所赞赏的成就,其代价是人格的枯萎”.…… 看到这里,想起了自己的一个朋友这些年的变化,真是很多感慨.初次走上社会的时候,总会感觉到一种无形的压力在吞噬自己,有的人坚持不住,于是扭曲了性格,扭曲了信仰,完全向环境屈服,完全被环境所塑造.没什么好奇怪的,年轻人虽然充满活力,但是却没有相应的精神力量,也就是智慧以及真正的梦想.那种无力感、自卑感、困惑会将人吞噬.连岳说,每次我引用最爱的这句话:“你要按你所想的去生活,否则,你迟早会按你生活的去想.”总会有人说:你想就能行吗?中国这种地方,太多无奈!——请注意,这类人就是那类“迟早按你生活去想”的例证.我很欣赏这句话,但我觉得还要补充的是,“不仅要按你所想的去生活,还要不断的充实你的思想”.法国有一句古老的谚语:愿年轻人有智慧,愿老年人有精力.送给我的朋友,愿你我共勉.希望若干年后我们再听到汪峰的《春天里》这首歌时不会唏嘘不已.

THE UNDISCOVERED SELF怎么样 Undiscovered Objective翻译 Undiscovered dreams 谁能译下 37.the novel gone with the wind is one of the best-( ) .选项:a、a.sel According to the periodic table,______ still some elements undiscovered.选这个选项的原因答案为什么是 there seem to be 英语翻译In this paper we argue that in the traditional approach potentially interesting complex patterns with an unexpected relative increase of the target share remain undiscovered while on the other hand less surprising patterns are returned. 录音笔上的sel是什么意思 to keep a trade-,they would have to sel less and buy more in the following smonths.A paceB distance C balanceD increase 几道高中英语语法选择-We're late.The play has started.-I wonder how long ago _____.A did it begin B was it beginning C it began D it has begunAccording to the periodic table ,----still some elements undiscovered.A there seem to be B it seems 英语翻译Neuroimaging investigations of self-processing have generally focused on the neural correlates of explicitself-reflection.However,very little is known about the neural basis of implicit self-related processes.Weutilized the concept of sel 英语翻译MATERIALS AND METHODS:The material for this investigation of expression of mRNA selected genes was 4 tissue specimens from women with vulvar cancer T1N2M0.The method used for quantitative determination of the numbers of mRNA copies of sel 英语翻译Woman in GhanaMost women in Ghana ----the educated and illiterate,the urban and rural,the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.Their reputation for economic independence,sel 英语翻译The Relative Roles of Product and Relationship (Guanxi) DriversBill MerrileesUNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE,AUSTRALIADale MillerUNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE,AUSTRALIANot a lot is known about direct selling and especially the newer forms of direct sel 英语翻译Forecasting TrendsFashion trends are directions in which fashion styling is moving.Because most fashion products and retailers want their merchandise to fit into the mainstream of fashion,and because they must work so far ahead of the sel 英语翻译History becomes ‘effective’ to the degree that it introduces discontinuity into our very being as it divides our emotions,dramatizes our instincts,multiplies our body and sets it against itself.‘Effective’ history deprives the sel 英语翻译First,we attempt to relate insider stock OWN with advertisingactivities prior to the stock-based acquisition.If managers attempt to increase stockprices through increased advertising for selfish reasons,they are more likely to do so 英语翻译All taxes in connection with the execution of this Contract levied by the Chinese government on the Seller in accordance with the tax law in effect and the agreement signed between the government of the P.R.C.and the government of the Sel In the second aspects,the self-confidence is more importance for the person.我写的作文结束的一段,The way to success.求指点语法错误.In the second aspects,the self-confidence is more importance for the person.Someone who has enough sel