数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:45:23
数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each
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数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each
数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我
the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each being correct to 1 significant figure, calculate the maximum and minimum value of V.
The dimensions of the triangle shown are know to an accuracy of 1cm. Calculate the maximum and minimum value of the perimeter of the triangle and the percentage error.
A function is defined by f(x)=35-ax3(ax的立方),where 0 小于等于x 小于等于2. the value of a is known to be 3.6+-0.2. find the maximum and minimum value and error in calculating f(1), that is f(x) when x=1.
Using the formula V=派r平方(H-h), and your calculator value of 派,calculate the value of V when r= 4.26,H=21.58 and h=14.35. give the full calculator display. give your answer to two decimal places. give your answer to two significant figures.
The speed of sound in air is given as 300 ms-1. how many metres does sound travel in air in one hour? Express your answer to correct to two significant figures.
要过程 谢谢大家了 答的好给加分

数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each
2.假设三边长度是a b c
误差为1.5*100/(a+b+c-1.5) %
3.已知 f(x)=35-ax3(ax的立方),0≤x≤2,a=3.6±2(就是3.4或3.8),求f(1)最大值最小值和误差.
最大值时a=3.4,f(1)=35-3.4=31.6. 最小值时a=3.8, f(1)=35-3.8=31.2,
4.已知V=派r平方(H-h), r= 4.26,H=21.58 and h=14.35

数学高手啊 着急 在线等 请大家帮帮我the voltage, V volts, in an electrical circuit is given by the formula V=IR, where R ohms is the total resistance of the circuit and I amps is the current flowing in the circuit. if R=6 and I=4, each 数学高手们帮帮忙吧,我想计算关于椭球的表面积,谁来帮帮我啊,在线等,谢谢大家帮忙了 高数题,大学高数题,最好写在纸上,数高数题, 大学高数题, 希望详细写出步骤 最好写在纸上,谢谢 我在线等 数学达人快来啊 我很着急,学弟很努力,高手帮帮学弟 高数题,大学高数题,希望可以详细写出步骤,最好写在纸上,数高数题, 大学高数题, 希望可以详细写出步骤,最好写在纸上, 我在线等 数学达人快来啊 我很着急,学弟很努力,高手帮帮学弟 高数题,大学高数题,最好写在纸上,数高数题, 大学高数题, 希望详细写出步骤 最好写在纸上,谢谢 我在线等 数学达人快来啊 我很着急,学弟很努力,高手帮帮学弟 麻烦大家看下小学二年级数学上册第六单元测试题怎么做?在线等了,坞帮帮着急的人吧, 数独快来帮帮我呀!高手在哪里在线等! 人教版六年级上语文第八单元作文 很急!大家帮帮我啊,我在线等! 请大家帮忙翻译一下,在线等,T.T 麻烦大家看下数学题目,求高手帮帮着急的人吧,感谢大家了{随机数g 大学无机化学,我很努力,大学无机化学, 无机化学, 化学高手帮帮学弟,我很努力, 希望可以详细解释一下,学弟在线等 化学高手都去哪里了?一天多了,没人回答,学弟很着急 第14-6题,化学达人帮帮学弟,我很着急 无机化学 第14-6题, 化学达人帮帮学弟,我很着急 化学高手都去哪里了,一天多了,没人回答,我很着急 我在线等, 关于求助!数学题啊!在线等!有点着急了啊,我先感谢大家了{随机数e 很着急,帮帮我数学,谢谢你,:! 如果取消组织机构代码证年检对企业有什么好处啊如题,着急用,在线等,好心人帮帮我吧 ~~~~(>_ 体温计上的缩口使用什么原理制成的我要问的是(缩口)麻烦帮我解释一下,谢了,这是我们的考试题,不知道答没答错快点啊 谢了谁能不能快一点呀?!我真的很着急!麻烦大家帮帮我吧!我在线等着 高一地理! 求教各位高手! 谢谢大家! 在线等RT 请大家给我说一下,我只知道北半球向右偏,那么 剩下的如何判断? 急需啊!大家帮帮我!全品作业本七年级上册数学答案(2012)19、20、31、32、35、36、37、38页答案,在线等!能说多少就说多少,跪求!!帮帮忙啊!!