shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别具体区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 05:03:33
shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别具体区别
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shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别具体区别
shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别

shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别具体区别

shudder vi. 不及物动词
1.发抖, 战栗[(+at)][+to-v]
She shuddered at the sight of a stranger hiding behind the door.
她看到门背后藏著个陌生人, 吓得直发抖。
2.震动, 颤动
The plane was shuddering and lurching in ...


shudder vi. 不及物动词
1.发抖, 战栗[(+at)][+to-v]
She shuddered at the sight of a stranger hiding behind the door.
她看到门背后藏著个陌生人, 吓得直发抖。
2.震动, 颤动
The plane was shuddering and lurching in the most terrifying manner.
飞机在震颤摇晃, 其样子极为怕人。
.n. 名词
1.发抖, 战栗
A visible shudder swept over her. 她全身明显一震。
2.震动, 颤动
The tank came to a halt with a shudder. 随著一阵颤动, 坦克停了下来。
3.【口】恐惧; 厌恶.
The ghastly sight gave him the shudders. 那恐怖的景象使他感到恐惧。
tremble vi. 不及物动词
1.发抖; 震颤[(+with)]
Her voice trembled with anger. 她的声音因愤怒而颤抖。
They trembled with cold. 他们冷得发抖。
2.焦虑, 担忧[(+at/for)][+to-v]
She trembled for her daughter's safety. 她为女儿的安全而焦虑不安。
3.摇晃, 摇动
The whole house trembled as the train went by. 火车开过时, 整幢房子都晃动。
.n. 名词
1.震颤, 发抖; 震动
Did you notice a tremble in his voice? 你是否注意到他的嗓音有点颤抖?
shiver vi. 不及物动词
1.发抖, 打颤[(+with)]
As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold.
由於气温骤降, 野营者冷得浑身发抖。
n. 名词
The breeze gave a shiver to the surface of the lake. 微风吹得湖面颤动。
That strange noise gave me the shivers. 那奇怪的响声使我不寒而栗
quiver vi. 不及物动词
1.颤抖; 发抖[(+with/at)]
The building quivered as the explosive went off. 当炸药爆炸时, 大楼颤动不已。
vt. 及物动词
1.使颤动; 抖动(翅膀等)
The bird quivered its wings. 鸟儿抖动翅膀。
n. 名词
1.颤抖, 抖动; 颤声
There was a slight quiver in his voice as he spoke. 他说话时声音有些颤抖。
vi. 不及物动词
1.蹒跚, 踉跄; 摇晃
She faltered toward the door in the dark. 她在黑暗中向门口摇摇晃晃地走去。
2.(声音)颤抖; 结巴地说话
Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness. 她嗓音颤抖, 接著她便失去了知觉。
3.动摇, 犹豫; 畏缩
Our hopes will not falter in adversity. 我们的信心在逆境中也不会动摇。
4.衰退; 衰落
vt. 及物动词
She faltered out an excuse for being late. 她结结巴巴地说出迟到的藉口。
n. 名词
1.动摇, 犹豫; 畏缩
2.颤抖; 颤抖的声音
I detected a falter in her voice. 我察觉她的嗓音发颤。
以上在某个相同意思时都为同义词, 有时是可以互为替换的;
当然有些作不及物动词时,后面跟的介词不一样,所以就有用法上的差别, 具体的细微差别,你要看例句才能体会. 语言这种东西,就是不能一昧地单独来看,你要结合句子,语境,上下文~~
