下列两个句子的用法哪个是对的.牵扯到那种语法用法.The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.The chairman suggested the meeting should put off until next week.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 00:12:32
下列两个句子的用法哪个是对的.牵扯到那种语法用法.The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.The chairman suggested the meeting should put off until next week.
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下列两个句子的用法哪个是对的.牵扯到那种语法用法.The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.The chairman suggested the meeting should put off until next week.
The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.
The chairman suggested the meeting should put off until next week.

下列两个句子的用法哪个是对的.牵扯到那种语法用法.The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.The chairman suggested the meeting should put off until next week.
The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.是正确的
其实这里省略了一个should,即(should) be put off.第二句错,因为meeting(会议n.)是被put off(推迟),要用被动.

suggest 只能加doing 或者sb/sth shoud do

第一个明显是对的啊!suggest 只能加doing 或者sb/sth( shoud) do ,meeting取消要用被动式,should可以省略

下列两个句子的用法哪个是对的.牵扯到那种语法用法.The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.The chairman suggested the meeting should put off until next week. nutrition foods 和 nutrient foods 哪个用法是对的?上面两个不知道哪种是正确用法,还是两个都对,用法不同?麻烦解答的详细点. 根号16的算数平方根是4.这句话对吗?如果错为什么?对为什么?为什么大家要牵扯到4的平方根? boy的所有格是?(急用)最好说明详细一些,牵扯到的语法点也要写上. 最好能解释下每个步骤是怎么来的,牵扯到的知识点或者公式! 笑牵扯到牙的动态的成语 高中物理学不学量子力学与相对论我知道不学微积分和线性代数是不可能学会量子力学的,但是请问高中物理的选修有没有狭义相对论和量子力学的初步知识,不太牵扯到计算的那种 下列哪个是对多糖的分类 鸿门宴席间项庄“请以剑舞”,牵扯到的熟语是?鸿门宴今天的意思是? 这两个方程式哪个是对的? 两个问号哪个是对的? 默而识之的而 是那种用法 请问判断下列句子是那种语态的句子英语怎么说?thanks The valuation of a litre of petrol in one vehicle at the end of accounting period 1.这个事情里牵扯到会计学里的哪个原则. Mr.的用法.Dear Mr.Kobe,Dear Mr.Bryant,请问这两个哪个对呢? be accustomed to和accustomed to这两个词组哪个语法是对的四级英语上有上述两个用法,我懵了 下列句子中没有语病的一组是哪个~~谢谢! 英语单词用法求助either neither的用法我特别对那种询问是否的句子搞不懂 希望朋友帮我解答详细点