请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:34:09
请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.
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请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.
请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!
The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.

请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.
句子主干是一个主系表结构,即:主语The subject + 谓语(系动词is + 表语a subject).
介宾短语of life and death是主语the subject的后置定语;
of interest也是介宾短语做表语a subject的后置定语;
to scientists and philosphers亦是介宾短语做interest的后置定语.

Life and death is a subject, 所以主语就是The cycle of life and death, 前面的The Cycle of 做life and death的补语,一起做主语.谓语一般是比动词 is/are+动词或情态动词+动词,这里很明显是is,宾语是a subject.后半句是对subject的说明应该是宾语补足语...


Life and death is a subject, 所以主语就是The cycle of life and death, 前面的The Cycle of 做life and death的补语,一起做主语.谓语一般是比动词 is/are+动词或情态动词+动词,这里很明显是is,宾语是a subject.后半句是对subject的说明应该是宾语补足语(这后半句希望有高人分析分析)


主:the cycle 谓(系动词):is 宾(表语)a subject of interest
定:of life and death,状: to scientists and philosophers alike

主干句:The cycle is a subject.——主谓宾结构
主语:the cycle
主语的补语:of life and death
宾语:a subject
宾语的补语:of interest to scientists and philosophers alike

主语 The cycle of life and death
表语 subject of interest
状语to scientists and philosophers alike
整句话翻译过来是 生死的轮回对于科学家和哲学家来说是兴趣的主体。

请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike. 帮忙分析下这个句子的主谓宾定状补 请帮忙分析下面句子的成分.主谓宾定状补,从句啥的.The news is full of stories about teenagers in trouble whose parents hardly know anything about their problems. 英语高手帮忙分析下面的句子,The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure ,meaning that few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought.这个句子中请帮忙找找主谓宾, 请高人指点一下语文中主谓宾定状补的用法语文就亏在这上,帮忙解说一下谢谢 请帮忙分析下这个句子的主谓宾成分How do you think i can improve my writing ability? 请帮忙分析下这个句子的主谓宾成分How do you think i can improve my writing ability? 请帮忙分析下面的句子,主谓宾,the future utility of what is being given up is embeddedin the object being traded.Emotion is as capable of assigning such a value as reason. This is a red sun.请帮忙分析一下句子结构 主谓宾是什么 请大神帮我分析一下下面句子的结构,就是分析主谓宾,定状补成分I have decided to place an order of some books . 句子结构分析 我把我的想法付诸实践主谓宾定状补? 请帮忙分析一下句子结构,谢谢!Because I hope to find out what's going on around the world.是详细的句子成分,主谓宾等等! He made me laugh happily.请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分(主谓宾补等)动词(laugh)能做补语么? 请帮忙分析被动句型的句子成分.(主谓宾) The window was broken by Tom. 帮忙分析下面句子的结构He has figured out (how to give each of them something they want.)请问这个句子中括号内的部分是不是 figured out的宾语从句?如果是的话从句的主谓宾在哪,如果不是也请解释下, 分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend. 请分析句子的语文成份,主谓宾定状补语请列清楚句子是:小明将健康报告交给了我. 下面句子中what we do 是否应改为 what we have done.请高人帮忙分析.We are made to exaggerate the importance of what we do,and yet how much is not done by us.