分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:11:41
分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.
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分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.
I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.

分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.
I 主语have promised 谓语to help my sister move her house宾语 this weekend时间状语,其中my sister是help的宾语,move是宾补.

have promised to help (谓语)
my sister(直接宾语)
move her house(间接宾语)
this weekend(时间状语)谢谢你的回答,有以下疑问: 1.句中to help应该是不定式,属于非谓语动词,划分到谓语成分中应该不妥。 2.my sister是直接宾语,move her house 是间接宾语的分析...


have promised to help (谓语)
my sister(直接宾语)
move her house(间接宾语)
this weekend(时间状语)


I(主语) have promised(谓语) to help my sister move her house(宾语) this weekend(状语).

分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend. 英语语法,如图,请对这个句子的结构分析下,特别是划线部分是什么结构? 英语语法,求详细分析这个句子的成分,指出语法结构, 分析下列句子结构 英语语法牛人请进The couple had come to a mutual agreement,as dictated by the legal custody agreement.请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构, They asked me to go fishing with them.请详细分析一下句子结构, They asked me to go fishing with them.请详细分析一下这个句子结构, It is wiser being good than bad;请详细分析一下句子结构、成分! 英语翻译分析一下句子结构 求推荐大学英语语法的书.如题,要句子成分分析以及句子结构分析很详细的那种,最好例子很多的 请分析英语一句话He refused my requirement that we begiven more hands请分析一下句子的结构 分析下列句子句法结构我最好的朋友们都来了一共几个句法结构,详细分析下,越详细越好、 请详细讲一下反馈键形成 作用 对物质性质的影响和结构分析 请详细分析下rapid action is needed这个句子的结构 请帮忙分析一下句子结构,谢谢!Because I hope to find out what's going on around the world.是详细的句子成分,主谓宾等等! Mila worked hard in desperate hope of buying a big house for her parents.请详细分析一下此句子结构desperate修饰的是hope吗? 分析一下句子结构,这个句子看不懂. 一个复杂的英语句子结构的分析---高手进He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots,请详细分析句子结构.并翻译.