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On the annual training budget of some confusion in the formulation

Annual training as operational plans, annual training plan must answer what the company tr...



On the annual training budget of some confusion in the formulation

Annual training as operational plans, annual training plan must answer what the company training program, how to do it, how many resources, what would be the income and other basic issues. One of the budget work is a key aspect of how to do this work for the effective conduct annual training of great significance. Annual training budget plan's basic tasks include training costs to determine the total cost of the project budget. Practice to the training budget report output as a result. Practice,sac hermes birkin, the year spent similar, budget management innovation can not talk about, whether it is technically still on the process, even if there is also a bit on the improved management tools. But for the determination of the total cost, high-level decision-making to promote the high-end resources for other work, but can not be a substantial breakthrough. An annual training budget and the reasons for the development of confusion 1, budget decision-making cycle length submit a budget up, high-level decision-makers how to think about it? What are the criteria to judge? Horizontal reference, or vertical reference? Is top down or bottom up? Training managers how to provide quantitative, accurate,franklin marshall pas cher, reasonable training budget total, and even the direction of the management mechanism using the formulation, budget management process improvement project? Whether the training manager must provide their own rigorous argument, detailed data, and clear training objectives and benefit analysis? In practice, we often find that the training budget discussions, the discussion went, the annual plan portfolio design of the second hot spot, is the second difficulty. Many companies in the specific methods of work, there is less scientific approach, leading to low budget quality and efficiency, and ultimately control the effect is not obvious. 2, the training is difficult to determine the total annual budget practice, most enterprises in the annual training budget, there is a proposition difficult to solve: how much to invest this year in the end money? Experience in the practice of law school now represent the mainstream, such as the proportion method, reference method, adjustment method, due to the budget breakdown and the lack of scientific basis, often to the empirical data of other companies, make another racking our brains to see the data, feel bad, or does not support high-level, and then slightly adjusted, so the total budget report up, with predictable results. 3, the project budget unit is difficult to quantify first portfolio always lead to high-level design challenge,ralph lauren pas cher, then the decomposition of the project budget is quantified. Many of our project-specific decomposition is always difficult, for many reasons, including the project approach to training, mainly determines the total number of trainees training resource requirements. But this is the most difficult in the beginning of two will be able to completely confirm. 4, non-deterministic cost of the project needs training and development is not actually stay in the training of management, as well as training and development needs. Such as the type of individual investment strategy, training, systems improvement or process change, project-specific investment, and so on. How to estimate this cost? Second, develop the annual training budget of several key 1, to provide high-level decision-making basis rigorous training managers in many of our difficulties are often encountered in the budget approval complain about high-level training, do not know, not very professional, random racking our brains, are unwilling to invest, etc., but is unable to calmly reflect on their own inadequacies. In solving problems is a We can design the portfolio recognized on the basis of scientific analysis to quantify the performance, careful communication and promote the decision-making. Not simply to emphasize the effectiveness of training on problem solving, through the influential head to fight the use of force training committee to shake the owner of such ideas, but should be made periodic training programs and the benefits of training, lack of negative statements of budget adversely affected. 2, the budget strategy and process of science science speaking,abercrombie france, the total annual training budget is calculated based on the total project budget from, and finally the total training budget during a high-level support decomposition balance, clear support for control work. This is the Saying the Practice, training of management executives is how to do it? Generally is a In other words, calculate the total budget, then the training needs of the various systems for distribution. Many enterprises within the system's training needs are often just the cost requirements, such as how much money a particular manufacturing sector, to do several training and so on. At this point, training in management If the lack of arguments, argument unreasonable, or high-level recognition is not enough, it may cycle several times,
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在三角形abc中,ab=ac,延长ca到p在△ABC中,AB=AC,延长CA到P,再延长AB到Q,使得AP=BQ,求证△ABC的外心O与A,P,Q,四点共圆. 在△ABC中,AB=AC,延长CA到P,再延长AB到Q,使得AP=BQ,求证△ABC的外心O与A,P,Q,四点共圆. △ABC中,AB=AC,延长CA到P,再延长AB到Q,使得AP=BQ,求证△ABC的外心O与A,P,Q,四点共圆.不太懂 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC,任意延长CA到P点,在延长AB到点Q,使AP=BQ,求证三角形ABC的外心O与A,P,Q,四点同园 在△ABC中,AB=AC,D是AB上的一点,延长CA到E,使AE=AD,求证:ED垂直BC 如图所示,△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=BC,延长CA到D,使AD=AB,试求tanD的值. 在三角形ABC中,AB=6,BC=8,CA=7,延长CA到P,使角PBA=角C,则AP= 在三角形ABC中,AB=6,BC=8,CA=7,延长CA到P,使三角形PBC相似于三角形PAB,则AP= 在三角形ABC中,PB=6、AC=5,延长CA支P使 在△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC,F为AB上一点,延长CA到E,使AE=AF,CF的延长交BF于D.求证:CD⊥BE 如图,△abc中,ab=ac,d是ca延长线上的一点,am平分∩bad 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC,D是AB上一点,延长CA到E,是AE=AD.求证ED垂直BC 在三角形abc中ab=ac,d是ab上一点,延长ca到e,使ae=ad 求证ed垂直bc p为△ABC中任意一点,证明AB+BC+CA>PA+PB+PC提示:延长BP交AC于D △ABC中D是AB中点,分别延长CA、CB到E、F,使DE=DF,过E、F分别作CA、CB的垂线交于点P,求证∠PAE=∠PBF 已知:如图在△ABC中,AB=AC,点E在CA的延长线上,EP⊥BC,垂足为P,EP交AB于点F,求证△AEF是等腰三角形 在三角形ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=BC,延长CA到D,使AD=AB,试求tanD的值 延长等腰△ABc的腰BA到D,CA到E,分别使AD=AB,AE=Ac,则四边形BCDE是?其判别依据是?