哈代的《最后 一朵菊花》的英文鉴赏Why should this flower delay so long To show its tremulous plumes?Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,When flowers are in their tombs.Through the slow summer,when the sun Called to each frond and w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:17:12
哈代的《最后 一朵菊花》的英文鉴赏Why should this flower delay so long To show its tremulous plumes?Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,When flowers are in their tombs.Through the slow summer,when the sun Called to each frond and w
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哈代的《最后 一朵菊花》的英文鉴赏Why should this flower delay so long To show its tremulous plumes?Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,When flowers are in their tombs.Through the slow summer,when the sun Called to each frond and w
哈代的《最后 一朵菊花》的英文鉴赏
Why should this flower delay so long
To show its tremulous plumes?
Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,
When flowers are in their tombs.
Through the slow summer,when the sun
Called to each frond and whorl
That all he could for flowers was being done,
Why did it not uncurl?
It must have felt that fervid call
Although it took no heed,
Waking but now,when leaves like corpses fall,
And saps all retrocede.
Too late its beauty,lonely thing,
The season"s shine is spent,
Nothing remains for it but shivering
In tempests turbulent.
Had it a reason for delay,
Dreaming in witlessness
That for a bloom so delicately gay
Winter would stay its stress?
- I talk as if the thing were born
With sense to work its mind;
Yet it is but one mask of many worn
By the Great Face behind.

哈代的《最后 一朵菊花》的英文鉴赏Why should this flower delay so long To show its tremulous plumes?Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,When flowers are in their tombs.Through the slow summer,when the sun Called to each frond and w
为什么会有这个花卉拖延这么久,显示其拖着发抖?现在时间是哀兵罗宾松,待到山花在自己的坟墓.通过缓慢的夏天 当太阳呼吁每片叶子和棉花这一切他可以花正在做的,为什么没有uncurl 它必须觉得热切呼吁,虽然它也没有理会,醒,但现在,当树叶像尸体下降,并消耗全部退却.太迟了它的美丽,孤独的东西,季节的" S光芒,是花了,景物但却寒战暴风雨动荡.也有拖延的理由,梦在周三,一花开得这么细同性恋冬天会留其压力?我若说次 五是与生具来的工作初衷; 然而,它不过是一个面具许多心魄的伟大面对落后.

哈代的《最后 一朵菊花》的英文鉴赏Why should this flower delay so long To show its tremulous plumes?Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,When flowers are in their tombs.Through the slow summer,when the sun Called to each frond and w (有朵菊花的) 一朵小花 普希金鉴赏 求哈代的诗《一个星期》原作(英文). 作文:我们心中的一朵(菊花,梅花,竹子,百合...)要用托物言志的手法 有人说“韭的花序是头状花序,一朵菊花也是一个花序.为什么? 菊花的英文怎么说? 菊花的英文怎么说? 菊花的英文如上 有110朵花,按3朵红花、4朵黄花、5朵紫花的顺序排列,请问最后一朵是什么颜色的花 有100朵花,按4朵红花,3朵绿花,5多黄花,2朵紫花的顺序排列,最后一朵是什么颜色的,红花共有几朵? 有136朵花,按照2朵红花,3朵黄花,4朵紫花的顺序排列起来,最后一朵是什么颜色的花,红花,黄花,紫花各几朵? 2011朵花,按照5朵红花9朵黄花13朵绿花的顺序排列,排列最后一朵是什么花?这2011朵花中,红黄绿各多少朵 哈代-温伯格定律的证明 最后一分钟上的第一朵紫荆是什么 一丝秋雨秋意浓 一缕秋风秋情动,一轮明月谁与共 一朵菊花香入梦 是谁的诗 有2013朵花,按3朵红花,2朵黄花,1朵绿花的顺序排列,最后一朵花是()花红花一共有()朵 有100朵花,按4朵红花,3朵绿花,5朵黄花,2朵紫花的顺序排列,最后一朵花是()花 (后面还有往下看)红花一共有()朵,黄花一共有()朵