高中英语易错题解析,帮忙详细解答一下:以前抄的错题记,请各位老师帮忙解答一下:1、the global trend toward higher divorce has created (more ) families with( fewer )peope 翻译,用many few 为何不可2、not far fro

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 14:01:31
高中英语易错题解析,帮忙详细解答一下:以前抄的错题记,请各位老师帮忙解答一下:1、the global trend toward higher divorce has created (more ) families with( fewer )peope 翻译,用many few 为何不可2、not far fro
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高中英语易错题解析,帮忙详细解答一下:以前抄的错题记,请各位老师帮忙解答一下:1、the global trend toward higher divorce has created (more ) families with( fewer )peope 翻译,用many few 为何不可2、not far fro
1、the global trend toward higher divorce has created (more ) families with( fewer )peope 翻译,用many few 为何不可
2、not far from the garden there was a shoe store (its)owner seated in it playing bridge 括号里用which不可以吗
3、one out of every twenty students (is)third of the course为何用is
4、Karl Marx began 头learn(the)Russia language为何用the
5 、she seems to be too short for (a girl of twenty) 用twenty-year-old girl对吗
6、temperature in the united states (are)measured according to the scale.on which 32 degress (is)the freezing point 为何用is are
7、(car17)won the race yes but its driver come close to(being killed)用to be killed为何不可
8、the cold weather will (stay for) another month 用be kept on为何不可
9、the early bus for my hometowm (is connected with)the 6:20 train 用is joined to为何不可 翻译10、 how long are you staying at your hometown (for a week or two)用in a few days不行吗11、 i will manage to be back in a (couple)of days 用dozen score 为何不可12、 it took me half a dozen days to finish reading
13 、he has (several thousands of)books in his study 为何用if
14、 this is the (three hundred and forty-fifth) short story 请问forty-five不对吗

高中英语易错题解析,帮忙详细解答一下:以前抄的错题记,请各位老师帮忙解答一下:1、the global trend toward higher divorce has created (more ) families with( fewer )peope 翻译,用many few 为何不可2、not far fro
1.the global trend toward higher divorce has created (more ) families with( fewer )peope 翻译,用many few 为何不可
2.not far from the garden there was a shoe store (its)owner seated in it playing bridge 括号里用which不可以吗
 解析:store后面应该还有个逗号.whose /which一般用于句中引导从句.但是owner seated in it playing bridge不是一个句子,seated在这里是过去分词做定语,所以不能从从句.
3.one out of every twenty students (is)third of the course为何用is
 解析:one out of every twenty students表示的是每20个学生中就有一个学生,所以主语是单数,当然就用is了. 
4Karl Marx began 头learn(the)Russia language为何用the
5 she seems to be too short for (a girl of twenty) 用twenty-year-old girl对吗
 解析:单从语法角度讲,是可以的.但你不觉得别扭吗?最好是用a girl of twenty.
6temperature in the united states (are)measured according to the scale.on which 32 degress (is)the freezing point 为何用is are
7 (car17)won the race yes but its driver come close to(being killed)用to be killed为何不可
8the cold weather will (stay for) another month 用be kept on为何不可
 解析:stay表停留,for another month表段时间.
9the early bus for my hometowm (is connected with)the 6:20 train 用is joined to为何不可翻译
 解析:这个涉及短语的辨析,be connected with 表示把…与…连接起来.
 be joined to更多的表示被动,如:Every family is joined to the world by Internet.每个家庭由网络与世界联系在一起.
10 how long are you staying at your hometown (for a week or two)用in a few days不行吗
 解析:how long表示问呆多长时间,回答可用in a few day. 但问句里面,暗示一个选择的时间段,for +时间表示一段时间. 
 而in+时间表示将来.如:I will stay here in a few day.我将在这里呆几天时间.
11 i will manage to be back in a (couple)of days 用dozen score 为何不可
 解析:我过两天就回来.不是确指,是虚指.所以不能用dozen score 去替代,这个是中西方文化差异.
12 it took me half a dozen days to finish reading
 解析:句型It take sb. some time do sth. 花某人多长时间做某事.finish doing 完成做某事.
13 he has (several thousands of)books in his study 为何用if
 解析:thousands of是固定用法,表示成千的 
14 this is the (three hundred and forty-fifth) short story 请问forty-five不对吗