
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:51:34
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How are you. Kindly note that we cannot finish 4 bags yellow-ink today for the order10560 due to problem of material.The 4 bags yellow-ink will be sent out with upcoming order, please let me know if you want to change to black-ink or bule-ink, so we can provide revised order for customs clearance. Your prompt reply wiil be highly appreciate.

Hi,because of the problem of the raw material,I got to know that 4 bags of yellow ink in order 10560 which had been planned and should be delivered today had been finished.The 4 bags of ink will be de...


Hi,because of the problem of the raw material,I got to know that 4 bags of yellow ink in order 10560 which had been planned and should be delivered today had been finished.The 4 bags of ink will be delievered with the goods on the later order..Please give me a reply on whether you need balck ink or blue ink,and offer us the corrected order so that we can have the custom clearance.


Hello, due to raw material problems, I just learned today, is expected to take delivery of the order 10560 is even worse in the 4 bags of yellow ink can not be completed, please inform the above. 4 ba...


Hello, due to raw material problems, I just learned today, is expected to take delivery of the order 10560 is even worse in the 4 bags of yellow ink can not be completed, please inform the above. 4 bags of yellow ink will be shipped along with the orders for the future, please reply us as soon as possible you want to exchange into the black ink or blue ink and provide the modified order for customs clearance.


Hello, the raw materials appear problem, I just know is expected today delivery of orders 10560 yellow ink also sent four bag cannot complete please advise the cases above. 4 bags yellow ink we will d...


Hello, the raw materials appear problem, I just know is expected today delivery of orders 10560 yellow ink also sent four bag cannot complete please advise the cases above. 4 bags yellow ink we will deliver together with future orders, please reply us this time you want to swap into black ink or blue ink, and provide the modified orders to declare.


Hello. I just got to know that 4 bags of yellow ink in Order 10560, which should be delivered today, cannot be finished due to raw material problems. Please notify that. We'll deliver those 4 bags of ...


Hello. I just got to know that 4 bags of yellow ink in Order 10560, which should be delivered today, cannot be finished due to raw material problems. Please notify that. We'll deliver those 4 bags of yellow ink with other orders later. (最好能说明是今后的哪个订单,大概的也好。谁都不愿意一直被拖延。) Please reply promptly that you would like to change the 4 bags into either black ink or blue ink. Also please provide the modified order to facilitate the customs clearance. Sorry for the inconvenience.


hi due to material issue i realize that the order 10560 scheduled to ship today still short of 4 bags. So we choose to ship the 4 bags with other orders. please confirm back you want them to be black or blue, and of cause revised order so we can get this cleared up.

英语翻译由于原材料出现问题,我刚得知预计今天提货的订单10560中的黄墨还差4袋无法完成,请知会以上情况.4袋黄墨我们会随同今后的订单一起发货,请尽快回复我们这次你们想调换成黑墨还 英语翻译1.由于我们这边的网络老是出现问题,所以导致这些文件难以上传.2.对不起,由于今天我们的传真机出现了问题所以还没法收到报告.所以要先等一等,不过我会尽快的. “由于原材料降价” 英语怎么说?您可在这里继续补充问题细节查看答案“由于原材料略有降价” 腌制大蒜时出现的问题 容器为不锈钢杯类密封容器 原材料为刚下来的新蒜和白醋腌制大蒜时出现的问题容器为不锈钢杯类密封容器原材料为刚下来的新蒜和白醋问题是如图中所示,杯壁上的 产品出现质量问题,应怎么处理?我公司采购了一批原材料,在使用中发现了问题,但由于我们客户对单时间要求很急,我们公司就使用了这批原料,结果产品在客户销售和使用中出现了质量问题,要 英语翻译很抱歉,我刚从货代处得知,由于天气原因,上一班船拖班,致使11月14号的这班船晚进港,订单17611的货将延误到本周五开船.但愿这次延误不会影响贵司收货,感想你的理解.大概意思就行, 英语翻译为了长远的发展,我公司愿意承担由于近期原材料价格上涨和汇率的巨幅波动所造成的损失共计1200英镑.特此说明. 英语翻译不好意思刘女士,护照方面出了些问题.由于户口所在地等问题,需要进行一个审核.预计在下星期三左右能拿到号码.请见谅.我会尽全力去催促这方面办理有关事宜.不好意思.祝,一切顺 英语翻译由于原材料降价,我们的价格最近做了一些调整 我刚睡醒 英语翻译 求助英语翻译“得知你要帮我,我非常高兴”谢谢! 求英语翻译:我们刚得到消息,预计测试结果3月26日出来. 英语翻译由于运输过程损坏,我已经安排工厂重新多制作两套了,预计我在25日能收到.更正:这批由于运输过程已经损坏部分,我已经安排工厂重新多制作两套了,预计我在25日能收到. 英语翻译由于节假日将至,考虑到原材料的准备和运输物流情况,请您尽早下订单备货 英语翻译内容为:( 很抱歉,由于原材料价格上涨,你给我们的目标价,我们无法做到.以上请知悉,) 我刚回家不久,英语翻译 英语翻译如由于所寄样品引起任何问题,后果由我公司承担. 英语翻译:原材料库存周转天数