关于英语的问题~求高人来解答有几到题目不会做求高人解答!谢谢了~1.No sooner__ asleep __she heard a knock at the door.A.had she fallen;whenB.had she fallen;thanC.did she fall;thanD.did she fall;when 2.Computers can give out_

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:03:46
关于英语的问题~求高人来解答有几到题目不会做求高人解答!谢谢了~1.No sooner__ asleep __she heard a knock at the door.A.had she fallen;whenB.had she fallen;thanC.did she fall;thanD.did she fall;when  2.Computers can give out_
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关于英语的问题~求高人来解答有几到题目不会做求高人解答!谢谢了~1.No sooner__ asleep __she heard a knock at the door.A.had she fallen;whenB.had she fallen;thanC.did she fall;thanD.did she fall;when 2.Computers can give out_
1.No sooner__ asleep __she heard a knock at the door.
A.had she fallen;when
B.had she fallen;than
C.did she fall;than
D.did she fall;when

2.Computers can give out___ has been stored in them.
A.that B.which C.what D.anything

3. ________ there is life on another planet is almost impossible.
A.How B.That C.Why D.Whether

4.I've just had my hair cut off and how it's _______i was 18.
A.the same as when B. when the same as
C.the same when as D.as the same when

5.The passengers would have died of cold ,_____for the driver.
A.had it not been B.had it been C.it had not been D.it had been not

6.It doesn't seem very _____that John has left for the show.
A.like B.possibly C.likely D.probabaly

7.The building over there is a library,____is a department store.
A where B.west of which C.to the west of it D.in the west of that
8.This museum is not__ it was ten years ago.
A that B when C which D what

关于英语的问题~求高人来解答有几到题目不会做求高人解答!谢谢了~1.No sooner__ asleep __she heard a knock at the door.A.had she fallen;whenB.had she fallen;thanC.did she fall;thanD.did she fall;when 2.Computers can give out_
1 B No sooner than 还没···就
2 C what做 give out 的宾语 和has been stored in them的主语
3 B 引导一个主语从句
4 A the same as 和···一样
5 A 要不是司机的原因,两个乘客就会冻死.
6 C likely 常用于 it 作主语的时候
7 C 也可以是 the west of it
8 D what 引导的表语从句

关于英语的问题~求高人来解答有几到题目不会做求高人解答!谢谢了~1.No sooner__ asleep __she heard a knock at the door.A.had she fallen;whenB.had she fallen;thanC.did she fall;thanD.did she fall;when 2.Computers can give out_ 我方的辩论题目为:中国铁路不应该提速.求高人指点有关于我方立论的实例.求高人指点在攻辩环节应问什么问题来驳斥对方的观点. 求高人解答这一步是怎么变来的, 请教一个问题;希望懂英语的来解答…3Q!郑伊健英文名:Cheng Yee-Kin Ekin是什么意思?笨人在百度中英汉翻译不出;想请教高人… 英语问题,求高人回答 关于线性代数的题目,求刘老师解答 求解答关于微分方程的题目~ 高数问题,求高人速来解答X趋向于0时,x-a(a+bcosx)sinx是X五阶无穷小,求a.b的值 关于命题 定理,证明,要有因为所以的解答过程 求各位高人解答, 题目中的第三题,求高人,求详细的解答过程. 关于二重积分应用奇偶性的问题如图所示,不太明白黑色圈中左边二重积分里的4是怎么来的 求解答 英语题目,希望求的详细解答 求助高人帮忙解决一个数学问题题目是我外甥高一的数学作业,我上传图片,求哪位高人帮忙解答一下,最后一题,解释步骤越清楚越好,谢谢了! 请教一道傅里叶级数的题题目如图.求高人解答!详细一点.谢谢 关于地理的问题,求解答!~~~~~(>_ 关于王阳明的“致良知”观点的性质界定问题最近做了一题,题目的解答说“致良知”属于王阳明的观点,但不属于“心学”观点.这样的说法正确吗?求专业解答. 高一一数学题目.!求高人解答、要详细过程! 飓风的符号是什么?求高人解答..