英译中:请译下面一段话(不要机译)Acc. to DIN 6700 - 5, weld quality class2, admissible undercuts as well as misalignment of edges on the surface must not be removed by grinding of the weld area but must be closed by means of filler. Under

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:41:27
英译中:请译下面一段话(不要机译)Acc. to DIN 6700 - 5, weld quality class2, admissible undercuts as well as misalignment of edges on the surface must not be removed by grinding of the weld area but must be closed by means of filler. Under
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英译中:请译下面一段话(不要机译)Acc. to DIN 6700 - 5, weld quality class2, admissible undercuts as well as misalignment of edges on the surface must not be removed by grinding of the weld area but must be closed by means of filler. Under
Acc. to DIN 6700 - 5, weld quality class2, admissible undercuts as well as misalignment of edges on the surface must not be removed by grinding of the weld area
but must be closed by means of filler. Undercuts and misalignment of edges exceeding the above limits must be reworked and rewelded.

英译中:请译下面一段话(不要机译)Acc. to DIN 6700 - 5, weld quality class2, admissible undercuts as well as misalignment of edges on the surface must not be removed by grinding of the weld area but must be closed by means of filler. Under

英译中:请译下面一段话(不要机译)Acc. to DIN 6700 - 5, weld quality class2, admissible undercuts as well as misalignment of edges on the surface must not be removed by grinding of the weld area but must be closed by means of filler. Under 求下面一段话英文翻译.(为了您和您家人朋友的健康,请不要再吸烟了) ACC 请用My grandfather was a compassionate man 用英文写一段话,字数120字,要英文,不要机译的那种!没有语法错误 连词组段!请从下面词语中任选4个写一段话~涟漪 繁盛 嬉闹 姹紫嫣红 温声细语(50字左右,不要太多) 请从下面7个词语中任选4个,写一段话.48字以内!千万不要超过给力 雷人 粉丝 妙趣横生 山重水复 美不胜收 怡然自得 有没有谁能帮忙把下面一段中文翻译成英文(请不要机译),谢了!美国的地势得天独厚:南枕北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南靠墨西哥及墨西哥湾.全境由东向西可分为5个地理 英语翻译如下是一个朋友给我发的邮件中最后一段,前面说的和这句没什么关联性,所以没复制过来,我想知下面提到的end结束是什么意思?不再发邮件了吗?还是想和我见面?请不要机译.I will like 将下面一段话翻译成英文,不要翻译机的谢谢. 写一段话,请用上下面的五个字 绿 亮 浮写一段话,请用上下面的五个字 绿 亮 浮 沙 幕 请用下面词语写一段话千锤百炼 倾听 风烛残年 气喘吁吁 鄙视注意啊 是写一段话!不是一句话! 英语翻译If you reject me,no regrets是一段自白,先说的上面这句,然后说的下面这句I'll still do something worthwhile with my life不要机译不要复制,翻译准确表达优美,也可只翻下面这句一共就这些分了 怎样用英语翻译下面一段话 请确定话题,写一段话,要全部用上下面的词语艰难险阻 浩浩荡荡 一泻万里 丛山峻岭绝壁断崖 回环曲折 坦荡平原 崎岖险路奇趣横生 奇绝壮绝 浊流滚滚 惊涛澎湃(不要抄袭语文课本上的课 请帮检查一句汉译英的问题原句:我国已明确将“进一步推进政府会计改革,逐步建立政府财务报告制度”写入国家“十二五”规划.译句:Our country has clearly put further advance of the governmental acc 请用耳听为虚,眼见为实,写一段话,内容一定要来自生活一段话,稍微长一点,但也不要太长 请从下面选择四个词语写一段话.跳跃 翱翔 盘旋 俯冲 风和日丽 熠熠夺目 请运用下面的词语写一段话词语:无地自容 毫无怨言 羞愧