英语翻译Complexity and value are not mutually guaranteed--personally,I much prefer watching high-quality conventional programs like The Dick Van Dyke Show and Everybody Loves Raymond to the narratively complex,but conceptually muddled and logical

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:43:30
英语翻译Complexity and value are not mutually guaranteed--personally,I much prefer watching high-quality conventional programs like The Dick Van Dyke Show and Everybody Loves Raymond to the narratively complex,but conceptually muddled and logical
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英语翻译Complexity and value are not mutually guaranteed--personally,I much prefer watching high-quality conventional programs like The Dick Van Dyke Show and Everybody Loves Raymond to the narratively complex,but conceptually muddled and logical
Complexity and value are not mutually guaranteed--personally,I much prefer watching high-quality conventional programs like The Dick Van Dyke Show and Everybody Loves Raymond to the narratively complex,but conceptually muddled and logically maddening 24.However,narrative complexity offers a range of creative opportunities and palette of audience responses that are unique to the television medium,and thus should be studied and appreciated as a key development in the history of American narrative forms.Arguably the pleasures potentially offered by complex narratives are richer and more multifaceted than conventional programming,but value judgments should be tied to individual programs rather than claiming the superiority of an entire narrational mode or genre.Thus while we should not shy away from evaluative dimensions in narrative transformations,the goal of my analysis is not to argue that contemporary television is somehow better than it was in the 1970s,but rather to explore how and why narrative strategies have changed,and to consider the broader cultural implications of this shift.

英语翻译Complexity and value are not mutually guaranteed--personally,I much prefer watching high-quality conventional programs like The Dick Van Dyke Show and Everybody Loves Raymond to the narratively complex,but conceptually muddled and logical
希望您能够采纳!谢谢! 复杂性和价值也不相互担保——就我个人而言,我更喜欢看高质量的常规程序像迪克范戴克秀,人人都爱雷蒙德的故事一样复杂,但概念上的混乱和逻辑的24.然而,叙事的复杂性提供了一系列的创造性的机会,观众的反应是电视媒介的独特的调色板,因此应研究和赞赏,在美国的叙事形式的历史发展的关键.比传统的编程更加丰富和多元化是快乐的复杂叙事可能提供的价值判断,但应与个人计划而不是声称整个叙事模式或类型的优势.因此,我们不应该回避的叙事转变评价维度的分析,我的目标不是认为当代电视却比上世纪70年代,而是探讨如何以及为什么改变了叙事策略,并考虑这种转变的更广泛的文化意义.

英语翻译V.CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCHDue to ever increasing requirements on fuel efficiency,emissions and drivability,the complexity of powertrains isexpected to increase further in the future.In order to dealwith this complexity level,integr and their complexity in influential 怎么翻译 英语翻译This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. 英语翻译Complexity and value are not mutually guaranteed--personally,I much prefer watching high-quality conventional programs like The Dick Van Dyke Show and Everybody Loves Raymond to the narratively complex,but conceptually muddled and logical 英语翻译用机器翻译的话麻烦也稍微修改一下,语句通顺即可The results of the survey suggest that there will be a significant improvement in systems integration complexity and quality of verification and validation by adopting som 英语翻译Complexity,interdependence,and simultaneity are fundamental elements of the sustainable model,which is clearly biological rather than mechanical in nature.For such systems,size and form must follow function.In biological systems,individua COMPLEXITY怎么样 complexity是什么意思 complexity是什么意思 英语翻译Literary texts also tend to promote an ambivalent response,or awareness of the complexity of moral issues and once again interventions are suggested as appropriate use of multiple translations to demonstrate the alternative perspectives t 英语翻译The report also claims that the sheer complexity of Australia defamation laws and the inadequacy of the matters which may safely reported as 'fair report' unduly inhibits the publication of information by the media. 英语翻译ABSTRACT Security assessment is largely ad hoc today due to its inherent complexity.The existing methods are typically experimental in nature highly dependent of the assessor's experience,and the security metrics are usually qualitative.W 英语翻译Nevertheless,it seems we are closing in on a new era in our understanding of theatmosphere,one in which computer models finally get to grips with itsfull complexity in all its beautiful simplicity.And with the need forreliable predictions 英语翻译This unrehearsed,synchronous unfolding ofevents creates a villagestory.Movers and witnesses participate within the complexity of theirindividual personalities,doing what they each must do.It is the story ofa collection of people bringing 英语翻译Lynch wrote that it was impossible to know what the needs of non-human species are,and Jacobs’ observations of social complexity left some design readers uncertain of whether self-organizing human activities can change or be altered in 英语翻译Equipment management faces new challenges associated with the complexity expensive costs,short lifecycle,and extensive usage of equipment.The traditional maintenance approaches do not deal with these issues effectively As a result,the tra 英语翻译Contextualizing the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City in the widerecological urban development initiatives in China and broadening the Bank’s engagement beyond theGEF project was assessed to be important given the project’s complexity, 英语翻译However,the preferred handling of peptides over protein faces challenges concerning the higher complexity of the proteome sample and the wider dynamic range,where thousands of peptides,with very similar m ass to charge (m/z) ratios,are pr