请求给出32空和36空的详细解释It was a fine day.I started to think of getting the bank work out of the way.The bank clerk,an elderly gentleman with a white beard,was,__31__,gave me a nod.When I put my form in front of him.He was busy fillin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:26:42
请求给出32空和36空的详细解释It was a fine day.I started to think of getting the bank work out of the way.The bank clerk,an elderly gentleman with a white beard,was,__31__,gave me a nod.When I put my form in front of him.He was busy fillin
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请求给出32空和36空的详细解释It was a fine day.I started to think of getting the bank work out of the way.The bank clerk,an elderly gentleman with a white beard,was,__31__,gave me a nod.When I put my form in front of him.He was busy fillin
It was a fine day.I started to think of getting the bank work out of the way.The bank clerk,an elderly gentleman with a white beard,was,__31__,gave me a nod.When I put my form in front of him.He was busy filling in other forms.After a few minutes he took my form and started filling in.I sat there wondering why they had __32__ if they still work by hand.After waiting for a few more minutes,in which I showed all signs of being __33__ ,I asked him if my work was done.He said,"__34__ is done,it will take time!" Just then I saw his morning cup of __35__ which had been lying there for the last ten minutes,untouched.The tea had turned cold almost while he was doing his work.__36__I felt what this man,who had been working at this counter for the last God-knows-how-many years,__37__ be feeling when customers like me come who are always in a hurry to get their work done.We do not even feel the need to them for being there.He must be feeling so impatiently that "here comes another person who will __38__ me for doing his work first." Sincerely,I told him,"Sir,please have your tea,I am not in a hurry." This man,suddenly looked __39__ at me and for the first time we had eye contact—he had __40__ made eye contact before.I saw a different person there,another human being who was under the same __41__ as I always am.I saw both of us sailing in the same __42__.I felt that he was also missing the small things in life like a hot cup of tea .He gave me a __43__ and said,"It is my daily job,you are not in a hurry but somebody else who will be in a hurry will come." He really touched my __44__ with his words.I felt that all this time I thought of him as a robot,someone who was there for my convenience,but today I suddenly felt a strange communion with him.I am supposed to be more friendly to people who help me with my work and be __45__ that they are there for me.
32.A.machines B.computers
36.A.suddenly B.slowly C.Finally32选A36选A

请求给出32空和36空的详细解释It was a fine day.I started to think of getting the bank work out of the way.The bank clerk,an elderly gentleman with a white beard,was,__31__,gave me a nod.When I put my form in front of him.He was busy fillin
32、 第一,hand 和machine对应较好;第二,filling form 不仅仅是computer可以完成,也还需要printer,是吧.不过这是解题,所以要选最佳的,如果换成computer绝对不是一个错句子.
36、felt 过去式,slowly不合适,剩下suddenly和finally 语法上都合适,主要是句意.从下文来看,作者一直都在胡思乱想,所以finally放在这里早了,这个时候是作者开始胡思乱想的时间点,当然是suddenly,其实是:suddenly I begin to feel.