英文翻中文*(高手欢迎 机器免用)佳作会赏赐加分Learning to learn is the capacity to continue and persist in actual learning, and with that having efficient control of time and information, as an individual, and in a group.􀂙

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 05:04:55
英文翻中文*(高手欢迎 机器免用)佳作会赏赐加分Learning to learn is the capacity to continue and persist in actual learning, and with that having efficient control of time and information, as an individual, and in a group.􀂙
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英文翻中文*(高手欢迎 机器免用)佳作会赏赐加分Learning to learn is the capacity to continue and persist in actual learning, and with that having efficient control of time and information, as an individual, and in a group.􀂙
英文翻中文*(高手欢迎 机器免用)佳作会赏赐加分
Learning to learn is the capacity to continue and persist in actual learning, and with that having efficient control of time and information, as an individual, and in a group.
Including being conscience of the necessities and processes of your own learning, the identification of available opportunities, and the ability to supersede with success, the obstacles your faced with at the end of your learning.
Including obtaining and assimilating new knowledge and abilities such as the search and utilization of a guide.
Learning to learn means that you compromise yourself to enhance your knowledge in part through your learning and past experiences with objective being to utilize and apply knowledge and abilities in a variety of contexts: at home, at work, in schools.

英文翻中文*(高手欢迎 机器免用)佳作会赏赐加分Learning to learn is the capacity to continue and persist in actual learning, and with that having efficient control of time and information, as an individual, and in a group.􀂙

英文翻中文*(高手欢迎 机器免用)佳作会赏赐加分Learning to learn is the capacity to continue and persist in actual learning, and with that having efficient control of time and information, as an individual, and in a group.􀂙 英语翻译求高手将中文摘要翻译成英文,机器免进,今晚就要..汶川地震中网民的自主性传播摘 要汶川地震发生以后,网络在此次地震中的表现让人赞叹.网民的自主传播在地震中的作用是积极的 中文翻成英文欢迎你来到我们的餐厅.你还需要些什么?你可以结账了吗?欢迎下次再来!我要人工翻译,用其他翻译软件语法会不对. 欢迎用英语,翻译成英文 请高手帮助翻译成英文“热烈欢迎瑞典老尼(老外自己取的中文名字)总裁一行莅临园区考察”,谢谢! 要求翻译成英文和中文,要人手翻译不要机器翻的. 英语翻译公司中文名为“明媚”,请高手翻译成英文, 中文句子翻英文 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 > “欢迎******领导莅临!”麻烦翻译成英文 欢迎某人参观英文如何翻 欢迎您来到本店 翻译成英文 英文翻中文! 英文高手请帮我英文翻中文 禁止翻译软体!因为想了解句子看不太懂 希望有英文高手帮我翻一下 不要翻译软体 我看的出来喔翻的好 会加分 '' violence never gives you a specific feeling th 哪位高手能将3dmax9.0英文版翻译成中文啊,操作界面全部的,我急等着用!谢谢了!高手,高手来啊! 【我的佳作选】用英文怎么说?RT 英语翻译如图英文机器名牌翻译成中文.用google在线翻译,感觉词不达意.希望有朋友能给去,贴切的答案.如果有其他机器名牌的(英文),最好能提供一份供我参考下. 电话录音,中文翻译成英文欢迎致电神马汽车租赁有限公司,严谨、关爱、快速!电话正在接通中,请稍候. 有英文水准的帮忙翻译成英文:欢迎来到清洗机车间! 清洗机是我们车间生产的一种洗车机器有英文水准的帮忙翻译成英文:欢迎来到清洗机车间! 清洗机是我们车间生产的一种洗车机器 英语高手!劳驾翻译一下!中文译英文!使用翻译器的就免了!Rejoicing in hope_____patient in tri bulation.错了。是英文翻译中文