
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:17:48
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1盐水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken
2西红柿炒蛋:Scrambled Egg with Tomato
3土豆炒牛肉:Braised Beef with Potatoes
4木须肉:omelet with shredded pork
5老醋花生:Peanuts in Vinegar
6鸡丝凉皮:Peanuts in Vinegar
6.蕃茄牛肉炒饭Tomato w/ Beef Fried Rice
7.厨师炒饭House Fried Rice
8.生菜丝炒牛肉饭Beef Fried Rice w/Lettuce
9.招牌炒面House Chow Mein
10.鸡球炒/煎面Chicken Chow Mein
11.蕃茄牛肉炒面Tomato Beef Chow Mein
12.海鲜炒/煎面Seafood Chow Mein
13.虾子姜葱捞面Ginger Green Onion Noodle
14.干烧伊面Teriyaki Noodle
15.鸡丝上汤窝面Chicken Noodle Soup
16.菜远炒牛河Vegetable Beef Chow Fun
17.豉椒排骨炒河Sparerib w/ Black Bean Chow Fun
18.星洲炒米粉Singapore Noodle (Hot Spice)
19.鸳鸯馒头Shanghai Buns (12)
20.上汤水饺Dumpling Soup
21.上汤云吞Won Ton soup
22.丝苗白饭Steam Rice
24.甜酸鸡Sweet & Sour Chicken
25.时菜鸡Vegetable & Chicken
26.咖喱鸡Curry Chicken
27.豉椒鸡Black Bean Sauce Chicken
28.京都上肉排Peking Spareribs
29.椒盐肉排Pepper Salt Fried Spareribs
30.梅菜扣肉Preserved Vegetable & Pork
31.豉汁排骨Black Bean Sauce Spareribs
32.时菜排骨Vegetable & Spareribs
33.蜜汁叉烧B.B.Q. Pork
34.炸菜牛肉Pickled with Beef
35.蒙古牛肉Mongolian Beef
36.姜葱牛肉Ginger & Green Onion Beef
37.豪油牛肉Oyster Sauce Beef
38.时菜牛肉Vegetable & Beef
39.豆腐牛肉Tofu and Beef
40.四川牛肉Szechuan Beef
41.柠檬牛肉Lemon Beef
42.椒盐牛仔骨Pepper Salted Fried Beef Ribs
43.火腩塘虱煲Roasted Pork & Catfish Clay Pot
44.东江豆腐煲Tofu in Clay Pot
45.海鲜煲Seafood in Clay Pot
46.八珍煲Assorted Meat in Clay Pot
47.柱侯牛腩煲Stew Beef Basket
48.鱼香茄子煲Eggplant in Clay Pot
49.虾米粉丝煲Dried Shrimp & Noodle in Clay Pot
50.咸鱼鸡豆腐煲Salted Fish & Chicken Tofu in Clay Pot
51.蒸山水豆腐Steamed Tofu
52.红烧豆腐Braised Tofu
53.麻婆豆腐Bean Sauce Tofu
54.干烧四季豆Braised Green Bean
55.鱼香茄子Braised Egg plant
56.蒜茸豆苗Garlic Pea Greens
57.豉汁凉瓜black Bean Sauce & Bitter Melon
http://hi.baidu.com/jiawen99/blog/item/f3cd0233ab5669fe1a4cffa2.html 这里有很多家常饭

Smalltalk sauerkraut fish
Raw material: grass carp or carp, grass carp is the best, a斤半heavier is better. Sauerkraut 1 (I say one, because大头菜do sauerkraut are generally a one pickled).


Smalltalk sauerkraut fish
Raw material: grass carp or carp, grass carp is the best, a斤半heavier is better. Sauerkraut 1 (I say one, because大头菜do sauerkraut are generally a one pickled).
1, clean fish after packing to the head, the fish cut into small pieces-down. Fish bone砍成above. If the little pot, the head Retention can be done after the head soup. If the pot large enough, the head also can be done together.
2, fish bone and the head put together salt and料酒salted, another fish separate release also salt and料酒salted, more than 10 minutes on it. Make an egg white grasping the fish absorbed. Sauerkraut cut into short sections, washing three times removed some salt taste, and reserve.
3,热锅after caving fuel, not too many, too many will greasy soup with garlic chopped scallion and ginger to a pot,腌好fish bone put to the head, the speculation, adding water, and more water to put points , had no fish bone, and monosodium glutamate, home dry chilli peppers, like吃辣can put more points, and do not like吃辣can put a nice dry红椒embellishment. To put sauerkraut,煮开, long cooking, so that more delicious soup. This time the soup can taste the savory, slightly放盐(before preserved because the time has spared salt, sauerkraut is a).
4, the next to the fish bowl, the fish cooked immediately起锅. Do not cook the fish old, has not tasty.
5, the last shred of parsley plus points, with big soup pots Shing up, it ok啦.
Features: fish香嫩,汤味particularly delicious.(家常酸菜鱼
3、热锅之后,放点油,不要太多,太多了汤会腻,用葱花大蒜和姜爆锅,把腌好的鱼骨鱼头放进去,炒一下,加水,水要多放点,没过鱼骨,加味精,家干辣椒,喜欢吃辣可以多放点,不喜欢吃辣可以就放一个干红椒点缀好看。酸菜放进去,煮开,久煮,让汤更鲜美。这时候可以尝一下汤的咸味,酌量放盐(因为之前腌制的时候已经放过盐,酸菜也是咸的) 。


57种菜有汉、英语要57种菜,有汉语,也要有英语, 烧过的蜂窝煤球渣种菜有毒吗用烧过的蜂窝煤球渣种菜有一年了,也不知种的菜有没有毒,懂行的告知一下 东北的冬天也有温室大棚种植零下几十度也能种菜吗 格林先生既种菜也种花,用英语怎么说? 求一专有名词种菜时要把田理成一条一条土,每条有小沟间隔.种菜的那条土堆普通话怎说? 在有柴油的土壤里种菜可以吗 院子有一小块花圃,可以直接用来种菜吗? 宁夏月亮山有种菜叫绝毛菜是什么 蘑菇和香菇有什么区别?是不是同一种菜 哪里有种菜的最小的挖土机卖 用大粪种菜和用化肥种菜有什么区别 【急!】两者生长后,有什么区别. 如何种菜 种花化肥与种菜化肥有什么不同?人工草地里的也才能吃吗?我的意思是,是不是种菜化肥相当于食品级,而种花化肥只需要工业级就可以了 收庄稼,收菜 ,种菜 英语怎么说? 介绍一种菜的做法(英语) 我又开始种菜了,英语怎么说 学校餐厅每天供应500名学生用餐,每星期一有a和b两种菜可供选择,调查资料表明,凡是在这星期一选a种菜的,下星期一会有20%改选b种菜;而选B种菜的人,下星期一会有30%改选A种菜.用an和bn分别表 学校餐厅每天供应500名学生用餐,每星期一有A,B两种菜可供选择.星期一选择A种菜的,下星期一会有1/5改选B种菜;而选B种菜的,下星期一会有3/10改选A种菜.用an,bn分别表示在第n个星期选A、B的人