
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 03:20:07
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The film mainly shows a little penguin called Bobo and it's happy world.
Bobo was different from other penguins ever since his birth ,it's due to its specially big feet,and not able to sing beautiful songs,what's more,it dances nonstop all the time has made people stare strangely at it.
However,Bobo is still addicted to its own dancing world ,and indicates its feelings by the big feet.

the film mainly depicts the happy world of little penguin Bobo.Bobo was different from other chirdren since he was born because he has a pair of peculiar big feet, besides he could not sing melodious ...


the film mainly depicts the happy world of little penguin Bobo.Bobo was different from other chirdren since he was born because he has a pair of peculiar big feet, besides he could not sing melodious songs. Though his dancing from morning till night everyday made the people around him to look at him with strange visions, still Bobo immersed in his fancy dancing world, and used his big feet of epress his emotions and feelings.


The film tells the story of little penguin BOBO's happy world. BOBO is different with the other one when his was born,because he have a peculiar big feet and also can't sing beautiful song. Everyone ...


The film tells the story of little penguin BOBO's happy world. BOBO is different with the other one when his was born,because he have a peculiar big feet and also can't sing beautiful song. Everyone have a strange look at him because he keep dancing all day night. But BOBO immersed in his own dance world, use bigfoot express his all emotions.


英语翻译影片主要写的是小企鹅波波的幸福世界.波波从一出生就与别的小朋友不一样,因为他长了一双奇特的大脚,而且他不会唱美妙的歌曲,一天到晚不停的跳动总会招来周围人异样的目光. 谁能用英语翻译这段话?要速度!影片中小企鹅配的旁白:当看到白色回来时就是好事(企鹅正面走来时是白色),当看到黑色背影时就意味着悲伤的离别.当小企鹅退掉身上灰色的乳毛开始分出 王企鹅的特点主要是速度 英语翻译:影片结局是好的 小企鹅是怎样长大的 英语翻译是幸福的 求 企鹅 的英语翻译 企鹅的英语翻译 小企鹅的特点是什么 企鹅是什么动物?生出来的宝宝是蛋还是直接就是小企鹅? 关于革命电影的观后感,400字的.开头要写谁是主角,影片主要讲述了什么,这是最主要的.中间主要写精彩片段,就是主角经历的事情.最后主要写自己的感想. 英语翻译飞屋环游记 观后感这是我第二次看这部影片了,前面开始,用了10分钟讲述了卡尔和艾丽幸福的一生,没有语言的叙述,只是一段段的照片放映,我却也是热泪盈眶,那种很简单,很平淡的小 “一部很成功的影片”怎样用英语翻译? youxiang是54144155,马化腾企鹅上的.不让写啊. 企鹅生活的地方是南极用英语怎么写 白岩松的《幸福了吗》主要写的什么? 英语翻译需要是外国人写的 文献或者期刊都可以 大概2000-3000字左右 最好有中文翻译 270858595@企鹅 急救,关于写优秀影片的作文