
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:39:29
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The scene interposes a basis:The peace-keeping force takes turns every year ,our country city sends one to take turns to associate with a group going to Sudan guide an armed force to take turns to work ,is a group's turn to will tide over the about 15th or so in Africa.Work within this paragraph of time,except guiding to superintend hand-over ,also may get rid of a war zone calling on the department concerned leader.The personnel is set up:Circumstances interposes a conversation in two Sudan war zone organs ,the 5 people who associates with a group travelling together of group calls on the in relation to leader.Five philtrum ,one people are the main leader associating with a group in the homeland (A) ,one people is that my armed force to Sudan leads (second) mainly; Three people is an adviser other (third,Ding).The other party is four people ,interpose as follows:Kenya Colonel A is military side good hand; Lieutenant Colonel B is that Kenya protects the battalion commander of camp; Lieutenant Colonel C is war zone vice-commander; D Major ,the war zone project are in charge of.Under second's recommending,eight people unfolds conversation.

The scene sets at the basis: Every year as soon as and, I send to connect with Dan to refer to a work, crosses about in a big way 15th in Africa. Section it, except refers to supervises the connection...


The scene sets at the basis: Every year as soon as and, I send to connect with Dan to refer to a work, crosses about in a big way 15th in Africa. Section it, except refers to supervises the connection work, also does obeisance has. the person sets: Jing Zhi in Dan two machine, connects with one line of 5 people to do obeisance has. In five people, a person connects with (armor) mainly, person of my Dan main (second grade); Other three people (third, Ding). The side four people, set as follows: Kenny Colonel A side member; Lieutenant Colonel B Kenny guarantees; Lieutenant Colonel Assistant Deputy Commander C; Major D, engineering dept manager. Under second grade recommending, eight person of exhibitions.

