几道托福口语题Some students prefer to study or work on different class assignments early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why?Many students do volunteer work in schools or communitie

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 16:07:52
几道托福口语题Some students prefer to study or work on different class assignments early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why?Many students do volunteer work in schools or communitie
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几道托福口语题Some students prefer to study or work on different class assignments early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why?Many students do volunteer work in schools or communitie
Some students prefer to study or work on different class assignments early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why?
Many students do volunteer work in schools or communities.If you are a volunteer,what kind of volunteer work are you interested to do?
Some people prefer to write diaries or take photos to record things they’ve experienced.Others don’t.What is your opinion and why?Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

几道托福口语题Some students prefer to study or work on different class assignments early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why?Many students do volunteer work in schools or communitie
1.I prefer to stdudy in the evening for several reasons.
1st,I'm a student and I have to have classes in the morning so at night I can work on the assignment and practice what I learn in the day.
2nd,for me ,I work more efficiently at night after all the activities in the day...(自由发挥)
2、I'm really interested in helping the ederly in whatever way.In the modern society,many of them are lonely after contributing all their lives to their families and the world.They deserve a better life---not with a lot of money,but with countless fun.
I can help them...(自由发挥)
furthermore,they have wisdom after so many years.They can help me in another way...(自由发挥)for instance...
3\The former outweighs the latter definitely--in my opinion.
you have a certain amount of brain to record a certain amount of things,so if you don't want to be at a loss what you've done when looking back,you have to do something to keep them.
(接下来举例子)these photos remind me of my 18th birthday,which is a vital moment in my life;that piece of paper tells me that I have done something that so wrong that it hurt my best friend,and I shouln't do that again;and also,that notebook has all my memories with so many cute guys in Egypt.

几道托福口语题Some students prefer to study or work on different class assignments early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why?Many students do volunteer work in schools or communitie 一道托福口语题Some students prefer to do several short assignments for a class.Other students prefer to do one or two long assignments for a class.Which do you prefer? 求高人回答托福口语题.Some students prefer to study or work on difficult class assignment early in the morning.Other students do this type of work in the evening.Which way do you prefer and why? 求一道托福口语题答案:some students perfer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question,other students prefer to take a test with objective questions.Which type of exam question do you prefer?是一片托福口语 托福口语第二题求解答!some people believe that every student who want to attend universality should be given the opportunity to recieve university education.other people believe that university education should be aviable to only students wh 请教一道托福口语题 task2 北美09.9.11 some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due daysome students prefer to prepare their projects on the due day,other students prefer to prepare their project much earlier before the due day. 托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to 托福口语黄金80题 托福 high school students take economic classes 怎么答?托福口语题:Do you think the high school should take economic classes? 一道托福口语题,求解答.Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question; other students prefer to take a test with objective question. Which type of exam do you prefer?[我不是要翻译哈,小 请高人帮我回答一道托福口语题.在线等Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due day. Other students prefer to prepare their project much earlier before the due day. Which way do you prefer and why? 最好100字左右 托福口语求解答Some students prefer to take a essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. 托福口语 新托福口语题 if you unexpectedly recevie a large amount of money,what will you do with it?would you spend it for practical purposes or simply for fun?some students prefer to get up early and sleep early some others prefer to get up late and sle 高分求托福口语第2题例子和提示!急!1.Some students prefer to study or work on difficult class assignments early in the morning,Others prefer to do this in the evening, what do you prefer?2.Do you prefer to live in a place most of life or 求托福口语黄金80题 软件! 托福口语一二题评分limited , 托福口语各题一般说几句