
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 17:18:36
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A:Connect AC power.
B:Turn on a faucet,connect headwaters.
C:Open the machine door,put evenly the clothes that wants to wash into the washer,close a tight machine door.
D:Revolve"wash away dirt the procedure knob" through an agreeable hour hand,choose the procedure that you need.
E:Draw back"wash away dirt the allotment machine box(take out a pull type)",can see 2,A,C three small rooms that put to wash away dirt(2 rooms:Strong wash-weak wash period to use to wash away dirt;A room:Meek,adjust the reason,spice etc.;C room:Bleach),according to wash away dirt a demand,put just the right amount of washing powder etc.to correspond of small indoor,then close"wash away dirt allotment the machine box" lightly.
F:Press"the cold water wash away dirt a key",choose a washer all procedures in order to don't heat rinse,release this key,then for heat rinse.
G:Press"the power switch key",the washer presses the enactment procedure to carry out automatically.
H:When the rinse procedure be over choose after,the washer auto stop work,2-3 can immediately open the machine door after minutes,take out a clothes,close a faucet,pull out power supply plug.

A:Connect AC power.
B:Turn on a faucet, connect headwaters.
C:Open a machine door, put the clothes which wants to wash evenly into washer inside, close a tight machine door.
D:Revolve "...


A:Connect AC power.
B:Turn on a faucet, connect headwaters.
C:Open a machine door, put the clothes which wants to wash evenly into washer inside, close a tight machine door.
D:Revolve "wash away dirt a procedure knob" through an agreeable hour hand, choose the procedure that you need.
E:Draw back "rinse allotment machine box(take out a pull type)", can see 2, A, C three small rooms which put a rinse(2 rooms:Strong wash-weak wash a period to use a rinse;A room:Meek, adjust reason, spice...etc.;C room:Bleach), according to wash away dirt a demand, put just the right amount of washing powder etc. to homologous of small indoor, then lightly close"rinse allotment machine box".
F:Press"cold water wash away dirt a key", choose a washer all procedures in order to don't heat rinse, release this key, then wash away dirt for the heating.
G:Press"power switch key", the washer presses the enactment procedure to automatically carry out.
H:When the rinse procedure choose be over after, the washer auto stop work, can immediately open a machine door after 2-3 minutes, take out a clothes, close a faucet and pulled out power supply plug.



英语翻译A:接通交流电源.B:打开水龙头,接通水源.C:打开机门,把要洗的衣物均匀地放入洗衣机内,关紧机门.D:通过顺时针旋转“洗涤程序旋钮”,选择你所需要的程序.E:拉开“洗涤剂分配 交流接触器已经接通电源可是不吸合都可能是什么原因造成的 电阻丝直径6毫米,电阻0.28接通220交流电源时有多少电流@ 开关的闭合、打开、断开,到底哪几个是接通电源的,哪几个是断开电源的? 如图热得快热水器,该热水器问题出在?如图为“热得快”热水器的电路图和示意图.现接通电源,发现该热水器没有发热,并且热水器上的指示灯也不亮,现用交流电压表测得热水器A、B两端的电 高二选修3.2物理题,求解如图5-3-11所示电路,L1、L2为两个相同的灯泡,电键S接通恒定直流电源时,灯泡L1发光,L2不亮,后将S接在有效值和直流电压相同的交流电源上,这时()A.L2比L1更亮些B.L2比 使用电火花计时器来分析物体运动情况的实验中,有如下基本步骤:A.把电火花计时器固定在桌子上B.安装好纸带C.松开纸带让物体带着纸带运动D.接通220V交流电源E.按下脉冲输出开关,进行打点 物理题解答网如图5-3-11所示电路,L1、L2为两个相同的灯泡,电键S接通恒定直流电源时,灯泡L1发光,L2不亮,后将S接在有效值和直流电压相同的交流电源上,这时()A.L2比L1更亮些B.L2比L1更暗些C 关于电冰箱的能量转化问题?.在某密闭隔热的房间内有一电冰箱,现接通电源使电冰箱开始工作,并打开电冰箱门,则过一段时间后室内的温度将( )A.降低 B.不变 C.升高 D.无法判断 2.在密封的 英语翻译把水管接在水龙头上,打开水龙头._______the house ________the top,and turn on the tap. 白炽灯的灯丝常在刚接通的瞬间被烧断,主要是因为刚接通时( )A.冷灯丝的电阻较大 B.电源电压较高C.冷灯丝的电阻较小 D.灯丝热膨胀太快 缝纫机电机,最近总是出现接通电源,打开开关,有微弱响声,不能启动,怎么回事啊?打开开关 只嗡嗡响 不能启动 像是动力不足 电路中有了电源,就可以使()A 电路接通B 电路两端产生电压C 电路中产生电荷D 电路中产生电流 科学流速压强打开水龙头,使自来水流过如图的玻璃管,从图可知A、B两处_______处流速大,________处压强大 打开水龙头 使自来水流过如图所示的玻璃管,在A,B,C三处,水的流速最大的是___处,压强最小的是____处 从课本到奥数水池上装有甲、乙两个水龙头,单开甲水龙头2小时可将水池注满,单开乙水龙头4小时可排空一池水.甲、乙两个水龙头同时打开,几小时可注满水池?有两个装有同样多的仓库A和B.搬 英语翻译:开关是接通和断开电源或电路的元件 一水池有A、B两个进水龙头和一个出水龙头C.如果在水池空时间同时将A、C打开,2小时可注满水池;同时打开B、C两个水龙头,3小时可注满水池;当水池满时,先打开C,7小时后再把A、B同时打开(C