
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:02:53
xTMn@$^ ʊ]Mj{"{+,-P"*P+BKvѤD,Ҥgz'n۠ba ڗQ4>uvn|oV݋TAM6jsalw9 , {pQ5ބZ0FWL=X'6Pf\&u`|ɽ"b,p>Xyiaɡ{dPx2 8F^8^/\ A*r;!"o/c+fqt4lnR=Q 32{֛bZt:y 5ybh̸2i SxzbhFcWU=^[:Oh֏|n>GǪ{_//X3wU>EA QvJ)h gQ6ye}2P _}3F6IT?n: ĢAB0qZ[ cKZ?


My relatives came and visited me when I was hospitalized.I will know how long I will stay in the hospital.
His rude friends are not polite to him.

During the days I am in hospital, my relative came to look in me. I will know how long I have to stay in hospital. His rude friends are impolite to him.

My relatives came to visit me when I was in hospital.
I'll know how long I will stay in hospital.
His rude friends are impolite to him.

During my stay at the hospital, my relatives came to visit me. I will know that I was in the hospital stay.

During the days I am in hospital, my relative came to look in me. I will know how long I have to stay in hospital. His rude friends are impolite to him.

During my stay at the hospital, my relatives come to visit me.
I will know that I am in my hospital stay.
His those rude friend to him you're welcome.

英语翻译他的那些粗鲁的朋友对他不客气. 你不该对他的私事做出如此粗鲁的评价英语翻译(remark)的中译英,马上要, 他对他的朋友友好 汉译英 我对他不客气用粤语怎么说?他在惹我我对他不客气.粤语对怎么说? 那些是他的盒子的英语翻译 英语翻译:他一直是我的朋友 英语翻译1.他的父母亲都不是老师,所以他们都希望他将来能当老师 (neither)2.这个营业员对顾客很粗鲁,所以经理对他们很生气(That's why...)3.他离开家乡已有十多年了他常思念自己的父母与童 英语翻译 他正在家里给他的朋友写信 用英语翻译他喜欢跟他的朋友开玩笑 他和他的朋友一起游泳英语翻译 如果我的朋友遇到了学习上的困难 英语翻译 我对他说 英语翻译 他对他的朋友了解多少?英文翻译 英语翻译他们在两天内能修好这条马路吗?(possible)他的父母都不是教师,所以他们都希望她将来能当老师.(neither)这位营业员对顾客很粗鲁,所以经理对他很生气.(That's why...)他离开家乡已 他经常帮助我的英语 这句话用英语怎么说.不客气 的三种表达方式. 这个老爷爷很善良,可是他的儿子很粗鲁英语怎么翻译? 我无法忍受他那粗鲁的行为 用英语怎么说? 请问如果我回答了别人的问题后,对我说了谢谢,我怎样才能回复他不客气?回答的辛苦了,小小财富请笑纳. 英语翻译一个、朋友对我说的话!他、等着我的回复、好急!