初一英语(两题)帮我看看我做的对不对,如果不对请帮我指出!1.Yesterday,Tom (has) a boken leg,so he (hasn't gone) to school.2.Mum told me (to have) some cough syrup.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:48:04
初一英语(两题)帮我看看我做的对不对,如果不对请帮我指出!1.Yesterday,Tom (has) a boken leg,so he (hasn't gone) to school.2.Mum told me (to have) some cough syrup.

初一英语(两题)帮我看看我做的对不对,如果不对请帮我指出!1.Yesterday,Tom (has) a boken leg,so he (hasn't gone) to school.2.Mum told me (to have) some cough syrup.
1.Yesterday,Tom (has) a boken leg,so he (hasn't gone) to school.
2.Mum told me (to have) some cough syrup.

初一英语(两题)帮我看看我做的对不对,如果不对请帮我指出!1.Yesterday,Tom (has) a boken leg,so he (hasn't gone) to school.2.Mum told me (to have) some cough syrup.
1.had,didn't go.这题是过去时,两个动词都要使用过去式.
2.对的.tell sb.to do sth.