帮忙看看这几英语句语法怎么改才对1As we all known,the project hope has been helped many people who need help.It delights up their life and brings worm to their life that make many people can hold on to their dreams.3There is no doublet

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:50:18
帮忙看看这几英语句语法怎么改才对1As we all known,the project hope has been helped many people who need help.It delights up their life and brings worm to their life that make many people can hold on to their dreams.3There is no doublet
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帮忙看看这几英语句语法怎么改才对1As we all known,the project hope has been helped many people who need help.It delights up their life and brings worm to their life that make many people can hold on to their dreams.3There is no doublet
As we all known,the project hope has been helped many people who need help.
It delights up their life and brings worm to their life that make many people can hold on to their dreams.
There is no doublet that the project hope has been a success.
There are many numbers who are working hard and make a contribute to the organization.

帮忙看看这几英语句语法怎么改才对1As we all known,the project hope has been helped many people who need help.It delights up their life and brings worm to their life that make many people can hold on to their dreams.3There is no doublet
as is known to all,the project is expected to help many people who need help.
it enlights their life and warm their life enabling many people to hold on to their dreams.
There is no doubt that the project has been a success.
There are many members who are working hard and contributing to the organization

1.known-->know, hope-->Hope, has been helped-->has helped, need help-->needed help.
2.many numbers-->a number of people, and make a contribute-->to make contributions。

As we all know, the Project Hope has been helping many people who need help. It delights up their life and brings warm that enables many people to hold to their dreams.
There is no doubt that Proj...


As we all know, the Project Hope has been helping many people who need help. It delights up their life and brings warm that enables many people to hold to their dreams.
There is no doubt that Project Hope has been a success.
There are many members who are working hard and making a contribute to the organization.


帮忙看看这几英语句语法怎么改才对1As we all known,the project hope has been helped many people who need help.It delights up their life and brings worm to their life that make many people can hold on to their dreams.3There is no doublet 谁能帮我看看这句英语对不对呀?看看有木有什么语法错的改怎么改make a difference in the field of urban Design and my occupation development plan of the next 5 years is to be a important position in a company in xiamen, 大家帮忙看看这句英语有没有语病,应该怎么改?panda is not a panda which is a panda to be a panda 帮忙看看这句英语有语法错误没?怎么改?Even not his native language can he speak well,let alone English. 帮我看看这句英文从语法上说有错吗?怎么改I want to be your future. 帮忙看看一句英语your life is betteryour grade should be better这句话语法什么的对不对? 帮忙看看这几题有没有改对谢谢 英语翻译这样符合语法吗?Many students have the same problem as you,including some of my classmates and best friends,even me myself.请帮忙看看怎么改呢 英语翻译帮忙看看这句英语怎么理解---The UK network of Business Links claims that as many as 60-70% of the businesses that come through its doors now offer some form of remote working support to their workforces. 英语好的来看看,看看这句话语法有错误吗之类的As a member of a pit,You're too weak请看看这句话这样说对吗?哪儿有错误,请帮忙就整出来 转述句是什么?妈妈对我说:我想看看你洗的衣服干不干净.这句怎么改? God created an angel.希望帮忙看看,这句英语的语法正确吗?意境是否和中文意思贴近呢?God created an angel.With beautiful blonde hair and shining green eyes,his smile is appealing and warm.his soul is just as beautiful as his ap 看看我这句英语是否对 i don't know remember playing computer该怎么说才正确 帮忙看看这句英语有没有语法错误When I got no power.please by my side,say you believe me.这句话语法对吗 英语达人帮忙看看这句话应该怎么说When you say the first lie,youll using countless lies reparation 我感觉不太对呢·· 应该怎么改 或者换个方法怎么说 英语提问:以下句子改写得对吗,帮我看看,有问题请指正,原句:The Titanic was regarded as unsinkable.改句1:The Titanic was considered as unsinkable.改句2:The Titanic was thought of as unsinkable.改句3:The Titanic was t 小鸟对青蛙说:“你跳上来看看吧”.转述句怎么改? 帮忙看看这句英语写的有错么Common as the phenomenon is,the problem behind it is worth our attention