
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:35:40
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Getting the Chairperson\‘s Attention 引起会议主席的注意
(Mister/Madam) chairman.
May I have a word?
If I may,I think...
Excuse me for interrupting.
May I come in here?
Giving Opinions 表达意见
I\‘m positive that...
I (really) feel that...
In my opinion...
The way I see things...
If you ask me,...I tend to think that...
Asking for Opinions 询问意见
Are you positive that...
Do you (really) think that...
(name of participant) can we get your input?
How do you feel about...
Commenting 做出评论
That\‘s interesting .
I never thought about it that way before.
Good point!
I get your point.
I see what you mean.
Agreeing 表示同意
I totally agree with you.
That\‘s (exactly) the way I feel.
I have to agree with (name of participant).
Disagreeing 表示异议
Unfortunately,I see it differently.
Up to a point I agree with you,but...
(I\‘m afraid) I can\‘t agree
Advising and Suggesting 提出建议
We should...
Why don\‘t you.
How/What about...
I suggest/recommend that...
Clarifying 澄清
Let me spell out...
Have I made that clear?
Do you see what I\‘m getting at?
Let me put this another way...
I\‘d just like to repeat that...
Requesting Information 请求信息
Please,could you...
I\‘d like you to...
Would you mind...
I wonder if you could...
Asking for Repetition 请求重复
I\‘m afraid I didn\‘t understand that.Could you repeat what you just said?
I didn\‘t catch that.Could you repeat that,please?
I missed that.Could you say it again,please?
Could you run that by me one more time?
Asking for Clarification 要求澄清
I don\‘t quite follow you.What exactly do you mean?
I\‘m afraid I don\‘t quite understand what your are getting at.
Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
I don\‘t see what you mean.Could we have some more details,please?
Asking for Verification 请求确认
You did say next week,didn\‘t you?(\‘did\‘ is stressed)
Do you mean that...
Is it true that...
Asking for Spelling 请求拼写
Could you spell that,please?
Would you mind spelling that for me,please?
Asking for Contributions 请求赐教
We haven\‘t heard from you yet,(name of participant).
What do you think about this proposal?
Would you like to add anything,(name of participant)?
Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
Are there any more comments?
Correcting Information 更正
Sorry,I think you misunderstood what I said.
Sorry,that\‘s not quite right.
I\‘m afraid you don\‘t understand what I\‘m saying.
That\‘s not quite what I had in mind.
That\‘s not what I meant.
Keeping the Meeting On Target (time,relevance,decisions) 转入正题
We\‘re running short of time.
Well,that seems to be all the time we have today.
Please be brief.
I\‘m afraid we\‘ve run out of time.
I\‘m afraid that\‘s outside the scope of this meeting.
Let\‘s get back on track,why don\‘t we?
That\‘s not really why we\‘re here today.
Why don\‘t we return to the main focus of today\‘s meeting.
We\‘ll have to leave that to another time.
We\‘re beginning to lose sight of the main point.
Keep to the point,please.
I think we\‘d better leave that for another meeting.
Are we ready to make a decision?


哪位大哥大姐给小弟提供一篇英语小对话,要三个人的, 求英语对话式童话剧本~角色越多越好小弟急需一篇英语的童话剧本,对话式的,出场角色越多越好~哪位大哥大姐有这种剧本的话, 哪位大哥大姐愿意帮小弟在线学英语啊! 哪位爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨大哥大姐小弟小妹可以给我一篇写地震中感人事迹的文章?汶川地震中的感人事迹 有谁能提供英语自我介绍的范文有哪位大哥大姐能给在下提供一份简单的英文自我介绍的范文,在下不甚感激 哪位大哥大姐知道啊,帮帮小弟!要描写放鞭炮的句子! 我要搜集青铜葵花1~3章的精彩片段,哪位大哥、大姐帮帮小弟~ 有哪位大哥大姐帮小弟写骗作文啊作文要800字左右 Frist 哪位大哥大姐小弟小妹,大叔大婶... 英语翻译哪位大哥大姐教教小弟呀?要是翻译. juse for 哪位大哥大姐能告诉小弟just for 哪位大哥大姐给做一做啊!急用! 用英文写一篇关于:女人找个好工作不如找个好老公的英语口语对话2个人的对话,3分钟左右的内容就行,哪位好心的大哥大姐给写个吧, 哪位文采高点的大哥大姐,给我一篇《红日》的观后感! (北师大版)课时达标 练与测 ..哪位大哥大姐小弟小妹给我发下啦...先谢过叻 新版毛邓三课后题答案如题,哪位大哥大姐有的话,给一个,小弟在此跪谢 英语成绩提高法小弟初一英语成绩不好,大哥大姐支点招给我 英语翻译小弟从小英语就不及格.希望大哥大姐们帮忙给翻译下.