英语翻译我的答案是:who is that girl in a red skirt但是老师算错,为什么错了?应该没错啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:50:59
英语翻译我的答案是:who is that girl in a red skirt但是老师算错,为什么错了?应该没错啊?
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英语翻译我的答案是:who is that girl in a red skirt但是老师算错,为什么错了?应该没错啊?
我的答案是:who is that girl in a red skirt但是老师算错,为什么错了?应该没错啊?

英语翻译我的答案是:who is that girl in a red skirt但是老师算错,为什么错了?应该没错啊?
who is that girl in red dress?

英语翻译我的答案是:who is that girl in a red skirt但是老师算错,为什么错了?应该没错啊? 根据首字母写单词是一篇关于巴黎的短文,有几个空我不会People who like (1) enjoy walking down old streets and (2) old buildings.Paris is not a cheap city.Hotels,food,and other things are (3).But there is something funny about tha there is mounting evidence tha the chill could return这个 mounting 好像查不到意思.我知道是 “越来越...,日益增加”的意思,但是字典上查不到, 英语翻译改变从你我认识的那一刻开始、下面是我托朋友帮我搜寻的答案,小弟在这不甚感激.Change starts from the moment I met youchange from the moment we metChange from we know each other at that momentchange from tha Who is she的答案是She is Mary aunt 还是she's my aunt Mary Who _____eating the bones? (is/are)答案给的是is ,为什么啊 英语翻译It is hard for some young people to believe tha twomen were at one time not admitted to some collegues that have since become coeducational.(我很无语为啥最初的分类是烦恼,恋爱.百度绝对智商有问题)(手打太急打 英语翻译兹证明xx,男,1990年03月06日出生,学号:200926630408,现就读于浙江工业大学四年制本科软件工程专业,目前大四在读.特此证明!这是中介给我翻译的,最后一句真心没看懂:This is to certify tha my necklace is not the only thing ( )is missinga that b which c who答案给的是a可是我不明白为什么,请详细说明原因 英语翻译这是送给某个在我心中特别的人的东西英语翻译成The thing is for someone who is special in my heart . 这句话中要不要用be动词?I like singers who sings songs is clearly但答案上是I like singers who sings songs clearly,英语高手们说是我的对还是答案的对啊? 英语翻译The man who dies rich dies disgraced.这句话的意思是:The man who dies when he is rich is disgraced when he dies.但是我就是不明白die rich 这种结构。 英语翻译who is this fucking guy?懂的朋友帮我翻下 英语翻译Jack is twice as old as Bill,who is eight years younger than Ben,who is four years younger than Ted,who is half as old again as Jack.How old is Bill?我翻译的不太明白, 英语翻译:蓝鲸生活在海洋,是世界上最大的动物,看我翻译对了没Blue whale is the world's biggest animal who lives in oceans'我就是想用定语从句,不能用who引导吗? Where is the man ___I saw this morning?这句话答案给的是that,可是我觉得whom和who也可以,请问可不可以 what is true and what is false ,who can tell me?可以给我这上面的答案吗 who is 有这个语句吗who is me?这个有没有呢.who am 表达我是谁的这三句哪些是对的?有点乱了