
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:09:26
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1. There is o______ one telephone in my home.
2. Is she good at d________ pictures?
3. Ma Lin and Mang Nam are good table tennis p___________.
4. Mrs Smith is very W _______ . She can’t find her purse.
5. I don’t like my aunt. She is not f _________.
1. Skating is my ________ (最爱) sport.
2. Don’t _______ (跟随)me.
3. She is learning Chinese ________ (医学) in her room.
4 . Lucy and Lily are Listening to their teacher ___________ (仔细).
5. His school isn’t far from his home. But he has a ________ (问题).
1. I like doing some ________ (clean) in the morning.
2. Mr Green is a good teacher. He is very _________ (help).
3. Mr Brown works in a ________ (child) hospital in Chongqing.
4. Please look at the two photos. Can you find any _________ (different)?
5. These _______ (Canada) can speak some French.
( )1. The paper plane is ________ the tree. It’s too ________.
A. on, high B. in, tall C. on, tall D. in, high
( )2. They ______ their homework in the evening.
A. don’t do B. don’t C. do, not D. not do
( )3. Tom and Lily learn _______ each other and help each other.
A. of B. at C. from D. to
( )4. There are many _______ in the fridge.
A. bottle apple juice B. bottles of apple juice
C. bottle of apples juice D. bottle of apple juice
( )5. _______ is his English teacher.
A. Some of the men B. One of the man
C. One of the men D. One of man
( )6. These are ____ and _____ rooms.
A. Lily, Lucy’s B. Lily’s, Lucy’s
C. Lily’s, Lucy D. Lily, Lucy
( )7. I can see only one sock. Where’s my _______ one ?
A. others B. other C. the other D. the others
( )8. There is something wrong _______ my bike. Can you help me?
A. of B. with C. in D. for
( )9. Li Ping’s Uncle isn’t a worker ________ a doctor. He’s a postman.
A. and B. but C. or D. no
( )10. How old is Miss Lin? Do you know?
—— Sorry, I don’t know. But she is not old. She ______.
A. look young B. looks fine
C. looks very young D. is not young
( )11. There is not _________ in the purse.
A. some money B. some money’s
C. any money D. any moneys
( )12. It’s time to go to school. Let ___________.
A. he go B. him go C. he to go D. him to go
( )13. Are you and Li Lei in the same school? -- _________
A. Yes, he is B. Yes, We are C. Yes, they are D. Yes, I am
( )14. Wang Hai goes to school _______ every morning.
A. in, car B. in, bus C. by a bus D. by bus
( )15. ____does Lily like England and ____ does she like about England?
A. How, how B. What, what C. What, how D. How,what
( )16. _____ do the doctors do ______ your machines? Oh, a lot of things.
A. How, of B. What, on C. What, with D. How, for
( )17. Hi, Mary. Here’s a post card ________ you, Who is it _________?
A. to, for B. for, from C. for, for D. to, to
( )18. That is ______ old photo of _______ Green family. It’s a family of three people.
A. am, / B. the, / C. the, a D. an, the
( )19. There is no orang in the bottle. Would you like ______ to drink?
A. Something else B. else something C. else D. something
( )20. He doesn’t want red flowers. He want _______.
A. purple ones B. purple one C. the purple D. purple
1. Li Ping, _______ (not be) late next time, please.
2. What about __________ (run) up the tree?
3. Listen! Some one _______ (sing) in the next room.
4. Let’s ______ (play) class after school.
5. He ______ (do) his homework in the evening. But he ______ (not do) it at this time.
6. He usually likes _____ (dance), but he’d like ________ (go)fishing today.
7. ______ (walk)is good for health.
8. They must ________ (work) hard at English.
1. Can you help him?(同义句转换)
Can you _______ _______ _______ ________ ?
2. They work six days a week. (同上)
They work ________ Monday _______ Saturday.
3. He goes to work in a car. (同上)
He _______ a ________ to work.
4. It takes 7 hours by plane?(划线部分提问)
_______ ________ does it take by plane?
5. He usually gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(现在进行时)
He ________ ________ ________ now.
6. The meat is twelve yuan a kilo. (划线部分提问)
_______ ________ is the meat a kilo?
7. Throw it like this, please.(否定祈使句)
______ _____ ________ like this, please.
8. He isn’t good at math. He ________ _______ well in math.
1.让我们谈谈这幅图片.Let’s _______ _______ the picture.
2.现在轮到你扫了,吉姆.It’s ______ _______ ______ ______ now,Jim.
It ______ _______ two hors _____ finish my homework.
4.谁教我们法语?Who _______ _________ French?
5.他们拼命干活挣钱.They work hard to ________ _______.
Please ______ the English Chinese ______ _______ to me tomorrow.
______ _______ you watch CCTV news?
8.别担心,学英语要花时间. Don’t worry. _______English _____ ____.
I’m always very busy (忙的) every day. I usually 1 up early at 6:30 in the morning. But 2 . I’m still sleepy (睡着的) . I put on my clothes, I wash my hands 3 face…Do this! Do that. 4 I have my 5 . I go go school. I usually leave home at 7:00. At school we all study 6 . We study English. Chinese, maths and so on (等等). 7 noon (中午) I get home and have lunch. At 1:30 I go to school again. Sometimes we play 8 football in the afternoon. I go home at 4:30. In the evening I do 9 homework. I go to bed at 10:00 and I go to sleep (入睡) very 10 .
( )1. A. get B. gets C. getting D. getting
( )2. A. often B. usually C. sometimes D. always
( )3. A. and B. or C. but D. so
( )4. A. Before B. After C. When D. If
( )5. A. lunch B. supper C. breakfast D. meal
( )6. A. easy B. different C. difficult D. hard
( )7. A. on B. On C. at D. At
( )8. A. the B. × C. a D. an
( )9. A. many B. a lot of C. any D. a lot
( )10. A. next B. soon C. first D. last
It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat(座位). Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it.
“Is this seat empty?” asks the old man.
“No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas.” Says the young man.
“Well,” says the old man, “Let me sit here please. When she comes back, I will(将) leave here.”
The bus starts(启动).
“She doesn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” Then the old man throws the bag out of the bus window.
The young man jumps up and shouts, “Don’t throw! It’s my bag!”
( )1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____.
A. in the room B. in the bus C. beside the driver D. in a car
( )2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ on it.
A. a man B. woman C. a bag D. a coat
( )3. The young man says the seat is for ________.
A. a man B. a woman C. a boy D. a girl
( )4. The bus starts. The old man ______.
A. asks the woman to sit on the seat
B. takes the bag to the woman
C. throws the bag to the young man
D. throws the bag out of the window
( )5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away.
A. the woman’s B. the old man’s
C. the driver’s D. the young man’s
Four friends live in a small town. Their names are Cook, Miller, Smith, and Carter. They have different jobs. One is a policeman, one is a carpenter, one is a farmer, one is a doctor. One day Cook’s sonbroke his right leg, and Cook took him to the doctor. The doctor’s sister is Smith’s wife. The farmer isn’t married(结婚). He has a lot of good hens. Miller always buys eggs from the farmer. The policeman sees Smith every day for they are neighbours.
( )1. Who is farmer?
A. Cook B. Smith C. Carter D. Miller
( )2. Cook’s son is taken to _______.
A. Miller B. Smith C. Smith’s wife D. Carter
( )3. If you need, you can get ______ to repair (修理)your desk.
A. Cook B. Carter C. Miller D. Smith
( )4. Smith’s neighbour is ________.
A. the doctor’s wife B. Smith C. Carter D. Cook
( )5. Who is a policeman?
A. Cook B. Smith C. Miller D. cart
Wang Ping and Wang Bin are the twins. They are students. They go to school five days a week. They don’t have classes on Saturday and Sundays.
Today is Sunday. They want to go to the shop. Wang Ping wants to buy(买) a pen and Wang Bin wants to buy a pencil—box. In the shop there are many nice things and a lot of people . Some of them buy apples and bananas. And some of them buy food and clothes. The people in the shop are very friendly. Wang Ping and Wang Bin are very glad(高兴)to come back home with their things.
( )1. The twins go to school from Monday to Friday.
( )2. They go to the shop on Sunday.
( )3. Wang Bin wants to buy a pen.
( )4. The twins want to buy some food, too.
( )5. They are very glad today.
It is in autumn(秋天). A young man comes to a forest(森林). He’s walking beside the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is the forest. Suddenly(突然)he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger(老虎)is getting ready(准备)to jump on him.
What does he do? He must jump into the river. But in the river there is a big crocodile(鳄鱼). Its mouth(嘴)is very big. The young man closes his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile.
( )1. When does the story take place(发生)? ______.
A. In winter B. In spring C. In summer D. In autumn
( )2. Where is he walking? _______.
A. Near the river B. Beside a forest
C. By the river D. Be the lake
( )3. What does he see looking at him? _______.
A. Two green eyes B. A tiger C. A crocodile D. A man
( )4. Does he close his eyes at first(起初)? _________.
A. Yes, he does B. No, he does not
C. Yes, he must D. No, he mustn’t
( )5. What does the man see at last(最后)?__________.
A. The tiger is in the mouth of the crocodile
B. The crocodile is in the mouth of the tiger
C. A fish in the mouth of the crocodile
D. A ship is in the mouth of the crocodile
The children are P 1 games in the park. They are having a good t 2 . It’s four o’clock now. And it’s time to go h 3 . Miss Gao begins to C 4 the children’s name. “Tom!” “I’m h 5 ,” Tom answers. “Han Meimei!” “Yes,” answers Han Meimei. “Liu Ming!” There’s no a 6 . “Liu Ming” Miss Gao calls again. “W 7 Liu Ming ?” Miss Gao asks. The children don’t k 8 .
Well, Liu Ming is behind a big tree! He’s eating a big apple. He doesn’t w 9 to let the other children know. Could Miss Gao f 10 him?
1 ________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 _____________
6 ________ 7 ___________ 8 __________ 9___________ 10 ___________
答 案:
一、A. only drowing players worried friendly
B. favoutite follow medicine carefully problem
C. cleaning helpful children’s differences Canadians
二、1-5 DACBC 6-10 BCBCC
11-15 CBBDD 16-20 CBDAA
三、1.don’t be 2. running 3. is singing 4. play
5. cloes/isn’t doing 6.dancing to to 7. Walking 8.work
四、1. give him a hand 2. from, to 3. takes car
4. How long 5. is getting up 6. How much
7. Don’t throw it 8. doesn’t do
五、1. talk about 2. your turn to clean
3. takes me to 4. teaches us
5. make money 6. give back to
7. Why don’t 8. learning takes time
六、1-5 ACABC 6-10 DDBBB
八、playing, time,home,call,here,answer,where’s,know,want,find