
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:05:46
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展览,是博物馆人永远的话题.随着博物馆日益走进普通百姓的生活,博物馆在不断推出展览的同时,也在不断思考着如何让观众喜爱展览.首都博物馆新馆开放以来,每年都推出大型展览,这些展览基本上都获得了好评,尤其是大英展、卢浮宫展、中国记忆展都取得了空前的成功,而2009 年推出的两个特展"千古探秘--考古发现展"和"早期中国--中华文明起 源展",参观人数却一落千丈.我们通常以博物馆参观人数的多少来评定展览受欢迎的程度,那么我们的展览为什么能获得观众的青睐?又因何门可罗雀?我们如何让更多的观众走进博物馆的大门?又怎样才能"取悦"观众?笔者认为,要推出一个成功的展览,要解决或处理好四方面的问题,即展览与文物,展览大纲内容设计人员对展览主题的挖掘,展览与观众,展览与宣传.本文试以展览实例,综合分析这几方面的关系,对有关展览的一些事宜做些初步的分析.

Exhibition,the museum is everlasting topic.Along with the museum increasingly into ordinary people's life,the museum has introduced exhibition,but also constantly thinking about how to let the audience favorite exhibition.The capital museum since the new open,every year a series of large exhibition,the exhibition basically all won the high praise,especially the British exhibition,the Louvre museum exhibition,Chinese memory exhibition all has achieved unprecedented success,and in 2009 launched two exhibition "eternal quest - archaeological discovery exhibition" and "early Chinese -- the Chinese civilization up source exhibition",but visitors to suffer a disastrous decline.We usually visit to the museum of the number of how many to assess the exhibition's popularity,then our exhibition why can get the favour of the audience?And why there is few visitors?How can we get more audience walked into the door of the museum?And how to "please" audience?The author thinks that,to launch a successful exhibition,to solve or deal with four aspects,that is,the exhibition and cultural relics exhibition outline the content design personnel to exhibition theme of digging,exhibition and audience,exhibition and publicity.This paper tries to exhibition examples,comprehensive analysis of this a few aspects of the relationship,the exhibition of some matters to do some preliminary analysis.

The exhibition, museum forever topic. Along with the museum increasingly into the life of ordinary people, the museum in the constant introduction of exhibition at the same time, are also constantly t...


The exhibition, museum forever topic. Along with the museum increasingly into the life of ordinary people, the museum in the constant introduction of exhibition at the same time, are also constantly thinking of how to let the audience like exhibition. The new capital museum opening, every year the introduction of large-scale exhibition, the exhibition basically have gained high praise, especially for EXCELL, the Le Louvre Museum exhibition, exhibition of Chinese memory has achieved unprecedented success, and launched in 2009 two exhibition " eternal quest - archaeological discoveries show" and " early China - Chinese civilization origin Exhibition", visiting number is suffer a disastrous decline. We usually visit to museum number of exhibit popularity, then we show why can obtain audience? Because Hemenkeluo finch? How do we make more viewers into the main entrance to the museum? How to " entertain" the audience? The author thinks, want to launch a successful exhibition, to solve or deal with the problem of four respects, namely the exhibition and cultural relics, exhibition outline design staff on the exhibition theme of mining, exhibition and audience, exhibitions and publicity. This paper tries to show examples of comprehensive analysis of this, several aspects of the relationship, the exhibition of some matters to do some preliminary analysis.


英语翻译展览,是博物馆人永远的话题.随着博物馆日益走进普通百姓的生活,博物馆在不断推出展览的同时,也在不断思考着如何让观众喜爱展览.首都博物馆新馆开放以来,每年都推出大型展览, 世界上展览面积最大的博物馆是什么? 英语翻译我这次主题选择了CHANEL照片展览,是因为它非常的时尚高雅,备受高层次人士青睐.我选择了orsay博物馆是因为这个博物馆以艺术品展览著名.catalog主要介绍了orsay博物馆和chanel的历史.之 深圳博物馆最近的展览最近深圳博物馆都有哪些展览 上海博物馆的青铜器展览,名首阳吉金--是什么意思 中国博物馆展览了新出土的许多文物. 英语翻译博物馆展览策划人员是Museum Exhibition Planer,Museum Exhibition Planning,Museum Exhibition Planning Specialist/Staff,哪个更准确些?其实curator是最确切的,但是由于这个单词有馆长的含义,所以基层人员使 英语翻译:参观展览的观众 英语翻译:在故宫的展览 英语翻译今天,天气晴朗,我很朋友一起去博物馆看展览,那里人山人海,但却非常的安静,看完展览后,我们又去了沙滩,我们一起踢了沙滩足球,玩的可开心了! 可以说这是一个世界性的时尚话题,随着经济的发展、社会进步,人们生活水平的提高,英语翻译. 我想了解70 80 年代上海发生的变化请问可以去上海的哪些地方或者是博物馆(最好是博物馆、展览)参观呢?请给我列举一些地点的名称 英语翻译世界四大博物馆分别是法国·巴黎卢浮宫博物馆,英国·伦敦大英博物馆,美国·纽约大都会博物馆,俄罗斯·埃米塔什博物馆.法国·巴黎卢浮宫博物馆于1793年开放,是综览欧洲艺术史的殿 汉译英,一个文章的标题:一种新的感受力----博物馆展览与陈列的再思考 用英语造句今天高中二年级的同学去博物馆看人与自然的展览 中国博物馆正在展览明代新出土的文物.改病句 中国博物馆正在展览明代新出土的文物.修改病句 改病句:中国博物馆正在展览明代新出土的文物