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Unit 1
the end of ……结束
a year of plenty 丰收的一年
in memory of 纪念……
in the shape of ……的形状
dress up 打扮
play a trick (on) 捉弄
as an honour to 作为纪念……
look forward to 期盼
day and night 昼夜
take place 发生
a little later 再晚些时候
so that 为了;以便
as though 好像
have fun with 与……玩得快乐
be proud of 以……自豪
a little while 暂时
turn up 出现
right now 这时候
laugh at 嘲笑
keep one’s word 守信用
hold one’s breath 屏息
drown sadness in 用……来解愁
fall in love(with sb.) 相爱
be married to 与……结婚
hear about 听过有关……的情况
set off for(=set out for) 动身去某地
remind…of… 提醒某人某事
on the way home 在回家的路上
The Valentine’s Day 情人节
be full of 充满
to taste of fat 吃起来油腻
be made of 用……制成
be amazed at 对……吃惊
throw away 丢掉;错过(机会)
get away with 做……不被惩罚
do some research 做调查
be on 开始
earn one’s living 谋生
in debt 负债
no longer 不再
glare at 怒视
stare at 凝视
spy on 打探
the benefits of ……的好处
be sick with对……觉得恶心
balanced diet 平衡膳食
some time 一段时间
get married 结婚
ought to 按道理应当……
think of 想起;有…的想法;考虑;把…看作
be curious about 对……有好奇心
tell lies(tell a lie)说谎话
tell the truth 说真话
get rid of 摆脱
why don’t you…?为什么不……?
cut down 砍倒;减少;夺去……生命
be about to do即将要做某事
be lost in在……迷路
permit sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事
mind sb.(one’s) doing sth.介意某人做某事
Go ahead 去吧!做吧!拿吧!……
as a matter of fact 其实
by accident(=by chance)偶然地
sail out of (航海)驾驶出……
find oneself done 发现某人被……
give up 放弃
earn one’s passage 挣工资
account for 对……作出解释;……的原因
sort of(=kind of)……的种类
to be honest 老实说
That’s why…这是……的原因
show…out 请……出去
an hour and a half 一个半小时后
next to在……旁边
Anything wrong?有什么不对吗?
ask for sth 要求要……
take a chance 冒险
It is well-known that…众所周知
take care of 照应;照顾
give attention to 仔细地……
in rags 衣衫褴褛
even if 即使
as for至于
be kind of 对……友善
base…on 根据
a cloud of 一团……
be to do将要做
move around sth.围着某物旋转
in time 最终
on the surface 在表面(可表程度)
be different from 与……不同
in… qualities ……的性质
allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
make it +adj.for sth. to do 使某物……去……
the arrival of sth ……的出现
millions of数百万……
be able to do 有能力去做……
as well as 也
all over the world 遍布世界
go by(时间)流逝;走过
too much 大量的
much too 非常
depend on 取决于
have a chance to 有机会去……
make a trip 去旅游
the force of ……的力
far from 远离……
at all 一点也
cheer up 高兴
fall over 摔倒
a bit of 一点……
now that 由于;既然
twice as far as 像……两倍远
break out 爆发
be on a trip to sp. 在去往某地旅游
rather than 宁愿
all the way从远道而来
thousands of 上千个……
be surrounded by 被……环绕
the rest of剩下的
in the harbour 在海湾里
settle down 安定
have a gift for有……天赋
go through 穿过(山洞等)
in size 在面积、大小方面
at the top of 在……最高处
one-third of 三分之一的……
on the tour of 游览……
in the distance 在远处
flow into 流入
at dawn在黎明时候
be close to接近
dream of 梦见
figure out 理解;解决
have a view of 看见……