毁灭的英文怎么写拜托了各位 谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:10:55
毁灭的英文怎么写拜托了各位 谢谢
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毁灭的英文怎么写拜托了各位 谢谢
毁灭的英文怎么写拜托了各位 谢谢

毁灭的英文怎么写拜托了各位 谢谢
destroy exterminate ballyhack consume wrack and ruin 这是毁灭的几种写法!很高兴为您解题!

destroy 例句: To destroy completely; annihilate. 完全毁灭;消灭 capable of being totally destroyed or wiped out. 能够被完全毁灭或者消灭。 The act or process of annihilating. 歼灭,消灭,毁灭消灭的行为或过程 The condition or result of ...


destroy 例句: To destroy completely; annihilate. 完全毁灭;消灭 capable of being totally destroyed or wiped out. 能够被完全毁灭或者消灭。 The act or process of annihilating. 歼灭,消灭,毁灭消灭的行为或过程 The condition or result of having been annihilated; utter destruction. 毁灭,覆没被消灭的状态或结果;完全毁灭 A sudden loss of wealth, rank, reputation, or happiness; ruin. 毁灭财富、地位、名声或快乐的突然消失;毁灭 still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost. 仍旧存在;没有灭绝、毁灭或者遗失。 To experience defeat or ruin. 失败,毁灭体验失败或毁灭


毁灭 perish ruin destroy