分析一下一个英语句子的词,Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's,we run the risk of failure in both.这里in leaving的in是怎么回事,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:03:24
分析一下一个英语句子的词,Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's,we run the risk of failure in both.这里in leaving的in是怎么回事,
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分析一下一个英语句子的词,Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's,we run the risk of failure in both.这里in leaving的in是怎么回事,
Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's,we run the risk of failure in both.
这里in leaving的in是怎么回事,

分析一下一个英语句子的词,Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's,we run the risk of failure in both.这里in leaving的in是怎么回事,
我们可以把这句话的语序重新排列一下:Since each day makes its own demands, we run the risk of failure in both in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's.将介宾短语in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's放在最后,这样我们就更清楚这句话的意思了:我们两天的工作都可能无法完成(我们会冒同时失去两者的风险),如果我们将今天工作留到明天去做.in 表示 on the condition that 也就是引导条件状语从句

we run the risk of failure in both,both 指 today's work to be done 和tomorrow's(work to be done ),所以leaving前用in


分析一下一个英语句子的词,Since each day makes its own demands,in leaving today's work to be done along with tomorrow's,we run the risk of failure in both.这里in leaving的in是怎么回事, 分析一下这个句子:Since then,the government has passed laws to protect them.这是人教版新目标九年级英语录音材料里的一个句子.今天英语老师提出来,给我们指出了一个问题.pass是短暂性动词,而since then 一个英语句子结构的分析----------高手帮忙23、Try not to cough more than you can help since it may cause problems to your lungs.先分析句子结构,再翻译,这个句子有点乱, 帮忙分析一下一个英语句子but since dinner the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre,and a rain so penetrating,that further out-door exercise was now out of the question.这句子大致是看的懂的,所以不用帮忙翻 求英语大神分析一个句子请分析一下这个句子的结构I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. 分析这个英语句子的时态和句意!it is/was 3 years since he came here.since不一定和完成时连用吗?用is或was有什么区别 为什么since不能用做that? 请帮忙分析一下一个英语句子的成分,个人怎么觉得句子有点怪怪的.who do you know invented the toothpaste? 初四英语一个选择题In yunnan only 20 millimeters of (___) since last falla.rain has fallen b rain fell c.rainfall d.rainfell分析一下这几词 还有fall这个词的用法 大虾们 请帮我分析一下一个英语句子的结构及用法如果是病句能改一下吗,或者说出原句想表达什么意思 一个复杂的英语句子American use about seven tenths of their protein in the form of the meat.帮忙分析一下句子结构然后标准翻译 有谁能提供一个句子,用英语和汉语分别分析一下句子成分, 一个英语句子结构分析The online penetration and computer ownership increases extend across all the demographic levels-by race,geography,income,and education.分析这个句子的结构分析一下,谓语是increase还是extend? 一个史上巨难分析的英语句子结构----------不是高手勿进23、Try not to cough more than you can help since it may cause problems to your lungs.先分析句子结构,再翻译,这个句子有点乱,给你们一点提示,more than you Who can tell me the direction of where?请英语高手从语法上分析一下这个句子的正误,并且给出一个相同意思的例句. 英语的一个句子难以理解Do you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”?给我分析一下分都给你Musical Chairs? 请问翻译一句英语时,需要先分析一下句子的句型吗? The sun was shining.分析一下这个句子的英语成分! 请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!还有基本语法!