
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:17:10
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First of all, Material suppliers shall be evaluated before approval for use and we start to purchase them after checking and approvement, meanwhile engineering drawings will be sent to the design institute for further approvement with their signature and stamp, after that, technical department will establish a list of materials according to the engineering drawing and arrange material planner to work out a purchase plan, then purchase. Materials will be stored in the pointed site after entering the company, at the same time, the shape, chemical elements and mechanical performance of materials will be tested and analyzed by material engineer, material inspector, warehouse keeper and tester of physical testing and chemical analysis. Any unqualified materials will not be allowed to store in the warehouse and qualified materials are arranged in to categories with different marks, the use of materials shall be in strict accordance with the procedure of materials drawing.

Before the acquisition of materials, we will first carry on the verification procedure with the material suppliers, make sure the qualification of the suppliers are determined. Simultaneously, we will deliver the project blueprint to the Design Institute for verification, as well as signed and sealed confirmation. Afterwards, the Technical Quality Department will arrange detailed materials list based on the blueprint, then requesting the material planning personnel to establish a purchase plan and the typesetting chart depending on the blueprint. Only then we will carry out the purchase.After the materials enter our plant, they will be discharged at a designated area having the materials engineer, the inspector, the storage personnel, the physics and chemistry test personnel to examine the outward appearance, the chemical composition and the mechanical property of the materials. Any materials which do not conform to the required standards are refused to enter the warehouse. For the materials which do meet the required standards, they are to be arranged, stored and used in categories with tags. The drawing of materials must strictly conform with the drawing procedure.
另外很对不起的是,我不知道排版图应该怎么翻译才正确,你的样本中也没有翻这个词,我不知道我写的typesetting chart对不对.希望帮的到你.

请高级英语翻译批评指正.材料采购前,我们将首先对材料供应商进行审核,确定合格供应商,方可使用,同时我们将工程图纸送至设计院进行审核签字盖章确认,之后由技术质量部依据图纸编排材 谢谢 请批评指正 怎么翻译 英语翻译懂德语的请帮我翻译下图中德文,有一些写了中文,还请批评指正. 我们应该如何看待他人的批评指正 批评指正的含义是什么 请问“指正为感”是什么意思?例如 :不足之处请领导批评指正为感.学习中急需用到的翻译,望高手指正为感. 求一专用词语 意为批评指正一个词语 两个字的,意思是请各位批评指正,一些正式文书上经常会用到的词语! ()我们是为人民服务的,()我们()有缺点()不怕别人批评指正(在括号里填上关联词) 英语翻译根据工程的进展情况,我方现向您提交以下材料的品牌和制造商,供你参考,并请尽快确认,以便我们进行采购:水箱-AAA水泵-BBB阀门-CCC水处理-DDD 英语翻译我们决定下次再采购BT25 英语翻译Thus his progress was rapid,and,with a willing heart and mind,he soon became well advanced in arithmetic.这样他的进步很快,处于自觉自愿和坚强意志,他很快在算术上就名列前茅.请批评指正. 英语翻译HEA-30订单与HEA-31订单是不一样的产品,比如,网罩,马达,风叶,内外管组,脚架,电源线,彩盒,都是不一样的.所以大部分的材料是不可以共用,HEA-31订单我们会请采购尽快购买材料,尽量给您 “欢迎批评指正”英语怎么翻译比较好 欢迎各位领导和专家批评指正 怎么翻译? 英语翻译另外以下翻译有问题吗?请改正,as the number of user increases,as an increasing number of users,along with the number of users increases; with the increase of the number of users请批评指正as the number of user increasing,as 正确对待批评 作文材料 请大家帮我看下这幅春联怎么样,欢迎批评指正开局之年,团结奋斗,拼搏进取结硕果盛世今朝,凝神鼓劲,开拓创新铸辉煌 英语翻译要在我们编的书上用,不必直接翻译,能准确表达这个意思就行.“由于时间仓促,编者的水平有限,书中的错误和缺点在所难免,希望广大读者给予批评指正.”意思相近也可以。一定要专