英语翻译Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty,three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty,and Ming three-color temple ornaments,in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 10:00:53
英语翻译Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty,three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty,and Ming three-color temple ornaments,in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as
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英语翻译Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty,three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty,and Ming three-color temple ornaments,in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as
Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty,three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty,and Ming three-color temple ornaments,in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as well as the many burial ceramics produced in imitation of vessels made in materials of higher intrinsic value.

英语翻译Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty,three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty,and Ming three-color temple ornaments,in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as
1、这句话的主语是ceramic products;谓语是include;宾语包括tomb models,vessels and figures,temple ornaments,和burial ceramics.
2、破折号起补充的作用,其后仍是include的宾语,连接成分as well as相当于and.
4、model此处意为“a thing regarded as an excellent example of a specified quality”,结合语境译为“精品”,因为能入葬的器具品质当属上佳.
5、slip此处意为“a creamy mixture of clay, water, and typically a pigment of some kind黏土、水和某种颜料调制成的奶油状混合物”,汉译“泥釉”.
6、produced一直到结尾是过去分词作后置定语,限定ceramics.其中, in imitation of vessels是介词结构作方式状语,修饰动词produced;而made in materials of higher intrinsic value又是过去分词作后置定语,限定vessels.
7、of higher intrinsic value字面意为“具有更高内在价值的”,其实就是“贵重”之意.


Ceramic products (主语) also(状语) include (谓语)lead-glazed tomb models (宾语)of the Han dynasty(定语), three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures (并列宾语) of the Tang dynasty(定语修饰vessels and figures ), and Min...


Ceramic products (主语) also(状语) include (谓语)lead-glazed tomb models (宾语)of the Han dynasty(定语), three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures (并列宾语) of the Tang dynasty(定语修饰vessels and figures ), and Ming three-color temple ornaments(并列宾语), in which (引导定语从句修饰temple ornaments)the motifs (定语从句主语)were outlined (定语从句谓语,被动)in a raised (过去分词做定语修饰trail,凸起的)trail of slip(in a trail of slip 介宾短语做状语修饰 outlined)-as well as (比较状语,或同位语,与...相同,就像)the many burial ceramics (比较状语中心词/同位语,同Ming three-color temple ornaments )produced(过去分词做定语修饰burial ceramics) in imitation of vessels (介宾短语做状语,修饰 produced) made (过去分词做定语)in materials of higher intrinsic value (介宾短语做定语, 与produced 并列修饰 burial ceramics).
也就是说句子主干就是 Ceramic products include tomb models of the Han dynasty, vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty, and Ming three-color temple ornaments, as well as the many burial ceramics.
其中 In Ming three-color temple ornaments, the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip.
翻译就是: 陶瓷产品包括铅釉汉代墓葬模型,铅釉唐代三彩花瓶及人物(塑像),明代三彩寺庙装饰品,以及很多被制成花瓶状的,由更高价值原料制成的墓葬(陪葬)陶瓷品。 其中,明代三彩寺庙装饰品中,其装饰图案由凸起的泥釉的线条描画的。
感觉 mofit 这里似乎不是主旨,而是图案,因为如果是主旨那应该是由图案反映,而图案是由线条描画的。由线条描画主旨似乎跨越了图案这一层。



Ceramic Ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic 英语翻译是China ceramic art 还是Chinese ceramic art 英语翻译We are buying multiple products related to the ceramic industry and supplying to the steel,powerand refineries industries in India.Mostly the products range with Alumina content between 50% all the way to 99%.Additionally,we are also proc 英语翻译buy products buying products 英语翻译History of Ceramic Materials ·Ceramic materials first used as a biomaterial in 1932 -Dental implant ·First ceramic hip prosthesis implanted in the late 60s 英语翻译companies promote their products. 英语翻译Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty,three-color lead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty,and Ming three-color temple ornaments,in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip-as ceramic是什么意思 ceramic是什么意思 英语翻译joint une of timber panecnon-sup ceramic fcoor tilecernuic eloor tilejoint une of timber panel25mm soud mapll panelnon-sup cepamic floor tlue sklletingnon-sup ceramic tice50 ceramic slaetine tice 英语翻译Plasma electrolytic fabrication of oxide ceramic surface layers for tribotechnical purposes on aluminium alloys 英语翻译our products is high quality ,还是our products has high quality 关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that nosignificant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to thesize of the individual 英语翻译We need hot-dipped,galvanised,ceramic-coated or stainless steelfasteners – for resisting rust and stains.