
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 00:40:26
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1.2 语用距离的特征

Since l970s, from the perspective of pragmatics of politeness phenomena have done a lot of research, published many thoughtful research results, this paper puts forward some wealthy effect of politeness theory. So far, the research of politeness is the most influential strange based on conversational maxims put forward with the politeness principle and brown and based on the face of the concept of levinson conversational implication "face management theory" or "face preservation theory". In discussing pragmatics concept, richie special emphasis on the function of context, but the politeness principle and pragmatic hierarchy is out of context, the key lies in the discourse of propositional content and expressions. He thinks discourse content by loss and whist decision, but the words of expression is refers to direct language and indirect language. This paper argues that propositional content and expression way at most can only decide language politeness, cannot decide discourse polite. Politeness is absolute, language from the context, do not have communicative price: discourse politeness is relative and dependent upon context, with communication value. Discourse polite absoluteness is opposite; Discourse polite relativity is absolute.
Pragmatic distance principle can be reasonably explain language use phenomenon, and solved the pragmatic circles long exist some fuzzy theoretical question, because mutual communication between the pragmatic distance, they are not necessarily the same in concrete communication process is sometimes polite (i.e. no manners or impolite). Politeness is communication between the two words of pragmatic distance is based on. Pragmatic distance principle that language manners in specific communication is also very important. Communication with a certain topic with the other communication, sensation and infers the with each other between the pragmatic intimate degree low, then language is necessary, but not polite particularly important. Discourse polite pragmatic distance principle requires us to best use polite language, so that the most effectively completed the current communication tasks. This paper is the tenet of lies
1.2 pragmatic distance characteristics
Discourse polite pragmatic distance principle, there are two basic concepts, Pragmatic distance and discourse polite. So-called pragmatic distance, refers to the communicators in specific events, with the aid of communication special language expression expression of each other's intimate degree. Any communicative behavior which used in the discourse are reflects communication between the two sides pragmatic distance. Pragmatic distance can be divided into former pragmatic distance and pragmatic application distance. Former pragmatic distance is communication occurs before by the communicator between presumption of perception and the pragmatic distance, Communicative language using distance is to point to in specific communication events in expressing the pragmatic to each other at a distance.
Pragmatic distance has two basic characteristics: changeability and can be the co ultation sex. So-called variability, refers to the pragmatic distance is constantly changing and not constant. Even in particular communication process, pragmatic distance rarely in constant state. So-called can the co ultation sex, refers to the pragmatic distance in verbal communication is can have a mutual communication consultation. Variability and co ultation sex pragmatic distance of distinctive features -- pragmatic distance and interpersonal relations and social distance between differences

简述自20世纪70年代以来中国对外开放的历程 英语翻译自20世纪70年代以来,从语用学的角度对礼貌现象进行了大量的探讨研究,发表了许多颇有见地的研究成果,提出了一些富有影响的礼貌理论.迄今为止,对礼貌的研究最有影响的是利奇基 我国自20世纪70年代以来,实行计划生育基本国策后,人口数仍增加较多的原因是什么 我国自20世纪70年代以来,实行计划生育基本国策后,为什么人口数量仍增加较多? 20世纪80年代以来主要战争 我国实行计划生育,但每年净增人口数量为什么还这么大?我国自20世纪70年代以来实行计划生育政策,但从1990年至2000年平均每年仍净增1279人,为何每年净增人口数量如此之大? 根据材料,说出我国进行改革开放的指导思想是什么?中华人民共和国的成立,开启了民族独立和富强的新时代.自20世纪70年代末以来,中国从实际出发,在总结社会主义建设经验教训的基础上,实 试从20世纪70年代以来世界政治、经济格局的变化发展,说明产生这种看法的原因 自20世纪70年代后,我国人口自然增长率逐年____ 求助论文英语翻译 谢谢自20世纪90年代以来,欧盟实行大幅调整政策,中欧高层领导人互访频繁,双边贸易迅速增加中欧经贸关系进入一个全面发展的时期,呈现出快速增长、稳步发展和日益加深 美国20世纪70年代以来人口迁移方向及原因 美国20世纪60,70年代以来人口迁移的特点和原因 20世纪70年代以来新中国外交的主要成就,和主要原因. 20世纪70年代以来,美国的经济霸主地位受到哪些国家的挑战? 20世纪70年代以来我国外交事业的发展表现在哪些方面 尤其是20世纪80年代中期以来 用英语? 20世纪90年代以来,世界经济发展趋势有何具体表现? 20世纪90年代以来美国发生的大规模战役