北京景点英文简介 要初一的人看得懂

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北京景点英文简介 要初一的人看得懂

北京景点英文简介 要初一的人看得懂

北京景点英文简介 要初一的人看得懂
Tiananmen Square in central Beijing,880 meters long from north to south,500 meters wide things,an area of 440,000 square meters,can accommodate 1 million people held a grand assembly.Is the world's largest city square.located in the northern end of the square,five-star red flag fluttering high above the square,the People's Heroes Monument stands in the central square; Great Hall of the People and the National Museum of China in the square things on both sides of a distant relative; Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and Zhengyang Men Chenglou Towering over the square in the south.Now,every day tens of thousands of people to visit here,Tour,Tiananmen Square,Beijing was named the new King of the first 16.

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