
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 12:11:46
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advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事
advise doing sth 建议某事
give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
ask for adcice 征求意见
take\follow one’s advice 听从;接受某人的意见
agree on 达成共识;就~取得一致意见
agree to 同意(后面接plan、request、suggestion、proposal等
agree with sb\sb’s idea\what sb say 赞成某人的意见
agree to do sth 同意做某事
first of all 首先
at all 根本;到底
not ~ at all 根本不~
all along 自始自终
in all 总共
above all 首先;最重要的是
after all 毕竟;别忘了
for all 尽管
all at once 突然
once and for all 最后一次
all by oneself 独自
all over 到处;结束
all but 几乎;差不多
all out 鼓足干劲
all over again 从头再来;再来一次
all over the world\the country 遍及全世界\全国
all right 不错;身体好;好的
all kinds of 各种各样的
all the same 仍然
all the time = all the way 一直
all day\night 整天\夜
all around 四处;到处;在~周围
all of~ 所有的~
all one’s life 毕生;一辈子
add~to~ 把~加到~上
add to 增加;增添
add up 加起来
add up to 总计;共达~
ask for sb 要求见某人
ask for sth 请求;要~
ask sb for sth 向某人要~
ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(别)做某事
ask for trouble 自找麻烦
ask after 问候
ask sb for help 向某人求助
ask for leave 请假
ask sb to~ 邀请某人去~
ask (sb) about~ ( 向某人)询问~
as if = as though 好像
as~as~ 像;如同
as to = as for 至于
as well 也;又
as well as~ 也;和
not as\so~as~ 不像;不如
(be) ahead of 在~前面;比~早;胜过;超过
ahead of time 提前
go ahead 前进;有进展;说下去
be anxious about sb\sth 为~而担心
be anxious for sth 渴望得到~
be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事
break into~ 闯入;破门而入
break in 插话;打断说话
break up 分解
break out 爆发;突然发生
break away (from sth) 脱离;打破
break down 出毛病;不运转;抛锚
break the record 打破记录
break off 打断;折断
break the rude 违反规定
break through 突破
break a promise 失信;食言
have a break 休息一下
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
take breath 歇一歇;喘口气
take a (deep) breath (深)呼吸
catch one’s breath 歇口气;休息一下
(be) out of breath 上气不接下气
bring down 使~倒下\降下
bring out 使显现;阐明;出版
bring up 带大;培养;呕吐
bring to = bring ~ around 使恢复知觉
bring back 归还;使回忆起来
bring in 引进
bring on 使~前进
put one’s back into ~ 埋头工作;卖劲干
when someone’s back is turned 趁某人没注意
back away 退出
back out 放弃;收回;停止
back and forth 来回;往返
at the back of~ 在~后部\背后
back down\off 放弃;让步;退却
burn up 烧尽;耗尽
burn out 烧坏
burn down 烧毁
burn ~ to the ground 把~烧成平地
better off 景况较好
had better 最好还是
for the better 好转
come ture 实现
come to bits 摔碎;碎裂
come to a conclusion 得出结论
come into being 形成;出现
come off 脱落;掉下
come on 过来;加油;跟上
come back 回来;折回;想起来
come in\into 进来
come for sth 来取~
come up 上来
come across 偶然遇见
come through 经历;实现
come to 苏醒;达到;共计;复苏;等于
come around\round 来访;苏醒;复原
come over 过来
come about 发生
come apart (身体、精神上)崩溃
come from 来自(于);出生(于)
come to nothing 失败;无结果
to come 未来的;将到来的
come down 下来
come to light 出现;暴露
come out 出版;出来;开花
care for 在乎;喜欢
take care 小心
care about 在乎;关心
care to do sth 愿意做某事
take care of~ 照顾;保管
with care 仔细地;认真地
call at + 地点 访问某地
call on + 人 拜访某人
call up 打电话给~;招呼;想起;回忆起;应征
call for 要求;请求;为~而喊出
call in 请来;引入;召集;叫医生
call back 回电话
call off\away 转移开(注意力等)
call on\upon sb to do sth 号召某人做某事
give sb a call 打电话给某人
call off 取消;放弃
call out 大声叫喊
be certain of\abou 对~有把握
be certain to do 有把握做某事
It’s certain that~ 一定会~
make certain 弄清楚
a certain ~ 某个~
take one’s chance 利用机会
by chance 偶然
take a\the chance 碰运气
chance to do sth 碰巧做某事
charge sb some money for sth 向某人要价多少钱
(be) free of charge 免费
in charge of 负责
in the charge of 被负责
take charge of 负责~
put sth in one’s charge 把~交给某人负责
put the charge on ~ 把~(费用)记在~的账上
by day 日间;白天里
day after day 日复一日地
day and night 日日夜夜
one day 有一天;某日
the day after tomorrow 后天
the day before yesterday 前天
the other day 前几天
another day 改天
day in\out 天天
die by 死于(溺水、上吊等)
die from 死于(外因: 灾难、伤害、事故等,也可接疾病名)
die of 死于(内因: 寒冷、饥饿、情绪等,也可接疾病名)
die out 消失;灭亡
die for 为~而死
die away 渐渐消逝;平息
have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难
have difficulty with sth 做某事有困难
without difficulty 毫不费力地
with difficulty 费劲地;困难地
do sth with\without difficulty 做某事有\无困难
in difficulties 处境困难
in doubt 怀疑
without doubt 毫无疑问
beyond doubt 毫无疑问
hang a doubt 悬而未决
no doubt 无疑问
dress up 给~穿上最好的衣服;给~乔装打扮
get dressed 穿衣
be dressed in + 衣 穿~
be well dressed 穿着讲究
dress sb 给~穿衣
dress oneself 自己穿衣服
at the end of 在~的尽头
to the end of 到~的尽头
by the end of 在~结束时;到~末为止
end up (with sth) (以~结束;告终)
in the end 最后;终于
make both ends meet 收支平衡
put an end to sth 结束~
at an end 结束;完毕
come to an end 停止;结束
make efforts\an effort to do sth 努力做~
spare no effort 不遗余力
in a common effort 共同努力
make one’s escape 逃跑;摆脱;逃避
escape from sth 从~逃脱
escape doing sth 逃脱做~
have a narrow escape 九死一生
escape one’s lips 脱口而出
escape one’s memory 忘记
for example 举例说明;例如
set an example to sb = set sb an example 为~而树立榜样
follow one’s example 学习某人的榜样
one example of ~ 一个~的例子
take ~ for example 以~为例
ever since 此后一直
ever so 非常
ever such a\an ~ 一个非常~的
for ever 永远
ever than 前所未有的
even though = even if 即使;纵然
be even (报复、算帐等)两清
get even 报复;算帐
catch one’s eye 引人注目
cry one’s eyes out 痛哭流涕
in someone’s eyes 在某人眼里;在某人心目中
keep an eye on 照看;密切关注
see eye to eye 与~看


advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事
advise doing sth 建议某事
give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
ask for adcice 征求意见
take\follow one’s advice 听从;接受某人的意见


advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事
advise doing sth 建议某事
give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
ask for adcice 征求意见
take\follow one’s advice 听从;接受某人的意见
agree on 达成共识;就~取得一致意见
agree to 同意(后面接plan、request、suggestion、proposal等
agree with sb\sb’s idea\what sb say 赞成某人的意见
agree to do sth 同意做某事
first of all 首先
at all 根本;到底
not ~ at all 根本不~
all along 自始自终
in all 总共
above all 首先;最重要的是
after all 毕竟;别忘了
for all 尽管
all at once 突然
once and for all 最后一次
all by oneself 独自
all over 到处;结束
all but 几乎;差不多
all out 鼓足干劲
all over again 从头再来;再来一次
make efforts\an effort to do sth 努力做~
spare no effort 不遗余力
in a common effort 共同努力
make one’s escape 逃跑;摆脱;逃避
escape from sth 从~逃脱
escape doing sth 逃脱做~
have a narrow escape 九死一生
escape one’s lips 脱口而出
escape one’s memory 忘记
for example 举例说明;例如
set an example to sb = set sb an example 为~而树立榜样
follow one’s example 学习某人的榜样
one example of ~ 一个~的例子
take ~ for example 以~为例
ever since 此后一直
ever so 非常
ever such a\an ~ 一个非常~的
for ever 永远
ever than 前所未有的
even though = even if 即使;纵然
be even (报复、算帐等)两清
get even 报复;算帐
catch one’s eye 引人注目
cry one’s eyes out 痛哭流涕
in someone’s eyes 在某人眼里;在某人心目中
keep an eye on 照看;密切关注
see eye to eye 与~看
burn ~ to the ground 把~烧成平地
better off 景况较好
had better 最好还是
for the better 好转
come ture 实现
come to bits 摔碎;碎裂
come to a conclusion 得出结论
come into being 形成;出现
come off 脱落;掉下
come on 过来;加油;跟上
come back 回来;折回;想起来
come in\into 进来
come for sth 来取~
come up 上来
come across 偶然遇见
come through 经历;实现
come to 苏醒;达到;共计;复苏;等于
come around\round 来访;苏醒;复原
come over 过来
come about 发生
come apart (身体、精神上)崩溃
come from 来自(于);出生(于)
come to nothing 失败;无结果
advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事
advise doing sth 建议某事
give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
ask for adcice 征求意见
take\follow one’s advice 听从;接受某人的意见
agree on 达成共识;就~取得一致意见
agree to 同意(后面接plan、request、suggestion、proposal等
agree with sb\sb’s idea\what sb say 赞成某人的意见
agree to do sth 同意做某事
first of all 首先
at all 根本;到底
not ~ at all 根本不~
all along 自始自终
in all 总共
above all 首先;最重要的是
after all 毕竟;别忘了
for all 尽管
all at once 突然
once and for all 最后一次
all by oneself 独自
all over 到处;结束
all but 几乎;差不多
all out 鼓足干劲
all over again 从头再来;再来一次
all over the world\the country 遍及全世界\全国
all right 不错;身体好;好的
all kinds of 各种各样的
all the same 仍然
all the time = all the way 一直
all day\night 整天\夜
all around 四处;到处;在~周围
all of~ 所有的~
all one’s life 毕生;一辈子
add~to~ 把~加到~上
add to 增加;增添
add up 加起来
add up to 总计;共达~
ask for sb 要求见某人
ask for sth 请求;要~
ask sb for sth 向某人要~
ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(别)做某事
ask for trouble 自找麻烦
ask after 问候
ask sb for help 向某人求助
ask for leave 请假
ask sb to~ 邀请某人去~
ask (sb) about~ ( 向某人)询问~
as if = as though 好像
as~as~ 像;如同
as to = as for 至于
as well 也;又
as well as~ 也;和
not as\so~as~ 不像;不如
(be) ahead of 在~前面;比~早;胜过;超过
ahead of time 提前
go ahead 前进;有进展;说下去
be anxious about sb\sth 为~而担心
be anxious for sth 渴望得到~
be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事
break into~ 闯入;破门而入
break in 插话;打断说话
break up 分解
break out 爆发;突然发生
break away (from sth) 脱离;打破
break down 出毛病;不运转;抛锚
break the record 打破记录
break off 打断;折断
break the rude 违反规定
break through 突破
break a promise 失信;食言
have a break 休息一下
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
take breath 歇一歇;喘口气
take a (deep) breath (深)呼吸
catch one’s breath 歇口气;休息一下
(be) out of breath 上气不接下气
bring down 使~倒下\降下
bring out 使显现;阐明;出版
bring up 带大;培养;呕吐
bring to = bring ~ around 使恢复知觉
bring back 归还;使回忆起来
bring in 引进
bring on 使~前进
put one’s back into ~ 埋头工作;卖劲干
when someone’s back is turned 趁某人没注意
back away 退出
back out 放弃;收回;停止
back and forth 来回;往返
at the back of~ 在~后部\背后
back down\off 放弃;让步;退却
burn up 烧尽;耗尽
burn out 烧坏
burn down 烧毁
burn ~ to the ground 把~烧成平地
better off 景况较好
had better 最好还是
for the better 好转
come ture 实现
come to bits 摔碎;碎裂
come to a conclusion 得出结论
come into being 形成;出现
come off 脱落;掉下
come on 过来;加油;跟上
come back 回来;折回;想起来
come in\into 进来
come for sth 来取~
come up 上来
come across 偶然遇见
come through 经历;实现
come to 苏醒;达到;共计;复苏;等于
come around\round 来访;苏醒;复原
come over 过来
come about 发生
come apart (身体、精神上)崩溃
come from 来自(于);出生(于)
come to nothing 失败;无结果
to come 未来的;将到来的
come down 下来
come to light 出现;暴露
come out 出版;出来;开花
care for 在乎;喜欢
take care 小心
care about 在乎;关心
care to do sth 愿意做某事
take care of~ 照顾;保管
with care 仔细地;认真地
call at + 地点 访问某地
call on + 人 拜访某人
call up 打电话给~;招呼;想起;回忆起;应征
call for 要求;请求;为~而喊出
call in 请来;引入;召集;叫医生
call back 回电话
call off\away 转移开(注意力等)
call on\upon sb to do sth 号召某人做某事
give sb a call 打电话给某人
call off 取消;放弃
call out 大声叫喊
be certain of\abou 对~有把握
be certain to do 有把握做某事
It’s certain that~ 一定会~
make certain 弄清楚
a certain ~ 某个~
take one’s chance 利用机会
by chance 偶然
take a\the chance 碰运气
chance to do sth 碰巧做某事
charge sb some money for sth 向某人要价多少钱
(be) free of charge 免费
in charge of 负责
in the charge of 被负责
take charge of 负责~
put sth in one’s charge 把~交给某人负责
put the charge on ~ 把~(费用)记在~的账上
by day 日间;白天里
day after day 日复一日地
day and night 日日夜夜
one day 有一天;某日
the day after tomorrow 后天
the day before yesterday 前天
the other day 前几天
another day 改天
day in\out 天天
die by 死于(溺水、上吊等)
die from 死于(外因: 灾难、伤害、事故等,也可接疾病名)
die of 死于(内因: 寒冷、饥饿、情绪等,也可接疾病名)
die out 消失;灭亡
die for 为~而死
die away 渐渐消逝;平息
have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难
have difficulty with sth 做某事有困难
without difficulty 毫不费力地
with difficulty 费劲地;困难地
do sth with\without difficulty 做某事有\无困难
in difficulties 处境困难
in doubt 怀疑
without doubt 毫无疑问
beyond doubt 毫无疑问
hang a doubt 悬而未决
no doubt 无疑问
dress up 给~穿上最好的衣服;给~乔装打扮
get dressed 穿衣
be dressed in + 衣 穿~
be well dressed 穿着讲究
dress sb 给~穿衣
dress oneself 自己穿衣服
at the end of 在~的尽头
to the end of 到~的尽头
by the end of 在~结束时;到~末为止
end up (with sth) (以~结束;告终)
in the end 最后;终于
make both ends meet 收支平衡
put an end to sth 结束~
at an end 结束;完毕
come to an end 停止;结束
make efforts\an effort to do sth 努力做~
spare no effort 不遗余力
in a common effort 共同努力
make one’s escape 逃跑;摆脱;逃避
escape from sth 从~逃脱
escape doing sth 逃脱做~
have a narrow escape 九死一生
escape one’s lips 脱口而出
escape one’s memory 忘记
for example 举例说明;例如
set an example to sb = set sb an example 为~而树立榜样
follow one’s example 学习某人的榜样
one example of ~ 一个~的例子
take ~ for example 以~为例
ever since 此后一直
ever so 非常
ever such a\an ~ 一个非常~的
for ever 永远
ever than 前所未有的
even though = even if 即使;纵然
be even (报复、算帐等)两清
get even 报复;算帐
catch one’s eye 引人注目
cry one’s eyes out 痛哭流涕
in someone’s eyes 在某人眼里;在某人心目中
keep an eye on 照看;密切关注
in charge of 负责
in the charge of 被负责
take charge of 负责~
put sth in one’s charge 把~交给某人负责
put the charge on ~ 把~(费用)记在~的账上
by day 日间;白天里
day after day 日复一日地
day and night 日日夜夜
one day 有一天;某日
the day after tomorrow 后天
the day before yesterday 前天
the other day 前几天
another day 改天
day in\out 天天
die by 死于(溺水、上吊等)
die from 死于(外因: 灾难、伤害、事故等,也可接疾病名)
die of 死于(内因: 寒冷、饥饿、情绪等,也可接疾病名)
die out 消失;灭亡
die for 为~而死
die away 渐渐消逝;平息


advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事
advise doing sth 建议某事
give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
ask for adcice 征求意见
take\follow one’s advice 听从;接受某人的意见


advice sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事
advise doing sth 建议某事
give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
ask for adcice 征求意见
take\follow one’s advice 听从;接受某人的意见
agree on 达成共识;就~取得一致意见
agree to 同意(后面接plan、request、suggestion、proposal等
agree with sb\sb’s idea\what sb say 赞成某人的意见
agree to do sth 同意做某事
first of all 首先
at all 根本;到底
not ~ at all 根本不~
all along 自始自终
in all 总共
above all 首先;最重要的是
after all 毕竟;别忘了
for all 尽管
all at once 突然
once and for all 最后一次
all by oneself 独自
all over 到处;结束
all but 几乎;差不多
all out 鼓足干劲
all over again 从头再来;再来一次
all over the world\the country 遍及全世界\全国
all right 不错;身体好;好的
all kinds of 各种各样的
all the same 仍然
all the time = all the way 一直
all day\night 整天\夜
all around 四处;到处;在~周围
all of~ 所有的~
all one’s life 毕生;一辈子
add~to~ 把~加到~上
add to 增加;增添
add up 加起来
add up to 总计;共达~
ask for sb 要求见某人
ask for sth 请求;要~
ask sb for sth 向某人要~
ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(别)做某事
ask for trouble 自找麻烦
ask after 问候
ask sb for help 向某人求助
ask for leave 请假
ask sb to~ 邀请某人去~
ask (sb) about~ ( 向某人)询问~
as if = as though 好像
as~as~ 像;如同
as to = as for 至于
as well 也;又
as well as~ 也;和
not as\so~as~ 不像;不如
(be) ahead of 在~前面;比~早;胜过;超过
ahead of time 提前
go ahead 前进;有进展;说下去
be anxious about sb\sth 为~而担心
be anxious for sth 渴望得到~
be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事
break into~ 闯入;破门而入
break in 插话;打断说话
break up 分解
break out 爆发;突然发生
break away (from sth) 脱离;打破
break down 出毛病;不运转;抛锚
break the record 打破记录
break off 打断;折断
break the rude 违反规定
break through 突破
break a promise 失信;食言
have a break 休息一下
hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸
take breath 歇一歇;喘口气
take a (deep) breath (深)呼吸
catch one’s breath 歇口气;休息一下
(be) out of breath 上气不接下气
bring down 使~倒下\降下
bring out 使显现;阐明;出版
bring up 带大;培养;呕吐
bring to = bring ~ around 使恢复知觉
bring back 归还;使回忆起来
bring in 引进
bring on 使~前进
put one’s back into ~ 埋头工作;卖劲干
when someone’s back is turned 趁某人没注意
back away 退出
back out 放弃;收回;停止
back and forth 来回;往返
at the back of~ 在~后部\背后
back down\off 放弃;让步;退却
burn up 烧尽;耗尽
burn out 烧坏
burn down 烧毁
burn ~ to the ground 把~烧成平地
better off 景况较好
had better 最好还是
for the better 好转
come ture 实现
come to bits 摔碎;碎裂
come to a conclusion 得出结论
come into being 形成;出现
come off 脱落;掉下
come on 过来;加油;跟上
come back 回来;折回;想起来
come in\into 进来
come for sth 来取~
come up 上来
come across 偶然遇见
come through 经历;实现
come to 苏醒;达到;共计;复苏;等于
come around\round 来访;苏醒;复原
come over 过来
come about 发生
come apart (身体、精神上)崩溃
come from 来自(于);出生(于)
come to nothing 失败;无结果
to come 未来的;将到来的
come down 下来
come to light 出现;暴露
come out 出版;出来;开花
care for 在乎;喜欢
take care 小心
care about 在乎;关心
care to do sth 愿意做某事
take care of~ 照顾;保管
with care 仔细地;认真地
call at + 地点 访问某地
call on + 人 拜访某人
call up 打电话给~;招呼;想起;回忆起;应征
call for 要求;请求;为~而喊出
call in 请来;引入;召集;叫医生
call back 回电话
call off\away 转移开(注意力等)
call on\upon sb to do sth 号召某人做某事
give sb a call 打电话给某人
call off 取消;放弃
call out 大声叫喊
be certai

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