
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:18:10
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Answer to the pro's and cons of cloning.
The pro's of cloning is you get another person to keep you company like a person that may of died recently.The cons are it could go wrong and you could end up with a deformed person which would be even worse than loosing the relative in the first place.Need anymore advice just leave another question.
There are really no pros to cloning.Anyone that wants to clone is basically playing God.That is something that we should not do.I would go to www.ask.com and type in cloning and see what comes up.That is a really good place for questions such as this one.
Cloning pros are cloning new hearts,kidneys,etc.so people that need organs don't have to be put on a long waiting list and possibly die while waiting.The downside is,that in past history most great things discovered are used in an under-handed and ugly fashion and not for the good.They could use cloning to make vast armies,so that means a fight for the total power of cloning.Cloning can keep feared and dangerous leaders alive and well (think about Hitler,Hussein.) Sometimes it's not nice to fool mother nature!
If we could be sure cloning would help those that have heart,liver,kidney disease or other diseases then that's a wonderful thing,but us humans know better.Cloning will be like everything else that should be used in a good and controlled way ...money and power.People will want to start cloning their children,each other,their parents,pets,and it goes on down the list.Playing God only backfires in ones face.
Pros are the organs and tissues that can be cloned.Also,people who can't reproduce naturally will have another option besides in vitro in order to have kids.Cons.I can't really think of any.Cloning could not be used to keep good or bad people alive forever,since clones just have the same DNA as their parent,they are not the same person and will most likely develop a different personality.There is also no reason why clones would be more controllable than non clones,so raising a clone army would be about as useful as just passing a mandatory reproduction law and conscripting all the children as adults.As for playing God even if God exists we don't know for sure what he wants.Maybe he wants us to use our gift of intelligence to come up with this new technology and use it?Otherwise why would he have put it into our nature to have the ability to think of these things?
Pros of cloning all depend on the person,for or against.For me the pros would be that great people could be cloned to live out their legacy,or to create armies of cloned super babies cons are that more people are against cloning than for it.And cloning is expensive,to retrieve the desired DNA and to reproduce and maintain homeostasis within the specimen.Cloning for now is unneeded due to our overpopulation and lack of food in other countries.Which will start the need for cloning plants and animals,but that's a totally different story.