
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:34:21
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Nowadays, as the development of society, our living standard is better than ever before. But some bad sides come into our eyes. Discuss about school wasting is getting severe.
Student in school gets money from their parents. So they kind of have no awareness in saving. For example, they hardly eat up their meals, or they use paper like no restriction. But as a student, we should know that every little money that our parents give us is not easy to earn. We must try our best to avoid wasting.
We can use the both sides of the paper. When we have meal, we must buy the mount of what we can eat. And we should also turn off the light whenever we leave the room. Let’s stop the school wasting!

I am in...school.I like my school very much.because it is very beautiful.

Dear fellow students,
May i have you attention,please?Now I'd like to a speech here. As we know, waste have become common scenes on campus.Some pour the remauns of a meal when there is still mu...


Dear fellow students,
May i have you attention,please?Now I'd like to a speech here. As we know, waste have become common scenes on campus.Some pour the remauns of a meal when there is still much leave;others simply walk away after washing hands,leaving the water running;students leave and go to classroom everyday, regardless of whther fans are switched off.Has proxidence, the natonal tradition that descendes from long history gone?if so,then find it back!
We don't have to attain a great cause of controlling waste, but actions and a grateful heart are more enough:be grateful for the water that runs through fingers ,and save it for poor Arabian or African coutries struggling in water shortage; be grateful for the lightness we have access to because in slums children share a faint lamp to read;be grateful for all the paper and sheets we are able to use, for trees were cut down to satisfy ouyr needs;be gratyeful for everything naturehas to offer and everything we can own.
Live and act, the tradition of providence will never fade.


we should never waste anything
last month,i came to my grandmother's home,she give me a bag of fruits.
for forgeting the fruits,today my mum just open the door of the frige,a bad smell came ou...


we should never waste anything
last month,i came to my grandmother's home,she give me a bag of fruits.
for forgeting the fruits,today my mum just open the door of the frige,a bad smell came out,and i already remember the fruit have been in the frige for more then a month~~~
my mother told me to be careful in the future,yes ,we have no rights to waste anything,there are so many area in china,and in a large part of the world,people are eager to eat a fulfilled meal,but tat's just a illusion.
now i know all the things are important to me,so i understand we can never waste anything!
In recent days .Waste is a usuaral phenomenon in our life.
As my research in our school many students waste daily necessities and learning supplies ,that will increase the economic burden of parents .
Waste will not make full use of resources ,and is easy to form bad habits,that is no good for healthy growth.
To this end, I give you some suggestions:
1. Do not throw garbage, garbage should be thrown into the trash after classification.
2. A variety of flowers, grass, trees should be planted
3. Ndefecating and urinating, spitting.
4. Do not throw garbage into clean water, do not use disposable plastic things.
5. TO drive as little as possible to reduce pollution gas, so we have more blue sky days.
As a master of the earth, although I am a school student , but we have the responsibility and obligation to call for protection of the Earth. If the world is green, then I believe that what is presented to our eyes is certainly a beautiful home in the near future


希望各位大大帮写篇英语作文,题目就是关于校园浪费谢谢啦120词左右只要就是校园的浪费现象. 以“大和小”为题的作文怎么写题目就是这样,围绕这个写,请各位大大,童话故事都行. 关于高三减压的英语作文各位大大速度帮我写一篇高三减压的英语作文,100词左右. 关于(修身做人 养艺做事)的作文希望哪位大侠给点中心是(修身做人 养艺做事)的作文 本人是职业学校的,搞作文竞赛!可以抄选片段,希望各位大大能给点! 感谢那些伤害过你的人 各位英语大大,我要进行free talk求一篇...感谢那些伤害过你的人各位英语大大,我要进行free talk求一篇关于感谢那些伤害过你的人文章,希望有好心大大帮忙,要翻译.满意 作文《平凡中的伟大》咋写? 各位大大 求助(可恶的 语文老师 啥题目啊) festival 英语作文求一篇关于festival的英语作文..题目就是festival别跑题 各位大大们...有英语作文需要解决一共有八篇...我把题目写下来,各位复制粘贴也行,自己写也行,不管怎样,只要符合初中生水平就可以,字数在70词以上.1.pandas(介绍大熊猫) 2.bird(写一些关于喜 各位大大们,急需一篇关于《是否应该文理分科》的英语作文.100字左右的,唔,明天就要用的噻,额.可以给个框架么? 帮我四级英语作文一个忙!我有两个四级英语作文题目:英语演讲比赛通知对校园讲座的看法希望各位高手帮我给出一些关于这两个作文的关键词(分类写出来啊,谢谢).要是各位英语高手有 关于生命的化妆作文800字,求各位大大帮忙 急求一篇英语作文,100词左右,写的好再追加100分.各位大大帮个忙!一篇英语作文,主题是关于减肥的.不要摘抄,要自己写的.100词左右, 想写篇关于20岁生日的文章,请问拟什么题目好?明天就是生日啦.希望各位大虾帮帮我 关于自行车和汽车对话的作文拜托各位大神题目就是自行车与汽车的对话,内容新颍些大概350字左右,谢谢了各位帅哥美女们. 谁有关于网络的作文题目?拜托各位大神 关于苹果作文题目怎么写拜托各位大神 最近比较热门的话题,经济方面的.马上要参加银行面试.但是摸不准题目,希望各位懂行的大大支援下. 给一篇英语作文 关于~快餐店~利弊的讨论求求给我大大啊