
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:16:52
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I would like to go to a fast-food restaurant to hold a small birthday party with my friends.Why do I choose this place?
First,it's fashionable to for young people to go to eat fast-food.The big traditional restaurants are too formal and old-fashioned to go to and most of the customers in those places are adults and the elderly.
Second,I feel more comfortable in a fast-food restaurant.The background music is romantic and relaxing.I have the freedom to choose where to sit and how to sit with others.In addition,my friends and I can order separately and pay separately for our favorite food.
Besides,I like the environment in a fast-food restaurant.It's usually very clean and relatively quiet.People seldom cheer and laugh loudly as they often do in traditional restaurants.What's more there are fewer smokers in a fast-food restaurant.
So I think it's the best place to celebrate one's birthday and eating fast food can also save us much time for other activities.

hello,my nean is***,I like***.

写英语演讲稿如果你和朋友过生日,你会选择什么样的饭店过生日?请就这个题目写60个单词以上的演讲稿 假如你最好的朋友下周过生日,你会给她买什么礼物,要求写一篇不少于六十词的英语作文【非书信格式】 如果一杯水和一杯牛奶你会选择什么? 友情、才华和诚信,如果让你选择抛弃一个,你会选择哪个?为什么? 用英文翻译这句话! “如果你和你的朋友意见不合你会怎么办”? 你的朋友过生日向你要UFO怎么办? 如果有一天上帝让你做一个选择!你会怎么选!一边是你最爱的人,一边是你最好的朋友,你只能选择他俩其中一个你怎么选择! 如果你和朋友春游,在森林里看到一栋建筑物,你会认为是什么 如果你是廉颇的朋友,他和蔺相如闹不和,你会怎样劝说他呢? 如果让你选择一样东西环游世界你会选择哪一样?写一篇作文300字 生命与良心道德该如何选择如果有一种药可以救亲人的性命,但是得到它的前提是要背叛和出卖信赖你的朋友,并且你也会因此名誉扫地,那么该如何选择? 英语演讲稿 你热爱动物吗?如果你妈妈想在家里养一个小动物,你会养什么呢?为什么2分钟,快 作文:《校中访友》 300字如果你走进校园想像一下,你会选择谁做你的朋友?请概述你与“朋友”相遇时“相遇相悦”的情景.可以参考课文《山中访友》具体要求:1.文中不少于三个朋友.(写 如果让你选择,你会来到这个世界吗 如果你独自环游世界旅行,你会选择? 如果是你你会选择用这个新能源么? 如果你要学外语,你会选择什么 如果是你,你会选择写信作为联系方式吗