
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:05:43
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Presently,a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country.The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste.It is such a significant project that I can’t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.
On the first place,a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school.Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy.On no-car day,neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school.Meanwhile,just walk,jump,cycle or run.Use our legs and enjoy the fun.
On the second place,we had best not use plastic bags any more.No one can stand the “white pollution”.So,it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.
Finally,one thing that we should keep in mind:every big thing comes from the subtle.Therefore,as students,we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave,turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbook and so on.
All in all,it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice.Just set our mind to these:no-car day,no plastic bags,and no waste.Let’s do it now.

In recent years, energy shortages and environmental pollution problems become the focus of world attention, change the traditional energy-intensive, highly polluting mode of economic growth, vigorousl...


In recent years, energy shortages and environmental pollution problems become the focus of world attention, change the traditional energy-intensive, highly polluting mode of economic growth, vigorously promote energy conservation, the development of low power consumption, low emission, marked by low-carbon economy, and can be sustainable development, economic development of countries in the world is becoming a common choice.
As a large developing country, China's energy and environmental issues in particular. In 2007, the first time, felt the 17 largest proposed the "ecological civilization, basically forming an energy resources and protecting the environment structure, growth, consumption patterns" concept, pointing out the direction for sustainable development, also People pay more attention to the rise of low-carbon economy.
Real low-carbon economy is a high energy efficiency and clean energy structure, the core is the energy technology innovation, system innovation, and the concept of human survival and development of fundamental change.
Low-carbon economic development model for energy conservation, the development of circular economy and building a harmonious society with an operational interpretation, is to implement the scientific concept of development, the establishment saving society and practice of integrated innovation, fully in line with the development of 17 large report thinking, is a related mode of production, lifestyles and values of a global revolution.
Ma Xuelu that should focus on resources, energy, environment, the three elements of the boundary effect. He said, face the twin threats of energy and the environment, must reflect deeply on the context of Western scientific rationalism consumer driven demand, drive economic growth theory of the state. Identify a greater focus of resources, energy, environment, economic growth boundary effect, explore new era of economic theory has come to.
The process of human existence, that is, energy consumption, emissions of environmentally hazardous substances to the natural process. Carbon dioxide is the human consumption of energy, resources, natural product, also contributed to the greenhouse effect, environmental culprit. As the population increases and the energy of the abrupt expansion of activity, human activities have undermined their own existence.
Data shows that as the world's largest energy consuming country, the United States 6% of the world's population consumes 30% of the world's energy. The unit of GDP energy consumption in China, Japan, 8 times the population of the United States several times, according to this model, our lack of sustained innovation, environmental degradation and energy shortage will be over the next 50 years, the development process of China's biggest bottleneck . The implementation of saving energy scheduling, low-carbon development, construction of ecological civilization, has become an irreversible trend.
By former World Bank chief economist Nicholas Stern led the "Stern Report" that the global investment GDP1% a year, to avoid future GDP5% ~ 20% annual loss, called for a global transition to a low carbon economy. July 2007, the U.S. Senate proposed the "Low Carbon Economy Act", that low-carbon development path of the economy is expected to become the future an important strategic choice. Germany hopes that by 2020, China's low-carbon industry to exceed the automotive industry. Transition to a low carbon economy has become the world's economic development trend.
As a high-energy state, we need to reduce emissions from the energy-saving, low-carbon development, the internal laws of, to find our great source of social waste and environmental pollution. Must abandon the only concern such as energy conservation, efficient use of coal and other "use" of the level of specific technical issues to the neglect of "physical" presence of chronic illness level, such as consumer-driven growth theory, the negative effects of urban and rural spatial distribution, national life There's a great way and so wasted and so on. Therefore, innovative thinking and concepts, with a combination of body, from the global view of system theory point of view, to correctly understand and accelerate a low carbon economy.
1. Promote the formation of green consumption, green business philosophy, the formation of low-carbon lifestyle. Must change the concept of public and social, to do anything to be moderately fit, reasonable savings. For individuals, we should cultivate the concept of saving is a virtue, such as food waste and other radical change mitigation and energy conservation contrary to the bad habits; for business, they have introduced the concept of green business, the establishment of clean production mechanisms and lean production methods; country-led enterprises environmental costs are included in production costs, and help enterprises establish corporate citizenship, there is no effective reduction in saving the mistake.
2. Resolve potential spatial patterns and social development in the pattern of the major waste problem. Effective emission reduction and to the relative concentration of industrial premise, the relative concentration of industries can generate specialized division of labor, increase efficiency, save energy; while birth clusters innovate and produce new technologies, new processes to reduce material consumption.
3. Foster vein industry to establish a complete industrial system. The public's understanding of circular economy is still in the surface, the basic understanding of the waste use, exhaust gas recycling and so on. The real economy should be like the human body circulation systems, if the industrial manufacturing system for the body than the arterial system, then we used the objects of industrial manufacture of recycling should be the same as the body's venous system. Recycling of industrial products --- "vein" industry should be a huge industry.
4. To develop low-carbon technologies to address the results of independent innovation and talent scarcity. Low-carbon technologies, including renewable energy and new energy sources, clean and efficient use of coal, oil and gas resources and exploration and development of coalbed methane, carbon dioxide capture and underground storage fields of the development of effective control of greenhouse gas emissions of new technologies. Must strengthen the capability of independent innovation, encourage enterprises to develop low carbon technologies and carbon products, integrated market of existing low-carbon technologies, to rapid diffusion and application.
Low-carbon economy, accelerate the development of cutting-edge technology needed a lot of talent and support scientific and technological achievements. Current Situation of new energy, for example, at present, China's wind power industry are long-term professional and technical training among the people no more than 50. In China, "Renewable Energy Law" two years later, North China Electric Power University, China had only established a Renewable Energy Institute. Moreover, the traditional evaluation of innovation certification system, the existence of some of the existing system can not explain the results of science can not identify an embarrassing situation. The next major scientific and technological achievements, it is likely to come from self-taught scientist, in the face of existing scientific system can not explain the results, should be taken to "the principle of non-consensus" of empirical methods need to be identified.
5. Speed up the construction of cultural and creative industries. Cultural and creative industries in technological innovation and R & D value chain of the high-end part, is a high value-added industries and low-carbon consumption in the green industry. To develop cultural and creative services, to create great wealth for the society, while avoiding excessive energy consumption and environmental pollution.
6. Sewage diversion from the rain to start, control urban pollution problems. County-level cities in China little rain and sewage diversion facilities, large and medium cities divert rain and sewage facilities, although the large volume of investment, the implementation has not gone far enough, resulting in a large number of sewage treatment plant for their labor is not the full implementation of stormwater and sewage separation measures " vote veto. "
7. China's energy structure from the start, to seize the key aspects of conflict in order to improve the efficiency of energy saving. The major form of China's energy consumption power consumption, heating and urban rural central heating consumption, energy consumption, 3 species of which about 68% of energy from various energy into electricity after consumption. In China, widespread low-power system operation and a serious waste of energy efficiency, particularly in two areas power distribution and power, energy-saving potential of a total 120 million kilowatts, accounting for 20% of China's electricity. Electricity distribution areas of focus to promote a major innovation projects can significantly improve energy efficiency reduction.
8. The core of a low carbon economy the way, is to build our country and the world of renewable energy
Source system, and ultimately by the "high-carbon" era of the "low-carbon" era of the cross, realize the harmonious development between man and nature.


今年会考低碳么?? 明天明天一定要保佑!!!!!!!!!