
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 06:54:59
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E-commerce infrastructure will increasingly perfect gradually tends to regulate,supporting environment for enterprise development,further expand the depth of e-commerce,personal participation in the depth of the electronic commerce will be expanding.Multimedia communication network,the image will be built,and irresistible trend,free broadband Internet will play more and more important role in China's e-commerce development,the network bottlenecks are expected to ease and solved step by step.China's e-commerce development will have good network platform and operation environment.E-commerce support environment is gradually tends to regulate and perfect.Anyhow,with the globalization of economy and information technology and the information industry,the rapid development of electronic commerce will become the hot,information exchange,first became the various countries' development industry departments concerned.China's e-commerce is still in the initial stage,face system,technology,management,but has many problems,such as taking gratifying step.We only have strategic and forward-looking vision,adapt to the trend of global economic integration,efforts to the development of e-commerce suited to the indefectible position.

E-commerce infrastructure will increasingly improve, support the gradual trend of environmental norms, the depth of e-business development and further expansion of the depth of individuals involved in...


E-commerce infrastructure will increasingly improve, support the gradual trend of environmental norms, the depth of e-business development and further expansion of the depth of individuals involved in e-commerce will also be expanded. Image communication network, multimedia communication network will be built to use, triple-play trend is irresistible, high-speed broadband Internet will play an increasingly important role in restricting the development of Chinese e-commerce is expected to ease network bottlenecks and gradually resolved. China e-commerce development will have a good network platform and operating environment. The trend in support of e-business environment to perfection. In short, with economic globalization and information technology and the rapid development of information industry, electronic commerce will become a hot exchange of information, as countries competed to develop the various industries the most concern. Although China is still in the initial stages of e-commerce is facing institutional, technical, management, many problems, but has taken a promising step. We only have a strategic and forward-looking vision, to adapt to global economic integration, efforts to develop appropriate national conditions of China e-commerce, be invincible.


E-commerce infrastructure will increasingly improve, the trend in support of environmental norms, the development of e-commerce enterprises to further expand the depth, the depth of personal participa...


E-commerce infrastructure will increasingly improve, the trend in support of environmental norms, the development of e-commerce enterprises to further expand the depth, the depth of personal participation in e-commerce will also be expanded. Image communication network, multimedia communication network will be built to use, triple-play trend is irresistible, high-speed broadband Internet will play an increasingly important role in restricting the development of Chinese e-commerce is expected to ease network bottlenecks and gradually resolved. The development of electronic commerce will have a good network platform and operating environment. The trend in support of e-business environment to perfection. In short, with economic globalization and information technology and information industries are rapidly Fa Zhan, electronic commerce will focus for future information exchanges, Cheng Wei rushed the development of all countries, all industries Bumen most concerned about the area. Although China is still in the initial stages of e-commerce is facing institutional, technical, management and many other issues, but has taken a welcome step. We only have a strategic and forward-looking vision, to adapt to the trend of global economic integration, efforts to develop e-commerce with China's national conditions, be invincible.


求英语高手帮忙翻译,急论文马上要交了电子商务的基础设施将日益完善,支撑环境逐步趋向规范,企业发展电子商务的深度进一步拓展,个人参与电子商务的深度也将得到拓展。图象通信网 中东是个多战争的地区 英文怎么说..急求.!急...如题明儿要交的论文..各位英文高手谁知道麻烦帮忙翻译下..不要机器直译的阿..无比感谢.. 求一位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章,急 求英语高手帮忙翻译下.小弟感激不尽.急OutofallthepeopleintheworldIamsoluckythatImeetyouYoumakemydaysbrighterYougivememanyreasonstosmileeverydayItisgreattoknowthatthereissomeonespeciallikeyououtthereYoureallystandoutinthecrowdandmakethe 英语翻译因为本人英文水平欠佳,而且论文马上就要交了,所以急求各位英文高手帮我翻译一下摘要和关键字.我向您保证一定会再加分的!P.S.希望各位英文高手能帮个忙,感激不尽!摘要(如果想 英语翻译马上要交论文,还不会翻译, 英语翻译论文马上要交了,可是本人英语很烂,不甚感激. 求英语高手,论文摘要翻译.拒绝翻译软件! 求英语高手来帮忙翻译,不要谷歌的,有朋友来帮忙嘛?论文摘要,十万火急明天就要交了啊! !5种粤北灵芝菌株的生物学特性研究摘要:本文根据不同的试验方案:碳源试验、氮源试验、光照试 求英语完型我们马上要交作业了 求英语高手帮忙翻译个人简历 英语作文急求高手帮忙看看有木有语法错误(只有那么多分了,本人英语不好,写得不好,求大神指点应该怎么改进好,明天要交,感激不尽.特意回答问题赚了点分,感激不尽 求英文高手帮忙翻译 小弟谢谢各位啦~!基于EDA技术PCB印制电路板的制作工序流程数字控制系统设计与VHDL建模 下午就要交论文了~~~帮帮忙吧 谢谢大家了! 求英语达人!帮忙翻译论文摘要,汉译英,谢谢了! 帮忙翻译“不等式在中学数学中的应用”.求英语高手.急 The Creation of English Language Circumstance怎么翻译?这是我的论文题目,马上就要交了,跪求各位大师帮帮忙,拜托了~ 明天要交上去,急!求帮忙,谢谢了 急求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几段话(中译英),请不要用在线翻译等,另外我是新手,没有分了,对不起