
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 23:49:09
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Water is very important for us to human beings,Not only can use it to wash the thing,the most important is it can maintain our life,No water,there would be no life on the earth,and,therefore,the water is very important.

All we ask "water, water!" when we are in a crucial condition. How many lives are saved with water? It seems more important then food. Indeed we rely on water in everying of our life, drinking, washin...


All we ask "water, water!" when we are in a crucial condition. How many lives are saved with water? It seems more important then food. Indeed we rely on water in everying of our life, drinking, washing, watering plants, hospital and industrial usages etc. However, Its resource is limited. The consumption of water is increased dramativally with increase of population. Water resourse is becoming worse and worse. Therefore in order to make our life and our earth better, we must do something to save it. Water is our future.


1 Aswecansee,theworldpopulationisgrowingrapidlydaybyday.Soenoughfreshwaterisneededtofeedsuchabigpopulation.What'smore,withthedevelopmentofindustry,factoriesandvehiclesproducepoisonousgasesorwast...


1 Aswecansee,theworldpopulationisgrowingrapidlydaybyday.Soenoughfreshwaterisneededtofeedsuchabigpopulation.What'smore,withthedevelopmentofindustry,factoriesandvehiclesproducepoisonousgasesorwastes,er.Thoughfresh,agoodamountofitcannolongerbeused.Onlyquitelimitedfreshwaterresourceisavailabletohumanbeings.Soit'shightimeforushumanbeingstotakequickactiontoprotectwaterresource.Stoppollutionandsavewater,otherwise,wecannotsurviveontheearth
2 All we ask "water, water!" when we are in a crucial condition. How many lives are saved with water? It seems more important then food. Indeed we rely on water in everying of our life, drinking, washing, watering plants, hospital and industrial usages etc. However, Its resource is limited. The consumption of water is increased dramativally with increase of population. Water resourse is becoming worse and worse. Therefore in order to make our life and our earth better, we must do something to save it. Water is our future.

