
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 05:37:57
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"Life is only for a person".If in your life you had a chance to seize everything you ever wanted ,then what will you .Would you capture it or just let it slip?
Life `s only for a person,thought of this word,if you were a hero,you would create more great accomplishments; If you were scholar,you would get higher learning; If you loved some person,would be bold to tell her.Cause the day that passes by is no longer back.and life that passes by is no longer back,too.then all will be disappearing.an unfinished book,an incomplete word,and a cup of unfinished coffee ,and you have never a chance to achieve them.This precious life,you must grasp it well!Whatever the outcome would be,time brings a great change to the world.As all is over,those past will become a charming scenery in your life.
"Life is only for a person",people was born into this world in a hurry only once,Each one of us should have our own objective .Assuming we fought for what we should fight,and we strived for what we should strive,but also we can't achieve what we desire .If we can change an angle of view to think:In the lifetime,how many dreams that we cannot achieve ,how many goals is too difficult to achieve.At least,after all,we will not shame for doing nothing,and remorse for wasting time .
"Life is only for a person",to live with ease,live free and easy,you have to "remember what should be remembered,and forget what should be forgotten.change what is changeable,and accept what is unchangble." Only in this way you will find out yourself full of individual character and fresh!

"So people life". If in your life you have one chance, to make you most want to realize it, then you will be ...? Grasp it, or just let it slip away?
People 's life, thought of this remark, if you are a hero, they will have to create more great things; if I were a scholar, will get more knowledge; if you love someone, then tell her. Because the past will never come back; this life the past, nothing disappeared. A book before the end of the book, a still not finished it, a cup of your coffee, he never got the chance. This precious life, and you must hold it well! Whatever the outcome, the passage of time, however, when everything is past tense, the past will become my life a charming scenery.
People 's life, people come to this world hurriedly again, every one of us should have a goal. If the struggling us to struggle, the struggle of the us to struggle, but also not have got one's wish. Whether we can change an angle to think: a life, how many dreams is we can not realize, how many target is difficult to achieve. At least, until all the past, will not be because Liuliumowei shame and remorse, due to waste one's life.
So people life, want to live easily, live free and easy, you should" remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. The change can change, acceptance can not be changed." Only in this way, you will live a rich personality of new self!
" Life is only for a person in your life you ." " If had a chance to seize everything you ever wanted, then what will you capture it ... Would you? Or just let it slip?
Life ` s only for a person, thought of this word, if you were a hero, you would create more great accomplishments; If you were scholar, you would get higher learning; If you loved some person, would be bold to tell her . Cause the day that passes by is no longer and life that back. Passes by is no longer back, too . Then all will be disappearing . An unfinished book, an incomplete word, and a cup of unfinished coffee, and you have never a chance to achieve them . This precious life, you must grasp it well Whatever the outcome! Would be, time brings a great change to the world the. As all is over, those past will become a charming scenery in your life.
" Life is only for a person" people was born into, this world in a hurry only once, Each one of us should have our own objective. Assuming we fought for what we should fight, and we strived for what we should strive, but also we can ' t achieve what we desire If we can change. An angle of view to think: In the lifetime, how many dreams that we cannot achieve, how many goals is too difficult to achieve . At least, after all, we will not shame for doing nothing, and remorse for wasting time.
" Life is only for a person", to live with ease, live free and easy, you have to" remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten . Change what is changeable, and accept what is unchangble." Only in this way you will find out yourself full of individual character and fresh!

英语翻译“人就这么一生”.如果在你的生命里你有一次机会,去实现你最想实现的那件事,那么你将会……?抓住它,还是让它溜走?人就这么一生,想到了这句话,如果你是英雄,便要创造更伟大的 如果每一生只想你在我喜欢的世界,你就会没有爱过. 生命的意义,人生的目标人生在世,短短几十年,我们应该怎样度过自己的一生呢?请求圣人指点,如果老天你正好也在上网, 当你解答了生命的一切奥秘,你就渴望死亡,因为它不过是生命的另一个奥秘.那时,死亡反而变得令人仰止,渴望死亡,追求死亡.生命反因死亡而延续,因毁灭而永生.人的一生不过就是在为死亡的 人的生命只有一次按照现在的说法人的生命都只有一次,那为什么有的人一生下来就衣食无忧,想干什么干什么,而有的人一生下来饭都吃不饱.这是为什么,这么不平等?还有,生命的意义是什么, 为什么人的生命就这么短暂呢? 英语翻译如果有来生,我要做你的妹妹.一出生我就可以看到你,从出生的那刻,你就注定要哄着我走过这一生,从出生那刻,你就注定要牵着我的手走过这一生.如果有来生,我要做你的妹妹,我要让 如果没有阳光和空气,就没有生命!的英语翻译 有的人注定在一个偶然出现在你的生命里,却要你用一生的时间来将他遗忘出自? 英语翻译你是我见过最善良的女孩,你如此的美丽让我忘乎所以,从我见到你的第一次 就觉得我们似曾相识 我愿意我用我的一生陪伴在你的身旁如果你愿意的话.我能想到最浪漫的事就是和你 水木年华的《一生有你》水木年华的一生有你,里面的歌词:多少人曾爱慕你年轻时的容颜,可知谁愿承受岁月无情的变迁?多少人曾在你生命中来了又还,可直一生有你我都陪在你身边.是从一 那些出現在你生命中的人?什麽是會陪你走完這一生的 誰又是過客?怎么區分?然後怎么接受他們消失在你的生命中? 英语翻译『当所有一切都已看平淡,是否有一种精致还留在心间,多少人曾爱慕你年轻时的容颜,可是谁能承受岁月无情的变迁,多少人曾在你生命中来了又还(huan),可知一生有你我都陪在你身 英语翻译“如果你能读懂我一些,我就不会像现在这么累了” 英语翻译人最宝贵的是生命.它给予我们只有一次.人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事时不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞耻.这样在他临死的时侯就能够说:“我已把我整个的生命 英语翻译人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命属于我们只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事时他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧。这样在他临死的时候就能够说:我已把 名字中带L或Y这个字母的人一生都会很顺利,因为这两个字母两头相遇后就再也没有分开过,如果你生命中遇到一个名字里面带L或Y的人那么就转发,没看懂这句话, 帮忙中译英一句话“如果你把她当做和你携手走过一生的人,就不要焦急于眼前的短暂时光.”