高分求英语翻译,机器翻译绕行1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送.(建立文件中转站解决)2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:58:59
高分求英语翻译,机器翻译绕行1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送.(建立文件中转站解决)2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可
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高分求英语翻译,机器翻译绕行1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送.(建立文件中转站解决)2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可
1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送.(建立文件中转站解决)
2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)
3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可在中国国内购买,从日本进口价格贵而且周期长.(待解决)
4. 可否使用类似于MSN的公司内部与日本的沟通软件,进行即时联系.提高工作效率

高分求英语翻译,机器翻译绕行1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送.(建立文件中转站解决)2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可
During contacting with Japan side large capacity of E-mails can not be transferred.(It has been solved by establishing a file transfer station)
2.There are too much formalities in the commodity import and export(Under the coordinating and solving process with express companies)
3.Is it possible to purchase printing materials (such as printing paper)in China because purchasing from Japan is more expensive and time consuming.(To be solved)
4.Is it possible to use a communication software like MSN to communicate inside of the company and with Japan side,so as to establish real time contact and enhance the working efficiency [Sometime telephone call seems to be intrusive and E-mail has a bit slower response time](It’s a proposal)

1. In contacts with the Japanese side, large-capacity e-mail can not be sent. (Creation of the file transfer station settlement)
2. Goods, import and export formalities too much (with the courier...


1. In contacts with the Japanese side, large-capacity e-mail can not be sent. (Creation of the file transfer station settlement)
2. Goods, import and export formalities too much (with the courier company coordination to solve)
3. Some print materials like paper 【Print】 whether to buy in China, imported from Japan more expensive and a long cycle. (To be resolved)
4. Can I use like MSN, with Japan's internal communication software, instant contact. Improve work efficiency
【Phone sometimes too intrusive and e-mail reply cycle is too slow】 (proposed)


1 During the contact with the Japanese side , large files are not able to send. (it can be fixed by building file transfer)
2import and export formalities of goods are too many (coordinating with ...


1 During the contact with the Japanese side , large files are not able to send. (it can be fixed by building file transfer)
2import and export formalities of goods are too many (coordinating with express company)
3 part of the printing material such as typing paper in China can be purchased or not. the price import from Japan take a long period and is expensive. (need to be solved)
4 the possibly of using similar to the MSN's software which can be used in the company for communicating in real-time with Japanese part, so that is can improve work efficiency of the company.
The telephone is too liberty and E-mail takes too much time.


1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送。(建立文件中转站解决)
2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)
3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可在中国国内购买,从日本进口价格贵而且周期长。(待解决)
4. 可否使用类似于MSN的公司内部与日本的沟通软件,进行即时联系。提高工作效率
1.In co...


1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送。(建立文件中转站解决)
2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)
3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可在中国国内购买,从日本进口价格贵而且周期长。(待解决)
4. 可否使用类似于MSN的公司内部与日本的沟通软件,进行即时联系。提高工作效率
1.In contact with Japanese, emails with large capacity always fail in delivery. ( settled by building file transmission hub)
2.There are too many procedures in the import and export of cargos.(settled by coordinating with respective express companies)
3.Some of print materials( such as printingpaper) is suggested to be sourced in China instead of Japan, which cost more money and time.( waiting)
4.A msn-based communication software is suggested to be used in the contact with Japan or internally for the promotion of working efficiency.


高分求英语翻译,机器翻译绕行1. 在与日方联系中,大容量邮件不能够发送.(建立文件中转站解决)2. 货物进出口手续过多(与各快递公司协调解决中)3. 部分打印材料【打印纸之类】是否可 英语翻译求专业人士 非专请绕行 英语翻译软件绕行,准确 商务英语翻译 翻译器绕行. 求英语大神把这段中文写成英文,不要在线机器翻译.高分,在线等. 高分急求英语翻译,机器翻译的不要,好的话追加2.12每日下班前,我都要在监盘人陪同下盘点保险柜的现金实存数,同时编制“库存现金盘点表”(格式参见下图),分币种、面值列示盘点金额.盘 跪求《过秦论》与《六国论》区别的论文,高分高分高分高分高分高分!跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求跪求! 英语翻译1、用手写板输入汉字的工作流程.2、机器翻译的工作流程.3、在与ELIZA交流的过程中你发现了哪些破绽?4、什么是人工智能?有哪些研究领域?5、你还能举出一些人工智能工具在我们日 哥们 英语翻译 是不是机器翻译的? 2011年六月六级听力passage部分第二篇.求大神翻译帮助(机器翻译绕行)Passage Two  Somehow theold male and female stereotypes no longer fit. Men and women in this countryhaven’t been fulfillingtheir traditional roles for 在线求 英语翻译~, 高分~在线PM我. 英语翻译为此,立约双方代表在本协议上各自签字并加盖公章以资证明,并自签字之日起生效.机器翻译的就不劳您大驾了 在基尔霍夫电压定律中,如果电动势的方向与绕行方向相反,是不是取负号? 英语翻译机器翻译、google翻译请绕行! 英语翻译不会者绕行,不要不懂装懂! 英语翻译想过有我的未来吗?别去用机器翻译那些都不对,求人工翻译. 英语翻译我自己查过了,感觉机器翻译的好像不对,求人工翻译 英语翻译,请不要使用机器翻译.我去年在市英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖