半命题英语作文smile to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 17:14:29
半命题英语作文smile to
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半命题英语作文smile to
半命题英语作文smile to

半命题英语作文smile to
Smile to life
Life can be easy and life can be hard,but not matter what,when you smile,it will get better.When I was just a little kid,I loved candies so much that I cannot stop eating them.My parents worried about my teeth so that they decided not to keep any candies at our home.This was a big problem for me at first since I cannot get candies.However,I figured out a way very soon to solve this problem--I asked for candies from our neighbors,of course,with a big smile and this worked every time.Later,I heard a saying that "you could get away with anything if you smile".I guess that is right!
Now that I'm older,my problems grew bigger too.They are much more than not having enough candies.It seems that I can never read enough books to get high enough scores.Every morning,I make myself stand in front of the miror and then give myself a big smile.Somehow,this routine always cheers me up.It feels like that I can decide to be happy or not happy and I'm capable of controling my own mood.
And as time goes on,I will get older and older,and the problems that I will face with will get bigger and bigger.I'm not sure that I will always have the perfect solution to every one of the problems,however,I know one thing,that is I can always smile to the problems,to myself,and to life.

当你朝太阳奔去,为寻找那份唯美的幸福时,你发现你身边的那份永不消失的爱了吗? When you run towards the sun, looking for the beautiful happiness, you find you that forever love? 岁月飞逝,时光偷偷地溜走,但它却一直坚守在你的身边,不管你与它是否在两个永无交集的世界。那份爱有着一个朴实的名字——父亲...


当你朝太阳奔去,为寻找那份唯美的幸福时,你发现你身边的那份永不消失的爱了吗? When you run towards the sun, looking for the beautiful happiness, you find you that forever love? 岁月飞逝,时光偷偷地溜走,但它却一直坚守在你的身边,不管你与它是否在两个永无交集的世界。那份爱有着一个朴实的名字——父亲。 Time flies, time to sneak away, but it remained in your side, no matter you and whether it in two never intersect world. The love is a plain name -- father. 当你在梦想中翻寻,尝试着去做任何事情,让青春的经历在你钟爱的梦想中沸腾,当失败打击了你那片赤诚的心后,他就会像复燃的火焰温暖你冷却的心,让你的血液重新沸腾,让你重新站立,去寻找下一个梦想。 When you dream of searching, try to do anything, let youth experience in your favorite dream boiling, when failure to hit your sincere heart, he will be like a reignition flame to warm you cool heart, let your blood to boil, allowing you to stand, to looking for a dream. 这份爱总在你最需要安慰、鼓励时,出现在你身旁,为你分忧解难。他总不求任何回报地为你付出,那是因为你是他世界中的唯一。 The love you most in need of comfort, encourage, appear beside you, for your Fenyou problem solving. He always does not seek anything in return for you, it is because you are in his world only. 这份爱是你哀伤时最好的创伤药,苦闷时最好的倾诉者,临难时最好的避风港。它使你的生活中永远充满甜美的欢笑,因为你所有的悲伤与不愉快,他都会替你分担。 This love is your sorrow is the best remedy, dejected when best to talk, stay calm in face of disasters is the best shelter. It makes your life filled with sweet laughter, because of all your sad and unhappy, he will share for you. 他最爱做的一件事,就是看着你笑,你笑了,他付出的再多也无怨无悔。所以让我们每天给父亲一个最美的微笑吧!因为他——父亲,在无声地为你奉献了一份永不消逝的爱! He love to do one thing, is to see you laugh, you laugh, he pay more and no regrets. So let us give father a beautiful smile! Because he -- father, in silence to give you an eternal love!


Smile to life
Life can be easy and life can be hard, but not matter what, when you smile, it will get better. When I was just a little kid, I loved candies so much that I cannot stop eating them....


Smile to life
Life can be easy and life can be hard, but not matter what, when you smile, it will get better. When I was just a little kid, I loved candies so much that I cannot stop eating them. My parents worried about my teeth so that they decided not to keep any candies at our home. This was a big problem for me at first since I cannot get candies. However, I figured out a way very soon to solve this problem--I asked for candies from our neighbors, of course, with a big smile and this worked every time. Later, I heard a saying that "you could get away with anything if you smile". I guess that is right!
Now that I'm older, my problems grew bigger too. They are much more than not having enough candies. It seems that I can never read enough books to get high enough scores. Every morning, I make myself stand in front of the miror and then give myself a big smile. Somehow, this routine always cheers me up. It feels like that I can decide to be happy or not happy and I'm capable of controling my own mood.
And as time goes on, I will get older and older, and the problems that I will face with will get bigger and bigger. I'm not sure that I will always have the perfect solution to every one of the problems, however, I know one thing, that is I can always smile to the problems, to myself, and to life.


Learn To Smile
Smile, how warm the word is! It can make anyone happy. And this happiness is from the bottom of heart.
It’s not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your h...


Learn To Smile
Smile, how warm the word is! It can make anyone happy. And this happiness is from the bottom of heart.
It’s not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm.
Mother’s smile is like a spring wind, so gentle when you are sad, it can make you happy again; when you fail, it can make you stand up and work hard again; when you give up, it can make you try your best again…
Smile, so easy, but also so useful.
| So, let’s learn to smile. Everyone needs others’ smile. When we give others a smile, we will feel happy, too. And maybe next time, when you need a smile, the person who received your smile will give it to you.
Let’s learn to smile often, I believe it can even make the whole warm. Living with a smile, every day will be sunshine

