谁来帮我翻译这三段专业英语,不要用翻译软件,谢谢,急用Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays passthrough the body, they

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:30:12
谁来帮我翻译这三段专业英语,不要用翻译软件,谢谢,急用Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays passthrough the body, they
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谁来帮我翻译这三段专业英语,不要用翻译软件,谢谢,急用Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays passthrough the body, they
Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]
scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays pass
through the body, they are absorbed by tissue so that an overall ‘‘mean attenuation’’
image results along the ray path. Spatial resolution is not determined by wavelength
but by focal spot size of the x-ray tube and scatter from tissue; the state of the art is
about 1 mm as of this writing. Radioactive contrast agents can be ingested or injected
to improve visualization of vessels. Though exposures are short, x-rays are a form of
ionizing radiation, so that dosage effects can be cumulative and extra precautions are
needed for sensitive organs such as eyes and for pregnancies.
CT equipment is large and stationary so that a person can fit inside, and as a result,
it is relatively expensive to operate. Consecutive pictures of a moving heart are now
achievable through synchronization to ECG signals. The resolution of CT images is
typically 1 mm. CT scanning creates superb images of the brain, bone, lungs, and soft
tissue, making it complementary to ultrasound.
Although the taking of CT images requires training, it is not difficult. Interpre-
tation of CT cross-sectional images demands considerable experience for definitive

谁来帮我翻译这三段专业英语,不要用翻译软件,谢谢,急用Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays passthrough the body, they
计算机断层扫描(CT) [也被称为轴向计算层析成象技术(CAT)]利用X射线,已在第十五章介绍过.当X射线通过人体时被组织吸收,这样全部的“平均衰减”图像便沿着射线路径.空间解析度不是由波长决定,而是由X射线管的焦点大小决定,它们从组织分散开;目前的工艺水平是1毫米(本文提到的).放射性造影剂能够被吸收或注入以改进血管成像.虽然只是短暂的暴露,但X射线是一种电离辐射,影响会积累,所以针对敏感组织如眼睛以及孕妇需要特别的防护措施.

谁来帮我翻译一段专业英语,急用,不要用翻译软件There are fundamentally two types of optical scattering for diagnostics and monitor-ing: elastic and inelastic. The elastic scattering can be described using Mie theory (orRayleigh scat “我不要上课”用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译就是讲在外贸企业中的会计,应该怎么翻译?不要乱答啊,我英语也不错的,是问下专业的翻译我等不了一天,现在就要哈 谁来帮我翻译这三段专业英语,不要用翻译软件,谢谢,急用Computed tomography (CT) [also known as computed axial tomography (CAT)]scanning involves x-rays and has been described in Chapter 15. As the x-rays passthrough the body, they 英语翻译瓜子链,钢丝绳成套索具,钢丝绳压制吊具 怎么翻译是专业的翻译吗 我不要用软件翻译出来的 谁能帮忙翻译下这几句英语的大体意思,不要用翻译器翻译,是机械专业英语!1.Leak check with helium,total leak rate 英语翻译不要用翻译软件哦、物流——Logistics不要翻译软件,、T 我F了。可有专业一点的人 英语翻译大学 翻译专业 一班 请用英语说 “你眼里的我”英语怎么翻译?不要用百度翻译谷歌翻译等等谢谢! 请高手帮忙翻译这句“Nonproteolytic Functions of Ubiquitin in Cell Signaling” 谢谢啦请不要用机器翻译,我需要专业点的人工翻译... 英语翻译如题.请回答得专业点。不要自己想,也不要用翻译工具。 我选择这个职业的原因是我所学的专业是这个,用英语怎么翻译 “我伤不起”用英语怎么说?不要百度翻译的! 加重环境污染 用英语怎么说..我不要网络自动翻译.. 不要再说离开我的话,好吗用英语怎么翻译 我不要爱怎么翻译.英语. 不要和我说话 英语怎么翻译 英语翻译北京市朝阳区高碑店村通惠灌渠北岸(水乡茶楼街)5—7号楼 100020麻烦各位英语大侠帮忙翻译一下这个地址麻烦不要用百度翻译,求一个专业的翻译,作名片用,