get over与get out的区别

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get over与get out的区别
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get over与get out的区别
get over与get out的区别

get over与get out的区别
get over的主要意思及用法:
1) get over sth
overcome,surmount or master sth 克服; 战胜; 掌握:
* She can't get over her shyness.她克服不掉羞怯感.
* I can't get over (ie I'm still amazed by) how much your children have grown.我一直在想你的孩子竟长这麽大了.
* I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.我认为问题不太难解决.
2) get over sth/sb
return to one's usual state of health,happiness,etc after an illness,a shock,the end of a relationship with sb,etc 恢复常态(如病后、 受惊之后、 结束与某人的某种关系后等):
* He was disappointed at not getting the job,but he'll get over it.他因没有得到那份工作而大失所望,不过他能想得开.
* He never got over the shock of losing his wife.他失去妻子后便一蹶不振.
* I was still getting over Peter when I met and fell in love with Harry.我与彼得情思未断之际,却遇上了哈里又生恋情.
3) get sth over (to sb)
make sth clear to sb; communicate sth to sb 向某人讲清某事; 向某人表达某事:
* She didn't really get her meaning over to her audience.她并未真正把意思向听众讲清楚.
4) get sth over (with) (infml 口)
complete sth unpleasant but necessary 完成或结束必须做的讨厌事:
* She'll be glad to get the exam over (and done) with.考试结束后她就高兴了.
get out的主要意思及用法:
1) get out become known 泄露:
* The secret got out.秘密泄露了.
* If the news gets out there'll be trouble.消息若泄露,必将有后患.
2) get (sb) out (in cricket) be dismissed or dismiss sb (板球中)出局,使某人出局:
* How did Gatting get out?加廷是怎麽出局的?
* If England can get Richards out they might win the match.英格兰队要是能使理查兹出局,他们就可能赢.
3) get sth out
(a) produce or publish sth 生产; 出版:
* Will we get the new dictionary out by the end of the year?咱们的新词典能在年底出版吗?
(b) say or utter sth with difficulty 勉强说出某事:
* She managed to get out a few words of thanks.她勉为其难地说出了几句道谢的话.
4) get out (of sth) leave a place,esp in order to visit places,meet people,etc 出外走动(尤指参观、 会友等):
You ought to get out (of the house) more.你应该多出去走走.
* We love to get out into the countryside at weekends.我们周末爱到郊外去玩儿.
5) get out of sth/doing sth
(a) avoid (a responsibility or duty); not do sth that one ought to do 逃避(责任或义务); 不做分内事:
* I wish I could get out of (going to) that meeting.但愿我能不(去)参加那个会议.
* Don't you dare try and get out of the washing-up!你敢逃避洗碗碟!
(b) (cause sb to) abandon,lose or give up (a habit,routine,etc) (使某人)放弃、 停止或戒除(习惯、 常规等):
* I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning.我早上一到六点就醒,这习惯改不掉了.
* Smoking is a habit she can't get out of.她抽烟成瘾,戒不掉了.
6) get sth out of sb extract or obtain sth from sb,esp by force 从某人处抽取或获得某物(尤指强迫):
* The police have got a confession out of her,ie have made her confess.警方逼她招了供.* Just try getting money out of him!ie He is very mean.你试试看,叫他掏腰包!
7) get sth out of sb/sth gain or obtain sth from sb/sth 从某人[某事物]处得到或获得:
* She seems to get a lot out of life.她生活似乎十分丰富.
* I never get much from his lectures.我听他的课从未得到过什麽教益.
* She always gets the best out of people.她一向善於用人.
