如何翻译下面一段文字?急~~~ The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts has found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 19

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 00:42:41
如何翻译下面一段文字?急~~~     The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts has found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 19
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如何翻译下面一段文字?急~~~ The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts has found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 19
     The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts has found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 1952 to find out the change in her pronunciation from the noble Upper Received to the Standard Received. Jonathan Harrington, a professor at Germany’s University of Munich, wanted to discover whether accent (口音) changes recorded over the past half century would take place within one person. “As far as I know, there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort of broadcast records,” he said. He said the noble way of pronouncing vowels (元音) had gradually lost ground as the noble upper-class accent over the past years. “Her accent sounds slightly less noble than it did 50 years ago. But these are very, very small and slow changes that we don’t notice from year to year.” “We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes,” he told The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper. “In 1952 she would have been heard saying ‘thet men in the bleck het’. Now it would be ‘that man in the black hat’. Similarly she would have spoken of ‘the citay’ and ‘dutay’, rather than ‘citee’ and ‘dutee’, and ‘hame’ rather than ‘home’. In the 1950s she would have been ‘lorst’, but by the 1970s ‘lost’.” The Queen’s broadcast is a personal message to the  Commonwealth  countries.  Each  Christmas,  the10-minute broadcast is put on TV at 3 pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch (传统火鸡午餐). The results were published (发表) in the Journal of Phonetics.

如何翻译下面一段文字?急~~~ The Queen’s English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queen’s Christmas broadcasts has found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 19
一个关于英国女王圣诞节广播的科学研究发现:女王的英语如今听起来不再那么高等了.研究者们对女王自1952年以来对英国联邦做的每一次公开发言来研究她的高贵的贵族发音是怎么变成一般公众发音的.慕尼黑德国大学的教授乔纳森-哈林顿,希望发现在过去半个世纪有记录的口音的改变是否会发生在某个人身上.“就我目前的发现,没有其他人会有如此多这方面的发言记录(语音方面),”他说.他说对于重读元音发音的高贵方式近几年已经逐渐从上等社会逐渐消失.“她的发音稍微没有50年前那么高贵了.但是在每一年我们都不会注意那些细微缓慢的变化.”“我们可能可以将它联系到社会地位的变化,”他对英国一份报纸--每日电讯说.“在1952年她可能会听说(旧式读音的):‘戴黑色帽子的男士’,现在却可能是‘那个戴黑帽子的男人’.同样的她可能说过‘the citay’和‘dutay’,而不是citee’和‘dutee’,说过’hame’而不是‘home’.在1950年代她可能会说‘lorst’,而不是1970年代的‘lost’.”(这一句基本都是关于到英文发音的,所以单词没有翻).英国女王的广播是她个人讲给整个英国联邦的.每个圣诞节,当下午三点很多家庭在享用他们传统的火鸡午餐时,这个十分钟的广播就会在电视上播出.这个结果是由语音学杂志发表的.